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The PLO may pursue diplomatic efforts at the UNSC in a bid to end Israel's occupation. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)
Pres. Hollande says Europe has to play a bigger role to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Reuters)
Palestinian workers begin clearing rubble and repairing damage from Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. (New York Times/Washington Post)
Aid convoys arrive in Gaza. (AFP/Ha’aretz)
Many Israelis are skeptical of PM Netanyahu’s claims of victory. (AP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
Hamas leader Haniyeh also “claims victory.” (Ma’an)
Some reports claim Pres. Abbas and Netanyahu met secretly in Amman days before the Gaza ceasefire. (Ma’an/JTA/Times of Israel)
The PA calls on foreign governments whose citizens serve in the Israeli military to investigate them for war crimes in Gaza. (JTA)
A poll indicates a majority of Palestinians in Gaza see Egypt as the country that “best backed the Palestinian resistance.” (Ynet)
Israeli occupation forces declare a village in Nablus a “closed military zone.” (Ma’an)
Israeli families living in the south are worried about the future of life near Gaza. (New York Times)
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis says it has beheaded four Egyptians accused of collaborating with Israel. (Reuters)
AP profiles IS extremists in Syria. (AP)
IS extremists reportedly execute dozens of members of the Syrian army. (Reuters)
The New York Times analyses the success of IS and its tactics. (New York Times)
American officials say US airstrikes on Syria would entail significant risks. (Reuters/AP)
Pres. Assad forms a new government with slight changes. (Xinhua)
Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti urges young people to reject calls to jihad. (Reuters)
Pres. Erdogan is sworn in as the Republic of Turkey’s 12th president. (Reuters/AP)
Attention is focused on the diplomatic quarrel between Qatar and other GCC members, in the context of a high level Saudi delegation to Doha. (Gulf News/Al Arabiya)
The Jordan Times says the end of fighting in Gaza is a triumph for ordinary Palestinians and Israelis. (Jordan Times)
The National says Israel wants to keep Gaza “weak, poor and hungry.” (The National)
The Daily Star says Palestinian unity is imperative. (Daily Star)
Orlando Crowcroft says the aftermath of the Gaza war will probably center on the Palestinian unity agreement. (The National) 
Mark Perry claims Israel’s bombardment of the Shujaiha neighborhood in Gaza left US officials “stunned.” (Al Jazeera)
Nahum Barnea says the Gaza ceasefire was “too little, too late.”(Ynet)
Ha’aretz says Israel must help Gaza realize its economic potential. (Ha’aretz)
Shlomi Eldar says Hamas leaders Zahar and Hanniyeh pressured Meshaal into a ceasefire. (Al-Monitor)
FM Lieberman says Hamas remains the biggest obstacle to peace. (Foreign Policy)
Fred Hof says Assad is using IS as an ambush for Pres. Obama. (New Republic)
The New York Times says the US must have a comprehensive strategy if it is to take military action in Syria. (New York Times)
Joyce Karam looks at Obama’s evolving Syria strategy. (Al Arabiya)
Michael Young says the battle against IS throws Assad a “lifeline.” (The National)
Alan Philps says the solution to IS lies in Iraq and not embracing the Assad regime. (The National)
Amr Adly looks at the Sisi government's efforts to win over Egypt's civil servants. (Carnegie)
Ian Black says Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Jordan understand the dangers of IS but are driven by caution. (The Guardian)
Jeffrey White looks at the military implications of the Syrian regimes’ defeat in Raqqa. (Washington Institute) 
Nicholas Burns says Europeans states should stop paying hostage ransoms to terrorists. (The Boston Globe)
Eyad Abu Shakra says the Middle East faces an existential challenge but does not fully realize it. (Asharq al-Awsat)
The International Crisis Group evaluates P5+1 nuclear negotiations with Iran. (The International Crisis Group)


Israel and the Palestinians agree to an Egyptian-brokered plan to end the fighting in Gaza. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/AFP/JTA)

Hamas urges Palestinians in Gaza to "celebrate victory and the fulfillment of the Palestinian people's demands." (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/The National)

Hamas leader Abu Marzouq says Israel has agreed to open Gaza crossings to allow the flow of humanitarian aid and construction material. (Ma’an)

