March 19th, 2013

Activists say three more Palestinians have been killed in Syria, in addition to 32 last week. (Ma'an/PNN)

Israel's new government is sending mixed messages on peace with the Palestinians. (AP)

Israel apparently will not have a permanent foreign minister for several months until the conclusion of former FM Lieberman's trial. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli anti-settlement activists say plans for building "Givat HaMatos" in the occupied West Bank are the most dangerous to peace. (IRIN)

A UNHRC fact-finding mission calls Israeli settlement activity "creeping annexation," but the US accuses the body of a "disproportionate focus" on Israel. (Jerusalem Post/)

PM Netanyahu says Israel is ready for "historic compromises" with the Palestinians. (Washington Post)

Israelis appear wary of Pres. Obama's visit, but say they're willing to listen. (New York Times)

Palestinians are skeptical
the trip will result in any additional peace talks. (The National)

Obama's trip will mingle diplomacy and public diplomacy. (Xinhua)

New polls suggest Obama may be becoming slightly more popular in Israel on the eve of his visit. (Reuters)

Many expect Obama to try to reach an understanding with Israel over Iran policy. (New York Times)

Sec. Kerry will return to the region shortly after Obama's trip concludes to discuss prospects for peace negotiations. (Ha'aretz)

Obama is traveling to a new and much changed Middle East, which some think poses perils for his trip. (AP)

Some Palestinians vandalize a banner of Obama. (AP)

PM Fayyad is heading a Palestinian delegation to an international donors meeting in Brussels. (Ma'an)

Lebanese authorities say Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace and dropped flares on Monday. (AP)

Israeli police say Palestinians shot and wounded an Israeli in a drive-by shooting in the occupied West Bank. (AP)

Qatar announces the first phase of a rebuilding project in Gaza. (Ma'an)

Hebrew is being increasingly taught in Gaza schools. (CSM)

Many analysts see the rise of Hamas as a direct consequence of, and threat to, the failing peace process. (USA Today)

Israeli troops demolish six structures in an "unauthorized" settlement outpost. (Xinhua)

Palestinians face a range of difficulties trying to buy and assert their ownership of land. (The Guardian)

Israeli defense experts expect long-term instability from Muslim militants in border regions. (JTA)

The LA Times says despite low expectations, Obama must continue to push for a two-state solution. (Los Angeles Times)

Jeffrey Goldberg interviews Jordan's King Abdullah II. (The Atlantic)

Peter Beinart says Obama needs to charm Israelis, but also to frighten them. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Martin Indyk
says if Obama can win over the Israeli public, this will be crucial leverage with Netanyahu. (Ha'aretz)

Alon Pinkas says that Obama will discover during his visit that Israelis and Palestinians are not ready for an agreement. (Al Monitor)

The Jerusalem Post thinks new DM Ya'alon will be second only to Netanyahu on defense and security issues. (Jerusalem Post)

Michael Singh
says US allies in the Middle East are looking for American leadership. (Washington Post)

Ha'aretz says Israel has just inaugurated a settler government. (Ha'aretz)

Hassan Barari
agrees settlers are the big winners in the new Israeli government coalition. (Arab News)

Gregg Carlstrom
says Israeli settlers are no longer particularly hostile to, or worried about, Obama. (Al Jazeera)

A Palestinian child writes an open letter to Obama about how settlers took over part of his family's home. (The Guardian)

Diana Pinto
says Obama is visiting a Jewish Israeli society that is only looking inward. (The Daily Star)

Eyad Abu Shakra
evaluates a recent speech on the "Arab Spring" by Fayyad. (Al Arabiya)

March 18th

Planned Israeli settlement construction in occupied East Jerusalem will complicate prospects for peace. (New York Times)

PM Netanyahu forms a new government with a key ally, who is noted for being cautious on Iran, as new defense minister. (AP/Reuters)

Netanyahu reportedly orders a quiet freeze on all settlement construction during Pres. Obama's upcoming visit. (Daily Beast)

