
Pres. Obama says the path to Middle East peace is “very challenging.” (AP/New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz)

The EU opposes boycotts against Israel. (Ha’aretz/JTA)

DM Ya’alon says Israel cannot rely on the US to lead any action against Iran’s nuclear program. (AP/Reuters/Ha’aretz)

Palestinian official says peace will have to precede any recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state.” (Ynet/Times of Israel)

PM Netanyahu says Israel’s policy is to respond forcefully and immediately to all rocket attacks. (Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Peres apologizes to Jordan over the killing of a Jordanian judge. (Xinhua)

A new poll indicates 30% of settlers are willing to evacuate West Bank settlements in exchange for compensation. (PNN/JTA)

Economy Minister Bennett says a fourth Palestinian prisoner release is uncertain to happen.(Jerusalem Post)

Israel will extend a law that permits prohibition of the reunification of Palestinian families in Israel.(Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces arrest eight Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israeli warships fire at Palestinian fisherman near the Gaza coast. (Ma’an)

A Palestinian woman is reportedly assaulted and humiliated by an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint. (Ma’an)

The UN says the list of suspected Syrian war criminals is growing on both sides. (Reuters)

Sec. Kerry names Daniel Rubinstein as new Special Envoy for Syria. (New York Times/JTA)

After three years of conflict the war in Syria is only intensifying. (New York Times)

The UN is concerned about violence in Lebanon. (Xinhua)

Egypt convicts four policemen for the killings of 37 Islamist detainees. (AP/Xinhua)

The al-Qaeda inspired Ansar al-Shariah Brigades claim responsibility for the killing of Egyptian policemen. (AP)

Qatar’s World Cup organizers distance themselves from corruption allegations. (AP)

Halabja residents remember those who died in gas attacks perpetrated by Saddam Hussein. (The National)


Uzi Baram says the occupation prevents Israel from being taken seriously by the world. (Ha’aretz)

Nahum Barnea says Abbas has fallen into Netanyahu’s trap. (Ynet)

Danny Ayalon questions whether NATO can guarantee peace in the Middle East. (Jerusalem Post)

Hassan Barari asks if the Jordanian government will expel the Israeli Ambassador. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says the fall of Yabroud indicates that the Syrian regime is intent on a military solution. (Daily Star)

Diana Moukalled says Pres. Assad’s meeting with displaced people  was a moment when the criminal met his victims. (Al Arabiya)

Octavia Nasr says the international community has failed Syria. (Al Arabiya)

Carol Nakhle says Lebanon’s gas and oil should be depoliticized. (Daily Star)

Yusuf Mansur says censorship and absolutist regimes are causes of hindered development in the Arab world. (Jordan Times)

Adnan Hussein and Rashid Al-Khayoun debate whether Iraq’s leaders have missed the chance to build a unified state. (Asharq al Awsat)

Mark Freeman says Tunisia is a model for bridging political and social divides. (Christian Science Monitor)

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