A Middle East Times editorial argues that the Bush initiative for Mideast peace is the only game in town despite the many challenges (3.) The Forward identifies the weakness of both the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships as being the main obstacle to the peace accord promised by President Bush by the end of 2008 (5.) The Economist (UK) analyzes Arab reaction to the recent Bush Mideast visit (7.) A Gulf News (UAE) opinion by ATFP president Dr. Ziad Asali urges silent majorities on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to seize their future destiny from extremists (9.) A Haaretz (Israel) opinion by Yoel Marcus is critical of the Yisrael Beiteinu party for leaving the Israeli government coalition (11.) A Jerusalem Post (Israel) opinion by Gershon Baskin lays out in detail what an Israeli-Palestinian permanent status agreement would look like on all the core issues (13.)

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