Rahm Emanuel says Pres. Obama is committed to Israel. Israeli occupation forces and settlers clash at an unauthorized outpost. The Palestinian doctors union threatens to resign en masse over a strike. France formally issues invitations to a new Middle East peace conference. Palestinian refugees in Syria say they are determined to return. Yoel Marcus Says PM Netanyahu deserves a chance to make peace. Yitzhak Laor says that for its own sake, Israel needs to move beyond Zionism. Ami Gluska says 1956 was crucial in turning David Ben-Gurion into an expansionist hawk. DM Barak says Israel cannot negotiate with Hamas. Palestinian citizens of Israel face home demolitions. The Israeli naval blockade drives Gaza fishermen deeper towards the coast. George Hishmeh says Israel needs to understand the longer the conflict continues the harder it will be to solve. The EU says it’s ready to resume its role at the Egypt-Gaza border if requested. Some accuse Israel of leaving white phosphorus canisters in the West Bank. David Pollack says political leadership is needed to give the API more momentum and public appeal.
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