March 26th, 2013

Egyptian kidnappers release two tourists, one of whom is a Palestinian citizen of Israel. (Ha'aretz/Reuters)

Israeli occupation forces impose a general closure of the West Bank through the end of Passover. (JTA/Jerusalem Post)

A new tour is giving Israelis a closer look at Ramallah, in some ways. (New York Times)

Israeli human rights group call on their government to ease new restrictions on Gaza fishermen. (AFP)

An Israeli general suggests the possibility of creating a "buffer zone" across the Syrian border If the Damascus regime is overthrown. (Reuters)

Pres. Abbas arrives in Doha for the latest Arab League summit. (Ma'an)

A hunger striking Palestinian prisoner is again said to be in mortal peril. (Xinhua)

The PA says it wants membership in Interpol to better fight corruption. (Xinuha)

Australia's Foreign Minister his country wants Israel to explain the 2010 death of alleged Mossad agent Ben Zygier. (Ha'aretz)

Qatar proposes the creation of a $1 billion fund for Palestinians in East Jerusalem, and contributes the first $250 million. (Reuters/Jerusalem Post)

Ha'aretz says Sec. Kerry's vigorous engagement with Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy shows Pres. Obama's visit was not a one-time event. (Ha'aretz)

Akiva Eldar
says Pres. Abbas can force PM Netanyahu's hand by returning to negotiations even without a settlement freeze. (Al Monitor)

Hussein Ibish looks at exaggerated optimism and pessimism about Obama's trip. (Now)

Ron Kampeas says Obama built-up political capital during the trip, but it's unclear how he's going to use it. (JTA)

Nathan Jeffay asks if young Israelis are really going to follow Obama towards peace. (The Forward)

The Economist says the trip looks a lot different from the Palestinian point of view. (The Economist)

Aaron David Miller says Obama's trip was nothing new or impressive. (Foreign Policy)

Ben Lynfield thinks the trip shows Obama has given up on peace. (The National Interest)

Maud Newton looks at the passionate pro-Israel stance of some American Evangelical Christians. (New York Times)

Khaled Elgindy
says the US needs to take Palestinian, as well as Israeli, politics into consideration. (LA Times)

Linah Alsaafin describes the struggles of a Palestinian family trying to hold onto its landing the occupied West Bank. (Al Monitor)

Ben Gittleson profiles Obama’s new National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Why Obama Picked Philip Gordon For NSC Post
Media Mention of Ghaith al-Omari In The Daily Beast - March 25, 2013 - 12:00am


March 25th

The aftermath of Pres. Obama's Middle East trip raises hopes of a US push on Israeli-Palestinian peace, particularly as Turkey and Israel repair their relations. (New York Times)

Palestinian officials say they've agreed to enter into exploratory talks about new negotiations, but reject another partial, temporary settlement freeze. (Xinhua/AP)

The Israeli government appears more committed to settlements than ever. (CSM)

A new poll suggests most Israeli right-wingers would accept a two state agreement, including a division of Jerusalem. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinian officials say the US is trying to bring Arab states into its renewed peace efforts, and expect a new US initiative in the next few weeks. (AP/Times of Israel)

Palestinian officials say the PA economy still faces a crisis despite the release of $500 million in US aid. (Ma'an)

Israel says it's going to resume transferring Palestinian tax revenues to the PA immediately. (AFP)

PM Erdogan says it will take time to fully restore ties with Israel. (AP)

Israel denies the new understanding with Turkey involves ending the blockade of Gaza. (Reuters/Xinhua)

On Sunday, Israel extended the closure of the only commercial crossing into Gaza. (Xinhua)

The Israeli-Turkish rapprochement appears based on shared concerns about Syria. (CSM)

Josh Rogin describes the circumstances of the phone call that began mending Israeli-Turkish relations. (Foreign Policy)

A Hamas court in Gaza issues a death sentence on a Palestinian accused of collaborating with Israel. (Ma'an)

The Israeli military says it fired into Syria after being attacked across the frontier with the occupied Golan Heights. (Reuters)

A Palestinian citizen of Israel student who heckled Obama explains his outburst. (New York Times)

Palestinian officials complain Christians in the occupied West Bank received less than half of their requested permits from Israel to visit Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. (Ma'an)

Occupation forces dismantle a Palestinian tent protest against the planned E1 settlement expansion. (Ma'an)

Warren Bass says Obama showed PM Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas how to marshal public opinion on peace. (Foreign Policy)

Thomas Friedman says Israelis and Palestinians need to work with Obama to restart peace talks urgently. (New York Times)

