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Clashes continue in Jerusalem between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces. (New York Times)

Saudi Arabia pledges $500 million for Gaza reconstruction. (Reuters)

Quartet Envoy Blair says delay in Gaza rebuilding could threaten the truce. (AFP)

Hamas says indirect ceasefire negotiations between Palestinians and Israel will restart within the next week in Cairo. (Ma’an/PNN/Times of Israel)

Israeli opposition leader Herzog urges Pres. Abbas to return to talks with Israel. (Times of Israel)

Israeli naval forces shoot and injure a Palestinian fisherman off the coast of Gaza. (Ma’an)

Gaza’s Ministry of Health postpones surgeries due to a strike by cleaning staff. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces issue demolition orders for the homes of three Hebron families. (Ma’an)

The National looks at architects’ hopes of rebuilding Gaza. (The National)

FM Lieberman tells Sec. Kerry Israel is ready to the help the US-led coalition against ISIS. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

The House of Representatives approves Pres. Obama’s plan to train and arm moderate Syrianrebels. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)

VP Biden leaves the door open to US ground troops helping Iraqi security forces.(AP)

Gen. Ray Odierno says grounds troops will be needed against ISIS. (New York Times)

Conflict in Iraq is undermining the Kurdish success story. (Washington Post)

ISIS extremists capture 16 villages and besiege a Kurdish city in northern Syria near the border with Turkey. (Reuters/AP)

Pres. Rouhani says ISIS beheadings are a symbolic murder of all mankind. (Reuters)

A Saudi ISIS fighter calls on his fellow Saudis to “wage jihad” and threatens Saudi Arabia. (Reuters)

The French government says it will now refer to ISIS as “Daesh.” (Washington Post)

A series of anti-terrorism raids were sparked by intelligence reports that ISIS supporters were planning a public execution in Australia. (The Australian)

Syria’s conflict keeps 2.8 million children out of school. (Reuters)

Tainted vaccines kill at least 50 children inside Syria. (New York Times/The National)

The Wall Street Journal profiles Bassam Barandi, a conscientious Syrian diplomat in Washington who aided the opposition. (Wall Street Journal)

Egypt is moving to tighten restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood activities at Al Azhar University. (Reuters)

The New York Times looks at Jordan’s energy deal with Israel. (New York Times)

Islamist fighters launch a new attack on pr-Haftar forces at Benghazi’s airport. (AFP)


Terrestrial Jerusalem says there is a looming crisis in occupied East Jerusalem because of highly dangerous new Israeli settlement activities. (Terrestrial Jerusalem)

Chris Gunness says depriving the next generation in Gaza of a future is against Israel's own interests. (Ha’aretz)

Gideon Levy says the world has quickly forgotten about Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Peter Beinart say boycotting Israel is a “serious mistake.” (Ha’aretz)

Ahmad Melhem says the planned West Bank city of Rawabi is still controversial among Palestinians. (Al-Monitor)

Michael Young says Obama’s vow of “no troops on the ground” is unrealistic. (Daily Star)

Joyce Karam says the US is determined to hit ISIS in Syria in order to deal a severe blow to the group. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says regional unity threatens Iran’s divisive agenda. (The National)

The New York Times asks if the US can still count on the new government in Baghdad. (New York Times)

The CSM says Obama should welcome the backing of lawmakers for his war on ISIS.  (Christian Science Monitor)

Aaron David Miller questions the commitment of US partners in the war against ISIS. (Foreign Policy)

Nicholas Kristof says Obama’s military campaign against ISIS in Syria keeps on “getting messier.” (New York Times)

Rym Ghazal says more western Muslim women are running away to become “jihadists.” (The National)


The World Bank says the Palestinian economy is expected to contract for the first time in seven years. (AP)

Gaza’s rent prices skyrocket after Israel’s offensive. (Washington Post)

The UN says the Palestinian unity government is crucial for Gaza’s recovery. (Jerusalem Post)

Tensions between the different Palestinian factions cast shadow over peace talks with Israel and threaten unity government. (The National)

