

UNSG Ban urges Israelis and Palestinians to “step back from the brink” and return to peace talks. (AFP/AP)

The EU Parliament postpones a vote on recognition of the State of Palestine. (Ma’an)

The Obama administration expresses reservations about Israel’s proposed “Jewish state” law. (JTA/Times of Israel)

Economy Minister Bennett says the US should not interfere in Israel’s internal affairs. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Three Palestinians are arrested for allegedly stabbing two Jewish Israelis inJerusalem. (New York Times/JTA/Times of Israel)

Extremist Jewish settlers attack a Palestinian in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

A video shows a disabled Palestinian man beaten up by extremist Jewish settlers. (Ha’aretz)

An analysis of the video of the May shooting of a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank suggests that the Israeli officer is to blame. (New York Times/JTA)

Israeli occupation forces detain 10 Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Israeli forces raid the headquarters of the Palestinian Football Association in Jerusalem. (Ma’an/AP)

Pres. Rivlin cancels the appearance of a local pop star at an event following the star's release of a new racist song against Arabs. (AP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

The UN says ISIS received $35-45 million in ransom payments. (The National)

Saudi Arabia says ISIS extremists ordered the attacks on Shi’ites in al-Ahsa. (Reuters)

Turkey and the US ease strains on ISIS, but differences still remain. (Reuters)

The P5+1 nuclear talks are extended for seven months after failing to meet the deadline. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

FM Fabius says P5+1 talks progressed on key issues including enrichment. (Reuters)

Ayatollah Khamenei says West will not defeat Iran. (AP/New York Times)

The collapse of a building in Cairo, kills at least 17 people. (AP/The National)

Pres. Sisi meets with Pope Francis and Italian PM Renzi. (AP)


The New York Times says PM Netanyahu’s “Jewish nation-state bill” should be defeated. (New York Times)

Ha’aretz says the “Jewish nation-state” bill only weakens Israel’s democratic foundations. (Ha’aretz)

Mohammed Wattad says Israel is already a “Jewish nation-state.” (Ha’aretz)

Brent Sasley identifies four problems with Israel’s “Jewish nation-state” bill. (Jewish Daily Forward)

The Jordan Times says giving the Palestinian struggle a religious dimension only complicates it more. (Jordan Times)

Khaled Almaeena asks when the oppression of Palestinians will end. (Al Arabiya)

Nahum Barnea looks at Israeli incitement. (Ynet)

Jonathan Cook looks at why Netanyahu’s efforts to undermine Abbas and the PA are “self-destructive.” (The National)

Ron Kampeas says the US wants to keep Abbas as President of the PA. (JTA)

Roger Cohen says the US should keep pushing for an Iran deal. (New York Times)

The National says an Iranian deal would also benefit the UAE. (The National)

Raphael Ahren asks if Netanyahu failed in calling for the full dismantling of Iran’s nuclear program. (Times of Israel)

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