Reuters reports on Egypt's attempts to begin closing the Gaza border breach and Hamas actions challenging these attempts (1.) The Christian Science Monitor examines how the breaching of the Gaza border into Egypt has resulted in political jockeying over responsibility for Gaza's future (3.) A Boston Globe editorial is critical of the collective punishment of Gaza's population as a counterproductive policy driving the population into the arms of Hamas and discrediting the Palestinian government (4.) The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (6) and BBC (8) examine the new strategic considerations for Israel as a result of the Gaza situation. The Economist (UK) analyzes the unintended consequences of Israel's Gaza policy to-date (9.) An Independent (UK) opinion by Mary Dejevsky gives an Israeli perspective from the border town of Sderot on the impact of Palestinian militant rocket fire on life there (10.) Haaretz (Israel) looks at a public dispute between Israel's current and former ambassador to the U.S. over how good an Obama presidency would be for Israel (11.) Also in Haaretz, Amos Harel and Avi Issacharaoff analyze how Hamas' breach of the Gaza border was a political outmaneuvering of Israel (13.) Arab News (Saudi Arabia) reviews Israeli press reporting on Hamas' Gaza border breach (15.)

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