November 5th, 2013


Four more Palestinian refugees are killed in the Syrian conflict. (Ma’an)

Israelis and Palestinians both express pessimism about negotiations on the eve of Sec. Kerry's visit. (Reuters/Jerusalem Post/UPI)

Kerry may be floating some new ideas in his meetings with Israelis and Palestinians. (The Guardian)

Pres. Abbas reportedly says no progress whatsoever has been made in negotiations with Israel. (Ma’an)

Abbas says the linkage in Israeli politics between prisoner release and settlement expansion could kill peace talks. (Ha'aretz)

Abbas also denounces Israel's demands for a long-term military presence in the Jordan Valley. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinian officials say the US should be more serious about making the talks work. (Los Angeles Times)

A new opinion poll shows most Palestinians are in favor of a two-state solution but more pessimistic than ever. (PNN)

Israeli press reports suggest the country's negotiators are deeply at odds over Jerusalem. (PNN)

Israeli negotiators reportedly may have told Palestinians in West Bank separation barrier should serve as the new border. (AFP)

Israeli Finance Minister Lapid rules out any possibility of negotiations over the future of Jerusalem. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel conducts DNA tests to identify the bodies it is returning to Palestinians. (Ma’an/Xinhua)

Israeli DM Ya'alon says Hamas is preparing for more conflict by creating a network of tunnels throughout Gaza. (Xinhua)

The Israeli military simulates taking direct control of Gaza again. (YNet)

Palestinians say Israel has sentenced a young man to a month in prison for "making an illegal phone call." (Ma’an)

fuel crisis in the occupied West Bank has reportedly been resolved. (Ma’an)

Women-only cafés are a new feature of Palestinian social life in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

American and Saudi officials play down their differences as Kerry visits the Kingdom. (New York Times/AP/Washington Post)


J.J. Goldberg examines reports the US may be preparing its own peace proposals. (The Forward)

The PLO issues a new fact sheet about Israeli settlement activity since the resumption of negotiations. (PLO)

Shlomi Eldar insists Palestinian chief negotiator Erekat really did try to resign because Israel's policies have made negotiations politically untenable. (Al Monitor)

Faisal Al Yafai says it wasn't just Yitzhak Rabin who was killed in 1995 but the Israeli commitment to peace. (The National)

Ashraf al-Ajrami says few Israelis are aware most released prisoners join the peace movement. (YNet)

Asmaa al-Ghoul looks at how black Palestinians in Gaza deal with the racism they encounter. (Al Monitor)

The New York Times thinks Kerry's visit to Egypt confused rather than clarified relations with the US. (New York Times)

The National says Kerry will be hearing from frustrated Arab allies. (The National)

Lally Weymouth interviews Saudi Prince Turki, who says some US policies "have been wrong." (Washington Post)

Hussein Ibish says the world must act on the dire Syrian refugee crisis. (NOW)

Zvi Bar'el says Europe must open its borders to Syrian refugees. (Ha'aretz)

Diana Moukalled profiles Soad Nofal, a woman defying Al Qaeda in Syria. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Hassan Barari says PM Al-Maliki’s policies pose a bigger threat to Iraq and the region than Al-Qaeda. (Arab News)

November 4th


Israel announces future tenders for 1,730 new settlement housing units. (Xinhua)

PM Netanyahu defends Israel's settlement expansion policies. (AP)

The PLO says Israel is "not serious" about peace, and threatens to take the issue of settlements to the UN Security Council. (Ma'an)

Israeli press reports suggest the US may offer a new peace initiative in January. (Ha'aretz/PNN/Jerusalem Post)

An Israeli drone crashes north of Gaza, Israel says because of technical malfunctions but Palestinianmilitants say they shot it down. (Xinhua/Ma'an)

The star of the noted film "5 Broken Cameras" is among those shot by Israeli occupation forces at a protest. (Ma'an)

Hamas is creating its own new, controversial textbooks. (New York Times)

Hamas appoints a 23-year-old woman writer its Western spokeswoman. (YNet)

South Africa's FM expresses solidarity with the Palestinian cause. (Ma'an)

A Bedouin child is killed by a tractor in the Negev desert. (YNet)

The CSM looks at how humor eases the burden of daily life under occupation for Palestinians. (Christian Science Monitor)

Palestinians launch a new effort to promote domestic tourism. (PNN)

Sec. Kerry visits Egypt at the start of a regional tour and reaffirms strong relations. (New York Times)