PM Hamdallah says the challenges faced by Gaza will be the main focus of an upcoming donor conference in New York. (Ma’an)

Hamas says Meshaal will remain headquartered in Qatar. (Times of Israel)

Israeli occupation forces detain 22 Palestinians in East Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Ynet)

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights says Gaza detainees underwent torture in Israeli custody. (Ma’an)

The Israeli government plans to forcibly relocate 12,500 Bedouins. (Ha’aretz)

Former Pres. Clinton says PM Netanyahu is “not the guy” for a peace deal with the Palestinians. (Politico/Ha’aretz)

Iraqi lawmakers have rejected PM al-Abadi’s nominees to fill the critical posts of defense and interior ministers. (AP)

The US is reportedly looking for Sunni allies on the ground in Iraq. (Reuters)

Congress is scrutinizing Obama’s military strategy against ISIS. (AP)

Sec. Kerry will chair the UNSC meeting on Iraq. (AP)

An ISIS supporter has warned of attacks on the US and its allies if they continue to carry out military action against the group. (Reuters)

Kurds in Europe are taking up arms and joining the fight against ISIS. (AP)

US airstrikes hit targets near Baghdad held by ISIS. (New York Times)

US lawmakers are considering arming Syrian rebels, but with conditions. (Reuters/New York Times)

ISIS is drawing a steady source of recruits from Turkey. (New York Times)

ISIS shoots down a Syrian government war plane. (Reuters)

UN Human Rights Commission emphasizes that Pres. Assad’s government has committed the bulk of atrocities in the Syrian war. (AP/New York Times) 

Middle East Christian leaders urge Arab states to lead the fight against ISIS. (Reuters)

An Egyptian official says the justice ministry is drafting amendments to the country's disputed protest law. (AP)

Qatar denies accusations it sent weapons to Libya. (Reuters)

Pres. Erdogan says exiled leaders of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood could find refuge in Turkey. (New York Times/The National)


Sharif Nashashibi says Palestinians should join the ICC. (The National)

Nahum Barnea says former Israeli spies are telling the truth about the wiretaps against Palestinians. (Ynet)

Amos Harel says Israel wants to join the coalition against ISIS. (Foreign Policy)

Linda Gradstein asks if Israel is heading toward new elections. (The Media Line)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Iran is launching a “propaganda campaign” to discredit the anti-ISIS coalition. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Jamal Khashoggi says the Jeddah alliance against ISIS is everyone’s opportunity for a new beginning. (Al Arabiya)

Nabeelah Jaffer says the execution of David Haines could push Britain to become a stronger ally in the fight against ISIS. (Foreign Policy)

The National says Assad is the problem not the solution. (The National)

The New York Times says Congress should not hide the Syrian aid vote. (New York Times)

Tim Kaine says Pres. Obama must get Congressional backing for the fight against ISIS. (New York Times)

H.A. Hellyer says the release of activist Alaa Abdel Fattah is bittersweet for Egypt’s “politics of freedom.” (Al Arabiya)

