NEWS: Iran reportedly acquires images of sensitive Israeli military installations from Hezbollah drones. DM Barak is hoping to extend his political career. Israel and militants in Gaza continue to exchange fire. Palestinians are moving forward with a renewed UN bid later in November. The controversy continues about Jews praying on the Temple Mount/Haram Al-Sharif in occupied East Jerusalem. UNRWA strongly disputes Israeli claims that militants use its facilities to fire rockets towards Israel. Hamas leaders insist they want to end Palestinian political divisions. A new poll suggests more Americans believe Pres. Obama is Jewish than he is Muslim, when in fact he is a Christian. An Israeli human rights group says, unlike the government, it will cooperate with a UN investigation into settlement activity. The Dead Sea is shrinking at a record rate. Bahrain denies reports that its King will visit Gaza. COMMENTARY: Geoffrey Aronson says Israel's new Netanyahu-Lieberman alliance could make it almost impossible for the United States to secure a settlement freeze. Gideon Levy agrees with critics of his article last week that Israelis would accept apartheid-like arrangements, but only if their preference for two states cannot be realized. Yehuda Ben Meir insists most Israelis don't want apartheid. Benjamin Pogrund says Israel has moved to the right, but it is not an apartheid state. Akiva Eldar says the alliance between PM Netanyahu and FM Lieberman could be counterintuitively good news. Eitan Haber says the plans of the late PM Rabin will be implemented by whoever is Prime Minister. Jeff Barak says the Likud party may be abandoning the legacy of Jabotinsky. Linda Gradstein says Hamas may be gaining in international legitimacy. Nathan Jeffay says Israeli government recognition of a university in a settlement in the occupied West Bank may spur boycott movements. Nicolas Pelham looks at the growth of extremist Islamist movements in Gaza.

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