Israel's new housing minister pledges more settlement building soon, as the settler movement is seen as seizing control of Israel's housing policies. (Reuters/Ha'aretz)

Settlers say they are pleased with the new government. (YNet)

Palestinians are increasingly frustrated with Obama's inaction on settlements. (Xinhua)

The new Israeli coalition agreement calls for a controversial Basic Law bill that would make the Israel's democratic character subservient to its Jewish character. (Ha'aretz)

Obama's Middle East trip is said to be intended to contain tensions rather than present new solutions. (AP/Los Angeles Times)

Palestinians say they are trying to keep their expectations for Obama's visit realistic. (Xinhua) Israelis intensify their efforts to press Obama for the release of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. (New York Times)

Pres. Abbas reiterates that Palestinians should not engage in armed struggle. (Jerusalem Post)

14 Palestinians and one Jordanian die in a traffic accident, and the bodies of the victims are returned to the West Bank. (Xinhua/Ma'an)

A Hamas activist nicknamed "the mother of martyrs" passes away. (AP)

Former FM Lieberman says Israeli occupation forces should open fire on stone-throwing Palestinian protesters. (Jerusalem Post)

Israeli occupation forces arrest 17 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank on Saturday. (Ma'an)

Egypt deports seven Palestinians back to Gaza "for security reasons." (AP)

A hunger striking Palestinian prisoner cuts a deal with Israeli authorities, ends his fast, and is released to Gaza. (AP)

Hamas leader Hanniyeh claims relations with Egypt are "strong." (Ma'an)

Israel may cut funding for Jewish-Arab dialogue initiatives. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinians complaining to Israeli occupation authorities about alleged "price tag" arson attacks find themselves arrested on charges of fabricating the event. (YNet)

A new poll suggests a large majority of Americans don't want their country to take the lead on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. (Jerusalem Post)

Hussein Ibish explains why Israeli settlement activity is strictly prohibited by international law. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Ben Ehrenreich looks at tensions in the village of Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank as a possible flashpoint for a third intifada. (New York Times)

Aaron David Miller suggests how to fix the Obama-Netanyahu relationship. (Washington Post)

Ben Caspit imagines what the Obama-Netanyahu conversation would sound like if they told each other the truth. (Al Monitor)

J.J. Goldberg says Obama and Netanyahu need each other. (The Forward)

Jonathan Freedland says Obama should not be a tourist and must take a message to Israel. (The Guardian)

Daniel Levy says Obama should take the opportunity to try to understand Israel's complex politics. (Ha'aretz)

Barbara Opall-Rome says the "Free Pollard" campaign is "a disgrace to American Zionists." (Ha'aretz)

Tamar Hermann
notes that Israelis are oddly indifferent to Obama's visit. (YNet)

Uzi Benziman
says the public has the right to know who is paying for the settlements, and by how much. (Ha'aretz)

Maskit Bendel
says that Palestinian-only bus lines are just a symptom of total segregation in the occupied West Bank. (YNet)

Aluf Benn
says if Israeli leftists want to be effective, they need to connect with Israel's mainstream. (Ha'aretz)

The Forward
says efforts to make Israel even more of a special case in US foreign relations, this time with regard to aid and sequesters, can backfire. (The Forward)

Musa Keilani says Jordan will have to scrutinize the new Israeli coalition and its policies very closely. (Jordan Times)

March 15th

The White House says Israel must recognize changing dynamics in the Middle East. (AP)

Pres. Obama gives a wide-ranging interview on Israeli television. (JTA)

Neither Israelis nor Palestinians seem to be placing much hope in Obama's upcoming visit for reviving peace talks. (Reuters)

Pres. Abbas says he hopes for a resumption of peace talks with Israel this year, but he's not optimistic. (Reuters)

Palestinian negotiators say "goodwill gestures" will not be enough to revive negotiations. (Jerusalem Post)

Hamas expresses anger that Obama will be ignoring the group during his visit. (Xinhua)