PM Netanyahu is facing strong criticism in Israel. (Reuters/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry calls on Israel and the Palestinians to “fully and completely” comply with the terms of the cease-fire. (JTA)

Ynet looks at the numbers behind “Operation Protective Edge.” (Ynet)

Palestinians in Jerusalem are experiencing the largest upsurge in detentions since the second Intifada. (Ma’an)

Hamas arrests another 15 suspected collaborators with Israel. (Ha’aretz)

The Israeli military fires at a Syrian army position after an officer is wounded from a mortar fire. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

The US has begun to mobilize a broad coalition of allies behind potential American military action inSyria. (New York Times)

IS militants execute Syrian army soldiers and are holding a group hostage after capturing an air base in northeast Syria. (Reuters)

The UN says IS and Syrian government are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)

Syrian rebels capture a border crossing with Israel in the Golan Heights. (AP)

An American militant was killed in Syria while allegedly fighting for IS. (AP/New York Times)

Saudi Arabia arrests eight suspects for inciting youth to fight abroad. (The National)

Libyan ministers resign over militia fighting. (AP)


The National says if Israel truly seeks “quiet for quiet”, it needs to give Gaza and the West Bank self determination and freedom. (The National)

The Los Angeles Times asks what’s next for Gaza. (Los Angeles Times)

David Rothkopf interviews former Middle East Special Envoy Indyk. (Foreign Policy)

Avi Issacharoff says Hamas has been “humiliatingly defeated.” (Times of Israel)

Gideon Levy says the war in Gaza should teach Netanyahu that Israel can no longer “live by the sword.” (Ha’aretz)

Ben Caspit says there are no winners in the Israel-Hamas ceasefire. (Al-Monitor)

David Horovitz says Hamas’ victory celebrations should not be dismissed. (Times of Israel)

Yossi Mekelberg says one of the outcomes of “Operation Protection Edge” is likely to be a genuine challenge to replace Netanyahu. (Al Arabiya)

Linda Gradstein says Egypt hopes to regain its regional role through mediating the Gaza ceasefire. (The Media Line)

Yael Aronoff looks at the political psychology of Netanyahu. (Foreign Policy)

Faisal Al Yafai says IS was born from a warped theory of war. (The National)

Clint Hinote looks at the risk of targeting the head of IS. (Washington Post)

Mohammed Fahad al-Harthi writes an open letter to Iraq’s PM-designate Al-Abadi. (Al Arabiya)

The Daily Star says, like Iraq and Syria, events inside Libya will affect not just its neighbors but countries across the region. (Daily Star)


Israeli airstrikes destroy two Gaza high-rise apartment buildings. (AP/New York Times/Ma’an/PNN/Ynet/The National)

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza today reaches six. (Ma’an)

Palestinian militants fire more rockets into Israel, hitting a kindergarten in Ashdod. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas will hold an emergency meeting in Ramallah to discuss initiatives to end the war in Gaza. (Ma’an)

Abbas is reportedly considering a broad international strategy beyond the US led peace process. (New York Times)

Israel is considering the new Egyptian ceasefire proposal. (Ma’an)

Hamas says the language of the Egyptian ceasefire proposal is acceptable. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

Fatah official says “hidden hands” prevented an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Hamas leader Meshaal is said to be the last obstacle to a cease-fire. (Ha’aretz)

Gen. Allen will meet with Israeli officials to discuss the possible renewal of peace talks once the Gaza operation ends. (Times of Israel)

PA security officials are questioning the nonprofit of former PM Fayyad over its campaign to help Palestinians in Gaza. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)  

The Palestinian planned city of Rawabi is awaiting for Israel’s approval for water. (New York Times)

Palestinian athlete from Gaza Nader Masri can no longer run. (New York Times)

A poll indicates PM Netanyahu’s approval rating in Israel has plunged to 38 percent. (JTA)

Qatar is reportedly seeking to free more American hostages in Syria. (Reuters)

The US is preparing military options including surveillance flights, to pressure IS in Syria. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/The National) 

Iran is supplying weapons and ammunition to the Iraqi Kurdish forces. (Reuters/The National)