Dana Milbank
says Obama looked more like a tourist than a peacemaker. (Washington Post)

Ari Shavit says the challenge of ending occupation is closely linked to finding solutions regarding Iran. (Ha'aretz)

The Jerusalem Post says "regional realities" compelled Netanyahu to apologize to Turkey. (Jerusalem Post)

Hassan Barari agrees the Israeli-Turkish rapprochement is pragmatic. (Arab News)

Chemi Shalev says that Israel got "tough love" from Obama. (Ha'aretz)

Adel Safty says Obama clearly won over a lot of skeptical Israelis, but wonders if it will be enough to make much of a difference. (Gulf News)

Bradley Burston
says Obama's trip has prompted him to drop his long-standing cynicism. (Ha'aretz)

Raghida Dergham
says the second Obama administration is crushing the hopes of the first. (Al Hayat)

Nasouh Al Majali says Obama's visit only proved American priorities are not focused on peace. (Jordan Times)

Arnaud de Borchgrave
says the fate of Jordan is critical to US, Turkish, Arab and Israeli policies. (UPI)

How American Diplomats Became Israel’s Lawyers
Media Mention of Hussein Ibish In - March 22, 2013 - 12:00am

  Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East

March 22nd

Crowdsourcing Peace
In Print by Hussein Ibish - Foreign Policy - March 21, 2013 - 12:00am


Pres. Obama challenges young Israelis and Palestinians to take the lead on peace. (New York Times)

Obama warns Israel that its future as a Jewish and democratic state is at risk because of the occupation. (New York Times/LA Times)

Obama and Pres. Abbas both say the settlement issue is an obstacle to peace, but Obama says it shouldn't block the resumption of negotiations. (Xinhua)

The White House issues transcripts of remarks given by Obama and Abbas after their meeting, and Obama's speech to the people of Israel and the region. (White House)

Obama seems to be repositioning himself as a peace broker, but Palestinians seem skeptical. (LA Times/CSM)

Obama's visit poses tough choices for Palestinians, who appear to be having a mixed reaction to his trip. (AP/The Media Line)

Pres. Peres reportedly tells Obama that PM Netanyahu's coalition will make it difficult for him to take steps towards peace. (Ha'aretz)

Obama meets with a chilly reception in Bethlehem. (Ha'aretz)

Israel is increasingly becoming a walled-off fortress. (NBC)

Hamas complains to Egypt after Israel suspends some aspects of the cease-fire agreement following the firing of two rockets into southern Israel. (Reuters)

Hamas places new restrictions on travel for Palestinians out of Gaza. (Al Monitor)

Hussein Ibish says Obama was trying to use public diplomacy as a corrective to dysfunctional state-level diplomacy on peace. (Foreign Policy)

The New York Times says Obama's speech was a rhetorical success, but now needs to be followed up with serious diplomatic measures, and Daniel Levy agrees. (New York Times/Foreign Policy)

Edward Djerejian says the US needs to lay out a clear diplomatic framework for the resumption of negotiations, including terms of reference. (Jerusalem Post)

Michael Cohen says Obama's rhetoric about peace is at odds with a continued diplomatic impasse. (The Guardian)

Lara Friedman says Obama's speech was a huge step in the right direction. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Ha'aretz says Israelis need to listen carefully to Obama. (Ha'aretz)

Jeffrey Goldberg says Obama's speech would have been booed by some if he had given it at an AIPAC meeting. (The Atlantic)

Yossi Verter says Obama's speech sent a clear message to Israel -- you have a great country but you must end the occupation -- and was a rebuke to Netanyahu. (Ha'aretz)

Alon Pinkas says Obama sees Israel as a strong country that has to make some tough choices instead of always looking for sympathy. (YNet)

Amiel Ungar says Obama's charm won't be enough to convince most Israelis he's right. (Ha'aretz)

Gal Beckerman says Obama's speech was rhetorically historic, and that has to be considered a kind of progress. (The Forward)

Ian Black says Obama's speech displayed emotional and political intelligence. (The Guardian)

Dalia Hatuqa says many Palestinians see Obama's visit as a reminder of broken promises. (CSM)

The Economist
says Obama needs to strongly push back against the idea that a two-state solution is no longer possible. (The Economist)

The Jerusalem Post
claims most Israelis want peace, but most Palestinians just don't. (Jerusalem Post)

Karl Vick examines the sources of ongoing Palestinian frustration with Obama. (Time)

