Press Release
Contact Information: Hussein Ibish
June 21, 2007 - 12:00am

Washington, D.C., June 22 – The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) today expressed deep concern over the serious implications from the military take-over in Gaza. ATFP declares its full support for President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad as they pursue Palestinian unity, independence and statehood.

ATFP urges the Bush administration to initiate prompt implementation of political and economic policies that help lay the foundation of a future state of Palestine.

ATFP submits that the following critical issues must be clearly and expeditiously addressed in order to preserve the Palestinian statehood project:

  • The inviolability of the unity of the Palestinian people and of the political unity of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
  • An avoidance of any form of factionalism by the new government.
  • A clear commitment by the Palestinian leadership for the rule of law, transparency and accountability as one nation under one flag and a rejection of fanaticism, corruption and militancy by truly addressing past governance mistakes.
  • A serious building of Palestinian state and party institutions in accordance with established principles of democracy, equity and transparency.
  • An end to all militias and the establishment of a uniform and apolitical national guard, with loyalty only to the legitimate Palestinian Authority and devotion to safeguarding the interests of all Palestinian citizens.
  • A process to establish meaningful power-sharing among all Palestinians based on an acceptance of the principles of one authority and a negotiated settlement with Israel in the context of two states, Israel and Palestine, living in peace and security.
  • An end to the international aid embargo of the Palestinians and a release of all Palestinian tax revenues held by Israel, coupled with a recognition of the authority of the new Palestinian government to disburse the funds as it sees fit in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • A continuation of humanitarian assistance to the 1.5 million civilians of Gaza without any form of restriction.
  • An end to Israeli restrictions on internal Palestinian movement, a release of prisoners, a freezing of settlements, and a removal of settlement outposts.
  • The beginning of serious negotiations with concerned parties providing Palestinians with the clear political horizon of a Palestinian state living alongside Israel.

“It is incumbent that all parties support President Abbas in laying the building blocks of a united, constitutional, democratic and secular Palestinian state” stressed ATFP president Dr. Ziad Asali. He added: “Liberation does not come from the seizing of Palestinian territory by any faction but is generated from a Palestinian state free from occupation and living under the rule of law.”


American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017