NEWS: Hamas leader Mishaal makes his first visit to Gaza in 45 years. The visit is widely regarded as a sign of Hamas' growing regional acceptance and wider ambitions. Israel is seen as more openly dealing with Hamas, though still within strict limits. Israel reportedly threatens to cancel the ceasefire if the leader of Islamic Jihad visits Gaza. Human Rights Watch says Israel's attack on the Daloo family home in Gaza during the recent conflict, which killed 12 civilians, was unlawful. Palestinian officials say Jordan's King Abdullah II has passed on US assurances that it will not allow Israel to go forward with controversial new settlement plans. Chancellor Merkel reportedly also urges PM Netanyahu not to implement the plans. Even Canada reportedly warns Israel against the plans. 20 are injured in skirmishes between Israeli occupation forces and Palestinian police near Hebron. Israel's Ministry of Education suspends a literature program for fifth graders that includes a novel by Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani. A new guidebook is published in Israel to Palestinian villages destroyed after the 1948 war. Palestinian refugees are being increasingly drawn into the war in Syria. Rabbis at a prominent New York synagogue express "regret" for praising the Palestinian UN upgrade vote. COMMENTARY: Ma'an explains why several Pacific islands voted against the recent Palestinian UN upgrade. Sandy Tolan says both Pres. Obama and Israel are walking away from a two-state solution. Menachem Klein says the E1 settlement plan is "recycled and oppressive." Ilan Baruch says Palestinian reconciliation could set the stage for a new phase in the peace process. Alex Fishman says Israel is conducting regular, secret negotiations with Hamas. The Media Line profiles Khaled Jarrar, whose art is based on concrete pieces cut from Israel’s separation barrier.Nathan Jeffay says many Israelis suspect the government's announced E1 settlement plan is a bluff. George Hishmeh asks what's holding Pres.Obama back from confronting Israel. Gil Troy says both Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas are pandering to extremes.

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