Tensions mount in the occupied West Bank as Israelis and Palestinians attack each other. (New York Times)

Occupation forces arrest 10 Palestinians for throwing stones at Israeli cars and causing crashes that injured several, including a baby. (AP)

PM Netanyahu will reportedly sign a deal forming a new government today, but many observers don't expect many policy changes. (AP/CSM)

Egyptian media blame Hamas for the killing of 16 Egyptian soldiers last year, which the group angrily denies. (AP)

The chairman of the magazine that published the story dismisses Hamas threats of a lawsuit. (Ma'an)

The IMF says the Palestinian financial situation is "increasingly perilous." (Reuters)

Obama assures Israelis the US will not allow Iran to possess a nuclear weapon. (Reuters)

The Palestinian Chief Justice says there is no basis whatsoever in Islam for justifying "honor killings." (Ma'an)

The influential Qatar-based Islamist cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi may visit Gaza. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinian sources say the rift between Hamas and Fatah has never been this severe. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Islamic Jihad says it intends to run, for the first time, in any future Palestinian elections. (Al Monitor)

UC San Diego's student government joins other UC student bodies in urging university divestment from companies involved in Israel's occupation. (Los Angeles Times)

ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali puts Obama's upcoming trip to the region in its broader context. (Huffington Post)

Aluf Benn looks at two new books about the political role of Israel's military. (Foreign Affairs)

Uri Blau profiles life, mores and mentalities in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. (Ha'aretz)

Larry Derfner says slandering Israel's critics as "anti-Semites" is a conscious effort to suppress criticism of its actions. (Ha'aretz)

Uri Savir says Israel's security is linked to Palestinian independence and regional stability. (Jerusalem Post)

French ambassador Christophe Bigot
tells Israelis their sense of apparent calm is illusory. (Jerusalem Post)

David Harris says Obama's trip to Israel could be a milestone in bilateral relations. (Ha'aretz)

Jeffrey Goldberg
asks why Obama is going to Israel now. (Bloomberg)

The Daily Star hopes Obama's trip will not be an exercise in "political tourism." (The Daily Star)

Lara Friedman critiques Dennis Ross' 14 point peace plan issued last week. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Brent Sasley tries to explain who got what in Israel's new coalition deal. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The Economist says there is no alternative to a two-state solution and those looking for one are kidding themselves. (The Economist)

March 14th

Pres. Obama will visit the Church of the Holy Nativity in occupied Bethlehem during his visit to Palestine, but may not visit Ramallah. (New York Times/Ma'an)

Palestinians and Israelis are preparing to receive Obama. (The Media Line)

Some Palestinians are hoping to send messages directly to Obama through billboards in Ramallah. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Observers fear Obama's visit will be clouded by regional politics. (AP)

Israeli occupation forces raid several towns in the West Bank and arrest 19 Palestinians. (Ma'an)

PM Netanyahu appears to have finally assembled a new coalition government. (New York Times/AP)

Settlers and their allies will likely be strengthened by the shape of the new Israeli coalition government. (Ha'aretz)

Israel accuses a Hamas leader of orchestrating attacks against Israelis. (Xinhua)

A Palestinian girl dies in a fire started by a gaslamp in Gaza. (Xinhua)

Settlers steal an Israeli military tent in the occupied Palestinian territories. (Ha'aretz)

Lawyers for a hunger striking Palestinian prisoner again say he is on the brink of death. (Ma'an)

The World Bank is planning to transfer $60.5 million to the PA in budgetary support. (PNN)

The once-thriving Palestinian shoe industry in Hebron is in sharp decline due to cheap imports. (Al Monitor)

The Israeli military says the Syrian regime is preparing to use chemical weapons, although the order has not yet been given. (Ha'aretz)

Bethlehem will hold its first marathon in April. (The National)

Salafists from Gaza may be starting to take part in the Syrian Civil War, and others are rising in refugee camps in Lebanon. (Al Monitor)

