USA Today analyzes whether the United States can still be an effective peace broker between Israelis and despite events that have deteriorated the standing of the U.S. in the region in the light of the current trip by President Bush to the region (2.) The Washington Times looks at how tunnels from the Sinai into southern Gaza are able to sustain a basic economy in the strip (4.) A Baltimore Sun opinion by Emily Hauser examines how the volatility and steady rise in the price of oil is linked continuing Israeli-Palestinian tensions (6.) The Christian Science Monitor gauges the reactions of Gazans to the Bush Mideast visit (7.) Also in the Monitor is an opinion by former Mideast correspondent George Moffett in which he outlines Israel's interests in a 2-state solution and the importance of the U.S. in reaching one (8.) A Financial Times (UK) opinion by Zbigniew Brzezinski urges President Bush,as the leader of the only nation able to do so, to spell out the framework of a comprehensive Mideast peace based on four principles (10.) In a Times (UK) comment, Stefanie Marsh encounters despondency and hopelessness during a visit to Gaza (12.) An Arab News (Saudi Arabia) editorial is skeptical of President Bush's ability to achieve a legacy with Israeli-Palestinian peace (14.) In Miftah (Palestine) Joharah Baker is doubtful that the visit of President Bush will yield anything tangible for the Palestinians (15.) A Haaretz (Israel) editorial concludes that the Bush trip is meaningless if facts on the ground, such as outposts, are not being addressed (16.)

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