Pres. Abbas will ask Pres. Hollande for official recognition of Palestine in an upcoming meeting this week. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)
Palestinian children in Gaza return to school. (AP/Reuters/AFP)
Israeli authorities deny Palestinian Minister of Education al-Shakhshir entry to Gaza. (Ma’an/PNN)
15 Palestinian migrants from Gaza die after a boat they were riding in capsized in the Mediterranean sea. (Ma’an)
A high ranking Kuwaiti official visits Ramallah for the first time since 1967. (Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz)
Israeli occupation forces detain 4 Palestinian teenagers in East Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz)
The New York Times profiles some Palestinians who lived in the high-rise apartment building in Gaza that was destroyed by Israel. (New York Times)
An Israeli official warns that Hezbollah could advance into Israel in a future war. (Times of Israel)
Arab nations reportedly offer to conduct airstrikes against ISIS. (New York Times/The National)
ISIS releases a video purportedly showing the beheading of British aid worker David Haines. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post)
Hollande calls for united international action against ISIS. (Reuters)
Syrian government forces destroy an ISIS controlled-bridge. (Reuters)
Syria’s moderate rebels say they need weapons, not training. (Reuters)
Pres. Masoum asks the international community to pursue ISIS in Syria. (New York Times)
Turkey is seeking a behind-the-scenes role in the NATO coalition against ISIS. (AP/Washington Post)
Iran rejects the global strategy against ISIS extremists. (AP/Reuters/The National)
Austria plans to introduce a law banning symbols of ISIS and other extremist groups. (AP)
Egypt will hunt down exiled Muslim Brotherhood leaders and seek their arrest after Qatar ordered them to leave its territory. (AP/New York Times)
One of Egypt’s most prominent dissident activists, Alaa Abdel-Fattah, will be released. (AP/Reuters)
Egypt says it will boost security at tourist locations. (AP)
Hussein Ibish says Arab states can’t afford to be tepid in their response to ISIS. (The National)
Ron Kampeas explains why Qatar supports Hamas. (JTA)
Amir Hass asks 18 questions to Hamas. (Ha’aretz)
Lorenzo Kamel looks at the facts and fiction of Israel’s settlement enterprise. (The National)
Daniel Ben Simon looks at how much money goes to Israel’s settlements every year. (Al Monitor)
Uri Savir says Europe is dismayed by Israel’s West Bank policies. (Al-Monitor)
Tariq Alhomayed says there is nothing wrong with negotiating with Israel. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Amer Al Sabaileh says the anti-ISIS coalition needs the cooperation and coordination of old and new allies in the region. (Jordan Times)
Rami Khouri says the US-led anti-ISIS coalition leaves “lingering doubts.” (Daily Star)
Thomas Friedman says Obama’s strategy for fighting ISIS depends on Arab reform. (New York Times)
Raghida Dergham says the anti-ISIS coalition is Obama’s last chance to regain his credibility. (Al Arabiya)
The New York Times says Obama’s plan to arm Syrian rebels is “full of hope and fraught with obstacles.” (New York Times)
The National says the announcement by leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood that they intend to leave Qatar is an encouraging development. (The National)
The National says Libya has to be helped to avoid becoming a failed state. (The National)


Arab FMs say they will back Pres. Abbas efforts to lobby the UN to set a deadline for Israel to end its occupation. (Ha’aretz/The National)

A Palestinian official says Abbas wants the UN to replace the US as the leading peace broker between Israel and the Palestinians. (Jerusalem Post)

Fatah and Hamas are trading accusations after the Gaza war. (AFP)

Israeli sources say Hamas leader Meshaal may not have agreed to an August ceasefire that Hamas supposedly broke. (Times of Israel)

The Israeli navy arrests four Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza. (AP/Ma’an)

Norway’s FM Brende says a conference for Gaza reconstruction will be held in Cairo on Oct. 12. (Ma’an)

Palestinian-Belgians have begun consulting lawyers and human rights groups about filing war-crime complaints against Israeli officials and officers. (Ma’an)

A report from the Adva Center finds that settlements get significantly more government money than other Israeli communities. (Ynet)

Palestinian prisoner dies in an Israeli hospital. (Ma’an)

Saudi Arabia will host a meeting on Thursday to discuss terrorism with the US and other Middle Eastern countries. (AP/Reuters)

Iraq’s parliament officially names al-Abadi as the country’s new prime minister. (AP/Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/The National)

Iraqi lawmakers urge PM al-Abadi to quickly fill the critical posts of defense and interior minister. (AP)

Sec. Kerry says the new Iraqi government is key to ISIS’ defeat. (AP)

Pres. Obama phones al-Abadi to discuss Washington's commitment to fight ISIS extremists. (Reuters)

Iraqi Kurdish and Shi’ite militias may be using US airstrikes on ISIS to further their own agendas. (Reuters)

The US wants Turkey to help in the fight against ISIS. (New York Times)

An article on the Al Jazeera arabic website mocks and doubts ISIS’ murder of two American journalists. (Al Arabiya)

The UN Envoy in Libya Leon urges militias to cease fire and work on a political settlement. (AP)