Ahmad Majdoubeh
says Obama has to begin to worry about his legacy in the Middle East. (Jordan Times)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says Mother's Day in Gaza is a time for sorrow, not joy. (Al Monitor)

March 21st

ATFP Warmly Welcomes President Obama's Historic Jerusalem Speech
Press Release - March 21, 2013 - 12:00am


Pres. Obama vows to recommit US foreign policy to seeking a two-state peace agreement. (The National)

A leaked document suggests Pres. Abbas is looking for ways to resume negotiations with Israel. (New York Times)

Obama prepares to visit the occupied West Bank today. (BBC)

Obama and PM Netanyahu attempt to convey solidarity on various policies. (AP/Washington Post)

Ha'aretz publishes a transcript of the Obama-Netanyahu press conference. (Ha'aretz)

Obama and Netanyahu reportedly discussed Iran, Syria and peace talks at length. (Xinhua)

Obama calls Israeli-Palestinian peace "a really hard problem." (AP)

Obama reiterates unwavering American support for Israel. (AP)

Obama's message may not resonate with younger, more right-wing Israelis. (LA Times)

Some Palestinians
express great disappointment with Obama thus far for not pressuring Israel enough, and also with Arab states. (BBC/USA Today/The National)

The Israeli police say they have deployed 15,000 officers for security during Obama's trip. (Xinhua)

More than 500 journalists are covering Obama's Middle East trip. (The Media Line)

Two rockets fired from Gaza land in southern Israel. (YNet)

PM Fayyad secures €7 million in funding for Palestinian development in "Area C." (PNN)

The plight of Palestinian refugees in Syria could have serious implications for Israel. (JTA)

Some Palestinian lawyers file a lawsuit in Ramallah against the US government regarding the death of a Palestinian in Iraq in 2003. (Xinhua)

Weapons experts express significant doubts about Israel's new anti-missile defense system. (New York Times)

Israeli occupation forces surround a Palestinian protest tent village to the east of Jerusalem, in the area slated for the highly controversial proposed E-1 settlement. (Ma'an/Ha'aretz)

Rock star Roger Waters endorses boycotting Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel is trying to get settlers and Palestinians in the occupied territories to cooperate on recycling trash. (Ha'aretz)

Gaza is facing another water crisis. (Al Monitor)

Ben Gurion University is trying to promote a "business for peace" program between Israelis and Palestinians. (Al Monitor)

PM Erdogan says his comments at a UN meeting about Zionism were "misinterpreted." (JTA)

A young woman in Gaza is allegedly killed by her father and brother in a "honor crime," but Hamas is not applying Abbas' ban on invoking "honor" in order to get reduced sentences. (Al Monitor)

Mara Rudman says the PA institution-building program is essential for building a Palestinian state to live alongside Israel. (USAID)

Matthew Duss says the US needs to support the PA institutionally and with a robust diplomatic push for a peace agreement, and by speaking bluntly to both sides. (CAP/American Prospect)

John Podesta, Ian Bomberg and Rudy deLeon
say political risk insurance is an important factor in Palestinian economic development. (American Progress)

Mustafa Barghouthi says Palestinians want to know if Obama and the US have the will to move forward on peace based on Palestinian independence. (New York Times)

Chemi Shalev
says Obama's major address during his visit to Israel and Palestine may make many parties uncomfortable with blunt talk about the consequences of inaction on peace. (Ha'aretz)

Bradley Burston says Obama's speech will be addressed directly to the Israeli public, who can either make or break a peace agreement with the Palestinians. (Ha'aretz)

Former Congressman Gary Ackerman says Israelis need to understand and respect the basic human dignity of Palestinians and strike a reasonable deal with them. (Jerusalem Post)

E.J. Dionne says Obama is hoping his visit will be a reset in his relations with the Israeli government and people. (Washington Post)

Herb Keinon
says the Israeli public has fallen in love with Obama. (Jerusalem Post)

The Daily Star says Obama's visit is likely to plunge Palestinians and Arabs into entirely new levels of outrage and despair.(The Daily Star)

Sami Abdel-Shafi says he's optimistic about the outcome of Obama's visit. (The Guardian)

Karl Vick says Obama and Netanyahu looked like they were in a "buddy movie"on the first day of the President's visit to Israel. (Time)

Harry Enten
says polls show both Israelis and Palestinians are increasingly skeptical that Obama or the US can help achieve a two-state solution. (The Guardian)

Eitan Haber
issues an open letter of thanks to Obama. (YNet)

