Press Release
Contact Information: Tala Haikal
June 19, 2013 - 12:00am
June 19, Washington DC -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) reiterates its concern about ongoing and escalating violence against Palestinians by Israeli extremists, and welcomes statements condemning these attacks by Israeli officials and leading Jewish-American groups. Following the "price tag" attack on the village of Abu Ghosh, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, "What happened today in Abu Ghosh goes against Judaism's mitzvot and against the values of our people and our state." Numerous other leading Israeli figures also condemned the violence.
ATFP notes that several leading Jewish-American organizations have also spoken out against the Abu Ghosh attack and "price tag" violence in general. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a statement saying "price tag" incidents by Israeli extremists "have been going on for too long." The American Jewish Committee (AJC) "urged Israeli authorities to further intensify efforts to apprehend and bring to justice the perpetrators of the so-called 'price tag' attacks." Americans for Peace Now (APN) has issued an important timeline, derived from Israeli sources, illustrating the escalation of "price tag" attacks and saying "according to the Shin Bet, the right-wing extremists no longer appear to need a 'trigger' to take action, while the targets of the violence are also widening..."
ATFP President Ziad J. Asali said, "It is significant that Israeli officials, Jewish-American groups and many others are condemning this extremist violence. They are to be commended for taking a strong stance against vigilante hooliganism and lawlessness. ATFP has always opposed violence of all kinds, no matter who the victims or perpetrators might be."
The Abu Ghosh incident shows "price tag" attacks are not only ongoing, or restricted to the West Bank, but are also being increasingly targeted at Palestinian citizens of Israel. ATFP noted yet another "price tag" incident on Tuesday when extremist settlers reportedly attacked a village near Nablus in the occupied West Bank. 
Dr. Asali said, "The problem of 'price tag' violence is alarming, and is exacerbating tensions on the ground. All people of goodwill, and particularly those committed to achieving peace and coexistence between Israel and the Palestinians, need to continue to take a firm stand against it. We urge the Israeli authorities to spare no effort in preventing these unconscionable attacks against innocent Palestinians and enforcing law and order."


American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017