Hussein Ibish joins Feisal Istrabadi and Frederic Wehrey on the PBS NewsHour to discuss the international coalition against ISIS. (Video and Transcript: PBS)

Hussein Ibish reviews the first comprehensive history of Gaza in any language. (Book Forum)

The Daily Star says Palestinian politicians are unable to put aside differences for the greater national good. (Daily Star)

Jack Khoury says, despite the Arab League backing, Palestinians understand the war on ISIS comes first. (Ha’aretz)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says relief aid in Gaza is failing to reach the most desperate. (Al-Monitor)

Efraim Halevy asks who really won the Gaza war. (Ynet)

Akiva Eldar says Israel’s expropriation of West Bank land reveals PM Netanyahu’s strategy. (Al-Monitor)

Miriam Awadallah says Obama's “strategy of no strategy” on ISIS is intentional, and is part of a more responsible policy. (Annahar)

The New York Times says Obama will have to explain clearly his ISIS strategy. (New York Times)

David Ignatius says the US priority is to help Arabs fight ISIS. (Daily Star)

The CSM says Arabs need a hopeful model of progress if they are to rally behind the US in “destroying” ISIS. (Christian Science Monitor)

Jamal Khashoggi says Saudi Arabia is facing tough choices when it comes to defeating ISIS. (Al Arabiya)

The National says the UK needs to follow the Danish example in dealing with extremists. (The National)


Pres. Abbas threatens to dissolve the PA “unity” government if Hamas maintains a “shadow government” in Gaza.

Hamas says Abbas is trying to destroy the unity agreement.

Palestinian unity is tested after the Gaza war.

Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli police in occupied East Jerusalem, following the death of a Palestinian teenager.

Former Pres. Peres and Abbas call for peace at the World Economic Forum in Jordan.

UNRWA says Israel should be held accountable for violations against Palestinian civilians.

FM Lieberman says he doubts the current Gaza ceasefire will last.

An Israeli official says Hamas has begun rebuilding its military capabilities.

The PA says it will not pay the salaries of Hamas-hired civil servants in Gaza, but may providefinancial assistance.

Hamas calls on PM Hamdallah to visit Gaza and take charge of local governance.

Israel reportedly wants European monitors to oversee the reconstruction of Gaza.

45 Palestinian children from Gaza, who were severely injured in Israel’s offensive, will be treated in Germany.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry declines to share a joint ambassador from New Zealand with the PA.

The Arab League says its members states have agreed to combat ISIS.

The US launches airstrikes around the Haditha Dam in western Iraq.

Iraqi government forces claim to have secured the Haditha Dam.

US officials say “destroying” ISIS may take three years.

Syrian air strikes on ISIS positions kill 60 civilians.

The West is reportedly widening contacts with Kurds in Syria.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights al-Hussein says the international community should end the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

The head of Egypt’s Al Azhar says ISIS extremists are “criminals.”

Qatar’s support of Islamists is alienating its allies.

The New York Times looks at foreign funding of US think tanks, especially by Qatar, the UAE and Norway.

Human Rights Watch accuses militias in Libya of committing war crimes.


Roger Cohen says the war in Gaza was not in Israel’s strategic interests.

The National says Israel’s blockade of Gaza is “choking” a possible Palestinian state.

Rory Miller and Mattia Toaldo say violence between Israel and Hamas will continue until the status quo is broken.

Shai Feldman gives a preliminary assessment of the recent Israel-Hamas war.

Uri Savir says implementing the Arab Peace Initiative will take time.

Ravit Hecht says PM Netanyahu’s comment on regional diplomacy should not be taken seriously.

Hussein Ibish says the Muslim Brotherhood is part of a continuum, not a corrective to, more extreme groups like ISIS.

Nawaf Obaid and Saud Al-Sarhan say Saudi Arabia can defeat ISIS.

Michael Singh looks at ISIS’s “triple threat.”

Donna Brazile says Pres. Obama is developing an ISIS strategy.

The Daily Star says Arab League dysfunctionality is a “symptom of bureaucracy and hypocrisy.”

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