Despite Israeli objections, Egypt will open its border with Gaza. The New York Times says bold ideas are required to salvage the peace process. Charles Krauthammer claims Pres. Obama has abandoned Israel, but William Quant says both sides lost out. Hussein Ibish looks at the demand for Palestinians to recognize Israel as a "Jewish state." Robert Satloff explains Israel's objections to Obama's positions. Tony Blair warns extremists could exploit the lack of a peace process. Israel focuses on weapon smuggling by sea. Analysts say PM Netanyahu has strengthened his right-wing coalition. The former head of Mossad says Israeli attempts to block a Palestinian statehood bid at the UN would backfire. The latest G8 statement does not mention 1967 borders. Yoel Marcus says Israel cannot survive more "victories" like Netanyahu's Washington trip, and Yossi Verter says any sense of triumph will be short-lived. Alon Ben-Meir says Netanyahu's positions jeopardize Israel's security. A new study estimates the value of Israeli settlements at $18.8 billion. Former PM Olmert says bold moves, not speeches, are required for peace. Orly Azoulay says Netanyahu missed an opportunity, D. Bloomfield also criticizes his performance, and Matt Duss says it made the Palestinian case. A new poll shows only 12% of Jewish Israelis think Obama is pro-Israel. The BBC profiles the West Bank economy. Israeli military paramedics help Palestinians. Netanyahu and his supporters appear pleased with his US trip. Patrick Seale says Obama shows no signs of acting on peace. George Hishmeh says Pres. Abbas should be invited to address Congress. Uri Avnery says Palestinians should go ahead with their UN plans. Raghida Dergham says the Arab response should focus on the API. ATFP Executive Director Ghaith al-Omari and WINEP's David Makovsky promote respectful dialogue at UCLA.

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