Kerry will also go to Saudi Arabia in an effort to repair strained ties. (AP/Reuters)

suicide bombing in the Syrian city of Homs kills six people. (AP)

Jordan is reportedly turning away Syrian refugees. (Los Angeles Times)

The UN says nearly 1,000 people were killed in Iraq in October. (AP)

The trial of former Egyptian Pres. Morsy begins, but quickly recesses. (New York Times/Los Angeles Times)

Military analysts say the suspension in some US military aid provides Egypt with an opportunity for innovation. (The National)


Adam Gonn says Kerry is trying to keep up pressure on Israel and the Palestinians to make progress. (Xinhua)

Steve Hibbard sees little reason for optimism in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (The Daily Star)

Boaz Ganor says Israel is in a difficult strategic position that can only be resolved through peace with the Palestinians. (Jerusalem Post)

Giles Fraser says Israel cannot afford to be isolated forever. (The Guardian)

Amira Hass looks at repeated threats by Palestinian chief negotiator Erekat to resign. (Ha'aretz)

Hazem Balousha thinks clashes between Israel and Hamas are unlikely to intensify. (Al Monitor)

Uri Misgav says the Israeli far right is still celebrating the assassination of the late PM Rabin. (Ha'aretz)

Arik Ascherman says Israel's mass relocation plan will hurt Bedouin women even more than men. (Ha'aretz)

David Harris asks how far Israel and Washington have diverged regarding Iran. (Ha'aretz)

David Horovitz says the next two months will prove decisive regarding Iran. (Times of Israel)

Turki bin Faisal al-Saud says ending the ongoing horror in Syria is the paramount Middle East issue of the moment. (The Daily Star)

Asharq Al-Awsat interviews the Egyptian Al-Nour Party Spokesman. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Wafa Al Sayed says American detente with Iran need not come at the expense of its Gulf allies. (Gulf News)

Nasouh Majali says the US seems to many Arabs to be less committed to the Middle East. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says Kerry's trip to the region is "too little, too late." (The Daily Star)

Madawi Al-Rasheed says Kerry ought to be able to patch things up with Saudi Arabia. (Al Monitor)

Hussein Ibish says it's vital for the US to preserve strategic relations with its Arab allies. (The National)

November 1st


Palestinian negotiators reportedly offer to resign over planned new Israeli settlement activity, but Pres. Abbas is unlikely to accept. (New York Times/Ma'an)

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat denies offering to resign. (YNet)

Sec. Kerry will meet with Abbas in Bethlehem next week. (Jerusalem Post)

An Israeli attack on a Gaza smuggling tunnel reportedly kills four Hamas militants. (AP/Reuters/Xinhua)

Five Israeli soldiers are injured in Gaza. (YNet/Times of Israel)

Palestinians say Israel is preparing to destroy the homes of 15,000 Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation officials are trying to control pollution in the West Bank. (Christian Science Monitor)

Settlers destroy 300 newly planted olive trees in Qalqiliya in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

The Israeli military withdraws from 13 communities near the Gaza border. (Xinhua)

The main Gaza power plant once again stops functioning due to lack of fuel supplies. (Xinhua)

Israel reportedly attacks a shipment of Russian missiles inside Syria, that were perhaps bound for Hezbollah. (AP/YNet/Ha'aretz)

The US announces that Israel will be the first foreign country to receive the new V-22 Osprey military aircraft. (Los Angeles Times/Ha'aretz)

Economic and military ties between Israel and India are expanding. (The Media Line)

PM al-Maliki is in Washington seeking support amid a growing security crisis. (New York Times/AP/Christian Science Monitor)

Sec. Kerry is visiting Saudi Arabia and other countries in an effort to smooth relations. (New York Times/AP)

Syrian troops recapture a key town in the north from rebels. (AP)

Syria may be seeking to retain control of a small number of chemical weapons factories. (Foreign Policy)

Egypt declares a state of emergency before the trial of former Pres. Morsi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)


Yuval Diskin says to prevent another Palestinian intifada, Israel must encourage hope and prisoner releases part of that. (YNet)

Yossi Verter questions whether PM Netanyahu's coalition can survive infighting over a Palestinian deal. (Ha'aretz)

Yoel Marcus says, in order to make peace, Netanyahu must purge his cabinet of extremists. (Ha'aretz)

Elisheva Goldberg is sure that there was a deal between Netanyahu and Bennett trading prisoner release for more settlements. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The Jerusalem Post dismisses the idea that Israeli settlements are an obstacle to peace. (Jerusalem Post)