Ian Black says Obama's trip to Israel will do nothing to restore Arab confidence in him. (The Guardian)

Gershon Baskin
offers advice to Obama. (Jerusalem Post)

Human Rights Watch
says Obama should press both Israeli and Palestinian leaders on abuses. (HRW)

Ian Lustick says Israel needs to outgrow an outmoded, traditional, pre-state Zionism. (LA Times)

Maysoon Zayid imagines taking Obama on a tour of Palestine and Israel as she knows them. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Yolande Knell says Israelis and Palestinians are wondering if there any viable alternatives to a two-state solution. (BBC)

Naseem Tarawnah says Jeffrey Goldberg's interviews with Jordan's King Abdullah II demonstrates the pressing need for Arab social and political honesty. (The Black Iris)

Douglas Bloomfield notes that Pres. Morsi is cooperating much more with Israel than with Hamas. (Jerusalem Post)

Lana Shehadeh
says Palestinian women face pervasive violence and discrimination in their own society. (Al Monitor)

Hussein Ibish examines the psychology behind arguments that deny Israel is an occupying power, or that settlement activity in occupied territories is prohibited by international law. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

March 20th

Pres. Obama arrives in Israel for the first stage of his trip to the region. (AP)

Many are warning that Obama must take serious measures, including pressure on Israel, or risk the collapse of the two-state solution. (The Guardian)

Obama declares the US-Israel alliance is "eternal, forever." (Ma'an)

Obama and PM Netanyahu will seek a thaw in their strained relations. (LA Times/The National)

Iran will definitely be a subject of discussion following Israeli complaints about a recent international offer to Iran in nuclear negotiations. (LA Times)

Obama may face a chilly reception from Palestinians in a skeptical occupied West Bank. (LA Times/Washington Post)

Israeli settlement activity remains a major source of tension. (NPR)

Anti-Obama protesters scuffle with Palestinian police. (Reuters)

Israeli officials say Sec. Hagel will visit next month. (Reuters)

Israeli officials join others in asserting that Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons in that country's civil war. (AP)

Israel's military says it treated four wounded Syrians. (Reuters)

Palestinian sources say Israeli occupation forces detained up to 50 children in Hebron on allegations of throwing stones. (PNN)

PA employees in Gaza complain their salaries have been docked for electricity bill payments. (Ma'an)

Netanyahu has been formally invited to visit Russia. (AP)

The killing of a Palestinian by Israeli border police in 2010 continues to provoke controversy and legal action. (Ha'aretz)

A previously unreleased tape recording shows that in 1972 Pres. Nixon mocked Democrats for their "dishonest" position that the US should recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. (AP)

The CSM says Obama's visit to the Middle East will reveal much about America's new global role. (CSM)

Israeli Amb. Oren gives his views on why Obama is visiting Israel now. (LA Times)

The National says Obama's visit offers little hope to Palestinians. (The National)

Nabil Sha'ath
says Palestinians are still waiting for Obama to really prove his commitment to a two-state solution. (Ha'aretz)

Ari Shavit says Obama must win over the Israeli public. (Ha'aretz)

Aaron Mann says the US not only can want peace more than the parties, it has to. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Samuel Berger says the parties must move beyond personalities and look for points of common interest. (Foreign Policy)

Elias Harfoush says there's no evidence that Obama's visit means any change in policy at all. (Al Hayat)

Aaron David Miller offers 11 tips on how to be successful in pursuing Middle East peace. (Foreign Policy)

Robert Fisk asks if Obama's trip will be a tragedy, farce or just tourism. (The Independent)

Nicolas Pelham imagines what it might look like if Obama were trying to enter Israel as an ordinary American citizen. (Ha'aretz)

Rami Khouri explains how he thinks Obama could improve US policy in the Middle East. (The Daily Star)

Caryle Murphy says expectations for Obama's trip are justifiably low. (Al Majalla)

Ben Caspit says Obama is really going to Israel to talk about Iran, not peace. (Al Monitor)

Osama Al Sharif says Israel is worried about the apparently impending downfall of Syrian Pres. Assad. (Arab News)

Amos Yadlin and Gilead Sher
say Israel should move towards a two-state solution, unilaterally if need be. (Foreign Policy)

March 19th

As Hamas rises, peace prospects sink, observers say
Media Mention of Hussein Ibish In USA Today - March 19, 2013 - 12:00am

  President Obama visits Israel and the West Bank capital of Ramallah this week in a Middle East that has changed so dramatically that the two-state solution he has championed seems more than ever a mirage.

American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017