

PM Netanyahu suspends a proposed plan to segregate Palestinians from Israelis on West Bankbuses, overruling his own defense minister. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/PNN/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Ynet/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Rivlin lauds decision to cancel Palestinian transportation edict. (Jerusalem Post)

The UN Middle East Envoy Mladenov tells the UNSC that Gaza is “desperate and angry” over the devastation following last summer's war. (Ha’aretz/AFP/Jerusalem Post)

Israel denies talks with Hamas on seaport and prisoner swap. (Times of Israel)

Israel’s new Cabinet approves a plan for development at the Western Wall. (AP/JTA)

Israel’s deputy DM, MK Ben-Dahan, will not assume responsibility over the Israel Defense Forces’ Civil Administration in the occupied West Bank. (Ha’aretz)

The Palestinians place a proposal to suspend Israel from FIFA, the governing body of world soccer, on the agenda for FIFA’s annual congress. (New York Times)

Sweden will contribute $5 million toward the May salaries and pensions of 70,000 PA employees across the occupied West Bank and Gaza. (Ma’an)

Israeli forces shoot and kill a Palestinian man in Jerusalem claiming he attempted to run over border guard police officers with his vehicle. (Ma’an/PNN/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

An Israeli court sentences a Palestinian man to eight months of prison over Facebook posts. (Ma’an/JTA)

Pres. Obama meets with his advisors on the situation in Iraq and reaffirms support for PM al-Abadi. (Reuters/New York Times)

Iraqi forces say they defeated an overnight ISIS attack near Ramadi. (Reuters)

The Pentagon says Iraqi troops abandoned US military vehicles and artillery pieces when they fled ISIS fighters in Ramadi (AP)

Analysts say Ramadi’s fall shows US comments on Iraq were too optimistic. (Reuters/Washington Post)

The Saudi-led coalition targets army bases and weapons depots in Sanaa. (Reuters)

Ayatollah Khamenei says he will not accept "unreasonable demands" by the P5+1 and rules out letting inspectors interview its atomic scientists. (Reuters/AP)


Henry Siegman says the US must stop blocking UN action on Mideast peace and start pushing for a tough UNSC resolution that forces both parties to negotiate a deal. (New York Times)

Rami Khouri says Europe can reverse the US failures on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Daily Star)

Ben Sales asks if Israel will be barred from FIFA. (JTA)

Ron Kampeas asks if the Vatican’s recognition of the state of Palestine will impact Jewish-Catholic ties. (JTA)

Yossi Mekelberg says between obliviousness and defiance, Israel is sleepwalking towards international isolation unless it changes course sharply and quickly. (Al Arabiya)

David Ignatius says the fall of Ramadi is a blow to US strategy. (Washington Post)

Hassan Hassan says the ISIS’ momentum is continuing and anyone telling you is in decline isn’t paying attention. (Foreign Policy)

The National says the Iraqi government has been too reactive in its attacks on ISIS and must pursue a new approach. (The National)

Hussein Ibish looks at the recent achievements of the US-GCC Camp David summit. (AGSIW)

David Rothkopf explains why Obama’s bet on letting friends and enemies “slug it out in the Middle East” is so risky. (Foreign Policy)

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