Shaul Arieli says Israel's founders knew partition is necessary for it to be Jewish, but the Greater Israel movement threatens this. (Ha'aretz)

The Economist doubts an interim agreement will really advance Israeli-Palestinian peace. (The Economist)

Hillel Halkin says there's nothing wrong with Jewish Americans putting Israel first. (The Forward)

Yaakov Lappin says Israel faces daily dilemmas about what to do regarding Syria and Hezbollah's arms supplies. (Jerusalem Post)

Zvi Bar'el says as the US is moving away from Egypt, Russia is moving in. (Ha'aretz)

Rye Druzin says the rift between the US and Gulf states is expanding. (The Media Line)

Marwan Kabalan says US Gulf allies need reassurances. (Gulf News)

Aaron David Miller asks if the US really has a special relationship with Saudi Arabia, and if so, is it worth keeping. (Foreign Policy)

Paul Danahar says the US left Iraq a broken mess. (BBC)

Asharq Al-Awsat interviews Egyptian FM Fahmi. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Manuel Almeida says PM Erdoğan is his own worst enemy. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Andrew Parasiliti interviews Ali Al-Moussawi, a top advisor to PM Al-Maliki. (Al Monitor)

Palash Ghosh profiles the large Palestinian community in Chile. (IB Times)

Uri Avnery says as he turns 90 he still advocates Palestinian statehood and believes it can happen in his lifetime. (The Independent)

October 31st


The White House issues a full transcript of remarks by Middle East Coordinator Philip Gordon at the Oct. 29 ATFP Gala. (ATFP)

In his ATFP remarks, Gordon condemns Israeli settlement activity. (JTA)

Israel announces it plans to add 1,500 new settlement housing units in the occupied West Bank. (New York Times/AP)

Israel may be actually contemplating up to 5,000 new settlement housing units. (Ha'aretz/Los Angeles Times)

The United States says it opposes new settlement activity, especially in occupied East Jerusalem. (YNet)

Pres. Abbas condemns Israel's latest settlement activity, and Palestinians say this is "destroying the peace process." (Xinhua/YNet)

AP provides a summary of recent Israeli settlement activity. (AP)

The EU condemns Israel's latest settlement plans, and calls for a complete end to all expansionincluding "natural growth." (Ma'an/Times of Israel)

Settlers demolish over 600 olive trees near Nablus. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces kill a Palestinian man at a protest near Jenin. (Reuters/AP/Xinhua/Ma'an)

The Israeli military says it doesn't anticipate another intifada but is preparing for the failure of peace talks. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinians welcome prisoners released by Israel. (New York Times/NPR)

Released prisoners arrive in the West Bank, and begin new lives outside of prison. (Xinhua)

Abbas says all prisoners must be released in the context of a peace agreement. (Jerusalem Post)

The UN says the status of Jerusalem must be resolved in any peace agreement. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinians celebrate their Jerusalem heritage. (The Media Line)

Israeli occupation forces arrest 12 Palestinians, including three Hamas activists, in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

Palestinians in village of Battir in the occupied West Bank launching farming "Green Intifada."(Xinhua)

At least 24 people were killed in Iraq in a series of attacks on Wednesday. (AP)

A major Syrian air base is destroyed by an attack from the sea, but it is unclear by whom. (Jerusalem Post)

Syria reportedly completes the demolition of its chemical weapons production facilities. (AP)

One of the last remaining senior Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leaders not in custody has been arrested. (New York Times)

Egypt's interim president Mansour is making his second trip to the Gulf region. (AP)

The Emir of Qatar starts an official visit to the UAE. (Xinhua)

Pakistan says 2,227 people have been killed in US drone attacks in the country since 2008. (Xinhua)



Rifat Odeh Kassis looks at the plight of Palestinian children arrested in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma'an)

Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki tries to explain Palestinian public opinion to an American audience. (The Heights)

Gideon Levy says prisoner release must come with the spirit of forgiveness. (Ha'aretz)

Gershon Baskin says no Israelis are happy to see Palestinian prisoners released. (Jerusalem Post)

Avi Issacharoff looks at Palestinian celebrations of released prisoners. (Times Israel)

Jesse Rosenfeld says there appears to be rising support among Palestinians for armed resistance. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Ahmad Azem says, on the contrary, Palestinians are shying away from armed resistance and nationalistic slogans. (Al Monitor)

