Israel schedules early elections for February 10th (1). Chris Phillips examines the Arab-Israeli peace talks in an op-ed for The Guardian (2). A boat of activists arrives on the shores of Gaza to draw attention to Israel’s blockade (3). The Israeli military defends their ‘shoot-to-kill policy, following the deaths of three Palestinian youths last week (4). Hamas warns that the recent arrests of their members in the West Bank may harm the upcoming unity talks (5). Retired Major General Amos Gilad discusses Israel’s current strategic environment in an article published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (9).
Time Magazine examines the challenges facing Palestinian Security Forces in the West Bank of town Hebron (1) where they were active this weekend (3). The chief Palestinian negotiator announces that there will be no peace agreement this year (2). Britain urges Israel to freeze settlement activity (4). Palestine takes steps to reduce their energy dependence on Israel (5). Israel’s Knesset tentatively agrees on February 10th elections (6). Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says he favors restricting right-wing extremists from the West Bank (9).
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