VP Biden calls for the formation of a new Iraqi government. (AP/Washington Post/Xinhua)

A car bombing in Baghdad kills at least 11 people. (AP)

Egypt and the UAE reportedly recently launched joint air strikes on Islamist-allied militias trying to take control of Tripoli. (New York Times)

UN Envoy Leon says he opposes foreign intervention in Libya. (AP)


ATFP Exec. Dr. Ghaith Al-Omari and Mara Rudman say reconstruction implementation in Gaza should be led by the PA. (The Hill)

Jean-Pierre Filiu says if there is ever to be Israeli-Palestinian peace, Gaza will be the foundation and the keystone.(New York Times)

Sharif Nashashibi says lifting the siege in Gaza is not enough, Israel must end the occupation. (The National)

Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas is worried about the PA’s return to Gaza. (Al-Monitor)

Shlomi Eldar says Abbas is is no position to negotiate for Hamas. (Al-Monitor)

The Media Line interviews EU Amb. to Israel Lars Faaborg-Andersen. (The Media Line)

Joanne Feinberg Goldstein says the war in Gaza is the Jewish American’s “Vietnam war.” (Ha’aretz)

Fiyaz Mughal says Muslim-Jewish relations must confront the Palestinian issue. (Ha’aretz)

Hussein Ibish says attacking IS, in the long run, is tantamount to attacking the Assad dictatorship. (Now)

Hassan Barari says the US is playing into Pres. Assad’s hands. (Jordan Times)

Aaron David Miller says the US should not expand its mission to strike IS in Syria. (Foreign Policy)

Diana Moukalled asks if after the death of James Foley will the Syrian suffering continue to worsen out of sight of the media. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Mohammad Bazzi says Muqtada Al Sadr is emerging as an unlikely kingmaker in Iraq. (The National)


Fighting continues between Israel and Hamas militants. (AP/Washington Post/The National)

Egypt proposes a new ceasefire plan. (Reuters/AFP/PNN/JTA/Times of Israel)

The Gaza death toll today reaches eight following Israeli airstrikes. (Ma’an)

Gaza militants fire more rockets into Israel. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Israeli airstrikes target the Rafah crossing. (Ma’an)

Hamas leader Meshaal vows to exclusively aim only at Israeli military targets if his group can get more sophisticated weapons. (JTA)

Palestinian teenager describes his ordeal as a captive of the Israeli military. (New York Times)

poll indicates the majority of Palestinians in Gaza support peace but oppose disarmament. (Ma’an)

Pres. Abbas will reportedly soon appeal to the international community to set a deadline for Israel to end its occupation. (AP/Times of Israel)

Gaza’s water delivery drivers fear death. (AFP)

A Palestinian teenager in the West Bank dies from wounds sustained during clashes with Israeli occupation forces. (Ma’an)

Hamas’ public executions of at least 22 Palestinians has sparked outrage in the West Bank. (The Media Line)

Israel is turning to other arms sources amid uncertainty of US and EU sales. (Ha’aretz)

UN Human Rights Chief Pillay condemns “appalling and widespread” crimes committed by IS. (Reuters/AP)

Iraq’s PM-designate al-Abadi calls on the country's numerous militias and tribes to come under government control. (AP)

Qatar denies funding IS. (AP)

IS militants seize an air base in northern Syria. (Reuters)

The Syrian government says its ready to work with any state to fight IS militants. (Reuters/Xinhua/The National)

The Al-Nusra Front frees an American writer missing since 2012. (Reuters/New York Times)

Academics and archaeologists fight to save Syria’s artifacts. (New York Times/Washington Post/The National)



Hussein Ibish looks at the Palestinian unity agreement in the context of the Gaza conflict. (MEPC)

Fahed Fanek says the PA should oversee Gaza reconstruction efforts. (Jordan Times)

Rami Khouri asks if there is a better option that Israelis and Palestinians could explore to end their “mutually destructive militarism.” (Daily Star)

Aaron David Miller looks at the dysfunctional relationship between PM Netanyahu and Pres. Obama. (Los Angeles Times)

Uri Savir says Israel’s policies are creating a de facto binational state. (Al-Monitor)

Suha Arraf says Palestinian citizens of Israel have a right to define their own identity. (Ha’aretz)