The Israeli government is launching an education campaign intended to boost economic growth among its Palestinian citizens. (Bloomberg)

UNRWA officials defend UN aid to the Palestinian refugees during a trip to Washington. (Foreign Policy)

PCHR looks at a failed compensation case filed against Israel by a Palestinian severely injured by Israeli attacks on Gaza last November. (PNN)

Hani al-Masri says another intifada is not far away given the level of Palestinian despair. (YNet)

Osman Mirghani says an atmosphere of hatred and apartheid is growing in Israel. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Safa Shehada explains the creation of an organization designed to support Bedouin women in Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Ari Shavit says Obama holds the future of Israel in his hands. (Ha'aretz)

Joyce Karam says Obama can learn lessons about his trip from former Pres. Clinton. (Al Arabiya)

Douglas Bloomfield
says Israel needs a settlement freeze. (Jerusalem Post)

Abraham Foxman explains what he thinks Obama ought to say to the people of Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Gershon Baskin
says unilateralism is disastrous and the Geneva agreements demonstrate that a deal is possible. (Jerusalem Post)

Ari Jankelowitz
looks at the complications of dual citizenship for Israelis in light of the Prisoner X scandal. (The Forward)

Aaron David Miller
says a close look at demographics shows Israel has to give up the occupation or choose between being a Jewish or a democratic state. (Foreign Policy)

Washington Watch: Meridor: Israel needs a settlement freeze
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Jerusalem Post
by Douglas Bloomfield - (Opinion) March 13, 2013 - 12:00am

As the new government convenes this week, the Likud will be missing its leading advocate for peace, the two-state solution and curbing settlement activity. Dan Meridor, the outgoing deputy prime minister and minister of intelligence and atomic energy, was unceremoniously dumped by his party as it took a hard turn to the Right for the recent elections. Once one of the rising princes of the Likud, Meridor has long been among Israel’s most respected political leaders.

U.N. officials in Washington to defend Palestinian refugee aid
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Foreign Policy
by Josh Rogin - March 13, 2013 - 12:00am

U.S. aid to the Palestinian refugees could fall victim to the automatic budget cuts that went into effect March 1, so the head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) made two trips to Washington this month to argue for consistency in U.S. help for his organization.

New hotline for Beduin women
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Jerusalem Post
by Safa Shehada - March 14, 2013 - 12:00am

Around 200,000 Arabs live in the Negev, more than half of whom are women. The Arab women of the Negev are caught between a rock and a hard place – the former being government policy and the latter the strict cultural mores of Beduin society. Since Arab women are part of Israel’s Palestinian minority, they have not had much success in exercising their rights, even the most basic ones.

Israel Arab Education Plan to Boost Growth
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Bloomberg
by Gwen Ackerman, Alisa Odenheimer - March 14, 2013 - 12:00am

Israel’s six-year project to improve its Arab community’s job prospects will also help to bolster slowing economic growth, Manuel Trajtenberg, who helped to draft the plan, said in an interview. Israeli Arabs have lagged behind the Jewish majority economically and have accused the government and Jewish employers of discrimination. The state has pledged to narrow the gap and sees promoting higher education among Arabs as key.

Salafist Factions on Rise At Palestinian Camp in Lebanon
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Al-Monitor
by Nasser Chararah - March 13, 2013 - 12:00am

Bilal Badr, an official from the Fatah al-Islam movement (a takfiri, fundamentalist and extremist organization linked to al-Qaeda) escaped an assassination attempt yesterday [March 12] by a masked assailant in the neighborhood of Ras al-Ahmar in the Lebanese Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp.

Obama’s Israel Itinerary Includes Some Standard Stops, but Not Others
Media Mention of Ghaith al-Omari In The New York Times - March 13, 2013 - 12:00am

President Obama plans to visit the Church of the Nativity, but not the Western Wall, when he travels to Israel next week. He will speak at Jerusalem’s convention center, but not before the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament.

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