Press Release
Contact Information: Hussein Ibish
October 22, 2008 - 12:00am
On October 15, Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) convened a panel to discuss the Palestine Investment Conference held in Bethlehem in May 2008. The purpose of the event was to discuss the process of organizing this unique conference including the roles played by BAH and the US-Palestinian Partnership.
ATFP President Ziad Asali, joined a distinguished panel with Andrea McDaniel, Director of Private Sector Outreach at the State Department, Toni Verstandig, Senior Policy Advisor to the Aspen Institute Middle East Strategy Group, and George Salem, ATFP Board Member and Strategic Advisor to DLA Piper. The panel, moderated by BAH Associate Cheryl Steele, discussed different perspectives on the conference, including highlights, outcomes, and implications for the future of the Palestinian economy.

Dr. Asali told the audience of BAH associates and consultants about the successes and challenges leading up to the conference and focused his presentation on the task of ensuring access, mobility, and respectful treatment for the conference attendees. This required close coordination between the government of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and the conference organizers in a limited amount of time. Dr. Asali pointed to the success achieved in this process as a positive sign for possibilities of cooperation on access and mobility in the future.
The Palestine Investment Conference was hosted by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and the Palestinian Authority, and was supported by the US-Palestinian Partnership and BAH. With over one thousand attendees and over $1.4 billion in investment transactions, the conference was a resounding success and a sign that “Palestine is open for Business.”