Hussein Ibish says the US is at war with IS and this will only intensify and spread. (The National)

The Daily Star says the US acts in Syria and Iraq only when it believes its direct interests are at stake. (Daily Star)

The New York Times says defeating IS will require an organized and longer-term response involving a broad coalition of nations. (New York Times)

Abdullah Bani Ali says Jordan is worried over IS’s ever growing threat. (The National)

Amer Al Sabaileh says IS expansion is still a regional threat. (Jordan Times)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says former PM Maliki is giving bad advice to Al-Abadi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The National says Libya requires a fresh start free from the militias. (The National)

Salman Aldossary asks if the Gulf countries will lose Qatar. (Asharq al-Awsat)


Israeli airstrikes kill five Palestinians in Gaza. (Ma’an/PNN)

Palestinian militants fire more rockets at Ashdod. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Hamas militants kill 18 alleged Palestinian collaborators. (AP/New York Times/Ma’an/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

BritainFrance and Germany are pushing for a new UN resolution on Gaza. (AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Israel is examining the option of renewing the Egypt-mediated ceasefire talks. (Ha’aretz)

Hamas leader Haniyeh says there will be no ceasefire until the Gaza siege ends. (Ynet)

Pres. Abbas and Hamas leader Meshaal will hold a second meeting with the Emir of Qatar. (Ma’an)

Abbas reportedly castigated Meshaal over an alleged Hamas plot to overthrow the PA in the West Bank at yesterday’s meeting. (Times of Israel)

The Jerusalem Post looks at the pros and cons of assassinating Hamas commanders. (Jerusalem Post)

The cost of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge”reaches $60 million a day. (Ha’aretz)

A poll indicates most Israeli Jews are opposed to intermarriage. (Ha’aretz)

Arab states and Israel are likely to clash at next month's annual meeting of the IAEA. (Reuters)

Gen. Dempsey says IS cannot be defeated unless the US and a coalition of partners confront it head-on in Syria. (AP/New York Times/The National)

Ayatollah al-Sistani urges Iraqi leaders to swiftly form a new government. (AP)

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces launch an operation to retake Jalawla from IS fighters. (The National)

At least 30 people are killed when a Shi'ite Muslim militia opened fired inside an Iraqi Sunni mosque. (Reuters)

IS militants stone a man to death in Mosul. (Reuters)

The UN says the death toll in Syria has risen to more than 191,000 people. (AP/Reuters/NEw York Times)

Pres. Erdogan says FM Davutoglu will become the new prime minister. (Xinhua/AP)



The Jordan Times says the UNSC must force Israelis and Palestinians to achieve a ceasefire. (Jordan Times)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says Palestinians in Gaza are dreading the return of war. (Al-Monitor)

Zvi Bar’el explains why Egypt won’t let Turkey be Gaza’s hero. (Ha’aretz)

Antony Lerman says Israel’s embrace of ever more right-wing nationalist politics has stirred a crisis among Diaspora Jews. (New York Times)

Ha’aretz says PM Netanyahu must resume negotiations with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

George Hishmeh says British and American media differ in their assessment of the Gaza war. (Jordan Times)

The New York Times looks at the question of ransoms. (New York Times)

The Los Angeles Times asks if in the wake of James Foley’s execution, should the US pay ransoms. (Los Angeles Times)

David Ignatius says the US is on the right track against IS. (Washington Post)

Amir Taher says IS is a “threat to humanity.” (Asharq al-Awsat)

Alex Massie says British intelligence can’t prevent men like James Foley’s killer from fighting in Syria or coming home. (Foreign Policy)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed say IS has now declared a war against the radical group the Surooris. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra says the crisis in Syria and Iraq are joined “at the hip.” (Asharq al-Awsat)

Shane Harris asks if Iraq’s Baathists could help win Iraq back. (Foreign Policy) 

The CSM says Iraq’s newly designated PM al-Abadi can heal the religious and ethnic divisions. (Christian Science Monitor)

The Daily Star says the task of the political and military opposition in Syria is to contribute to a solution. (Daily Star)

The National says addressing terrorism requires the debunking of extremist ideas. (The National)

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