Israeli Gen. Gantz says he is not worried by the Palestinian move to join the ICC. (Reuters/AP/Times of Israel)
A Jewish Israeli man is stabbed in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an/JTA/Times of Israel)
Hundreds of Palestinians in southern Gaza are forced to evacuate their homes due to rising water levels. (Ma’an/The National)
Extremist Jewish settlers uproot 45 olive trees in the occupied West Bank. (PNN)
Israel closes the Erez crossing after Hamas personnel approached the area. (Ma’an)
The PA requests Israel’s help in dealing with snow currently covering the region. (Ynet)
Gaza will start importing citrus fruits from Israel starting on Sunday. (Ma’an)
Former PM Barak says PM Netanyahu is leading Israel toward a disaster. (Ha’aretz)
The Paris attack suspects are said to have taken at least one hostage in a new incident. (New York Times/Washington Post/Times of Israel)
One of the Paris attack suspects reportedly met the late prominent al-Qaeda preacher Anwar al Awlaki during a stay in Yemen in 2011. (Reuters/New York Times)
An American official says the two suspected terrorists in the Paris attack were on the US no-fly list. (AP)
At least two people are killed and several others are taken hostage at a shooting in a Kosher marketin Paris. (Times of Israel/Ha’aretz/Ynet)
The Al-Nusra Front launches an attack on two predominantly Shiite villages in northern Syria. (AP/Reuters)
Egypt announces parliamentary elections scheduled to begin March 21. (AP/Reuters)
The UN Special Envoy to Libya Leon meets representatives from rival factions. (AP/Reuters)
A Saudi blogger will be publicly flogged for “insulting Islam.” (AP)
Yazidis thank Pope Francis for his support at a Vatican meeting. (Washington Post)
Sec. Kerry will meet with FM Zarif in Geneva next week. (AFP)
Raghida Dergham says Palestine’s accession to the ICC is a “peaceful intifada” against the elastic negotiating process. (Huffington Post)
Carolina Landsmann says Israel’s decision to withhold Palestinian tax revenues is part of a cynical policy of fulfilling Netanyahu’s “distorted vision of a new Middle East.” (Ha’aretz)
Asher Schechter says Israel has lost the fight against Palestinians in the court of international public opinion. (Ha’aretz)
Arad Nir says the US and Europe must intervene in the upcoming Israeli elections. (Al-Monitor)
Paul Scham says the next Israeli election will involve existential issues. (Partners for Progressive Israel)
Hussein Ibish says the Paris terrorists committed an act of supreme blasphemy, and insulted Islam and the Prophet through their violence. (BookForum)
Sylvie Kauffmann says the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices is an assault on French identity. (New York Times)
David Brooks says the massacre at Charlie Hebdo should be an occasion to end speech codes. (New York Times)
Michael Weiss asks why self-described liberals cower in front of violent Muslim extremists. (Foreign Policy)
The Daily Star says it is vital that the Paris attackers are not allowed to achieve their greater aims of creating further divisions in Europe. (Daily Star)
Abdullah Hamidaddin says Pres. Sisi’s “revolution” is an important step in “saving Islam.” (Al Arabiya)
Amal Mudallali says Yemen is struggling to preserve its unity and control its resources in the wake of the rise of the Houthis. (National Interest)
David Ignatius looks at the American and Iranian “double game” in nuclear talks. (Washington Post)