Aaron Magid says, for peace talks to succeed, terrorism on both sides must cease. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The Jerusalem Post says Israel is wrong to reengage the UN Human Rights Council. (Jerusalem Post)

David Ignatius says the US is pursuing a de facto policy of disengagement in the Middle East that potentially very dangerous. (Washington Post)

Rami Khouri is the downsizing the US presence in the Middle East is probably a good thing. (The Daily Star)

Doyle McManus says Pres. Obama is taking a huge risk in alienating Middle East allies by reaching out to Iran. (Los Angeles Times)

Osama Al Sharif says Obama cannot escape the Middle East even if he wants to. (Arab News)

The New York Times says more needs to be done to aid the suffering people of Syria. (New York Times)

The BBC looks at rising sectarian tensions in Iraq. (BBC)

Randa Takieddine condemns the "arrogance of Hezbollah." (Al Hayat)

Raphaël Lefèvre and Ali El Yassir say the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood is moving cautiously to establish its own militia. (Sada)

Remarks by White House Coordinator Phil Gordon at ATFP Oct. 29 Gala
Press Release - Contact Information: Ghaith al-Omari - October 31, 2013 - 12:00am

Remarks by Phil Gordon, White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf (AS PREPARED) American Task Force On Palestine (ATFP) 10th Anniversary Gala, October 29, 2013  

October 30th

At ATFP Gala, White House Reaffirms Commitment to Palestinian State, Opposition to Settlements and Settler Violence
Press Release - Contact Information: Ghaith al-Omari - October 30, 2013 - 12:00am

October 30, 2013 -- The Obama administration and the President personally remain fully committed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state White House Middle East Coordinator Philip Gordon told a capacity-crowd of 650 at last night's 10th Anniversary Gala of the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) in Washington, DC. Dr. Gordon read a letter of congratulations and support that had already been delivered to ATFP from Pres.

October 29th


Pres. Abbas may be softening his opposition to an interim agreement with Israel. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

Palestinian officials say the terms of a potential land swap remain "undecided." (Xinhua)

Pres. Obama and PM Netanyahu discuss numerous issues during a phone call. (AP)

Sec. Kerry, in an apparent reference to Netanyahu, says he won't give into "fear tactics" regarding talks with Iran. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

Israeli occupation forces demolish a Palestinian home in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces raid an African-Palestinian neighborhood in Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Israel is assembling Palestinian prisoners about to be released. (Ma’an/Washington Post)

Some members of the Israeli coalition express anger at the next round of Palestinian prisoner release. (New York Times/AP)

Israeli victims' families protest the release of Palestinian prisoners. (Xinhua)

Israel's Economy Minister Bennett insists he never made a deal with Netanyahu about trading settlements for prisoner release. (Jerusalem Post)

Experts see the release as essential to advancing peace talks. (Xinhua)

Israel agrees to participate in a UN human rights review of its conduct. (New York Times)

The EU is considering an Israeli proposal to end the dispute over its occupation guidelines. (Jerusalem Post)

An Israeli government agency has been funding a call center trying to sell settlement homes, including unauthorized ones. (Ha'aretz)

A Palestinian citizen of Israel is suing a Tel Aviv café for firing him for "not being Jewish." (Ha'aretz)

Israel complains to the UN about rocket fire coming from Gaza. (PNN)

A new report details human rights violations against Palestinian refugees in Syria. (PNN)

Iran reportedly offers a "new approach" in nuclear negotiations. (AP)

Former UK FM Jack Straw insists he's not "anti-Semitic." (Times of Israel)

The new Bank of Israel Governor says discrimination against Arabs must end or Israel will suffer economically. (Jerusalem Post)



Akiva Eldar says a series of studies demonstrates that Israelis have nothing to fear from the creation of a Palestinian state. (Al Monitor)

Roger Cohen says angering Saudi Arabia does not serve American interests. (New York Times)

Palestinian filmmaker Hany Abu-Assad says, "My films condemn oppression." (Ma’an)

Avi Issacharoff says Hamas is sinking into ever deeper political woes. (Times of Israel)

Adnan Abu Amer asks why Iran postponed a visit by Hamas leader Mishaal. (Al Monitor)

Elior Levy says Israel believes Hamas is preparing for its next conflict with Israel and wants to strike Tel Aviv. (YNet)

J.J. Goldberg asks how Israel should respond to the discovery of a Hamas tunnel from Gaza to Israel. (The Forward)

Abdallah Schleifer says conditions are ripe for a third Palestinian intifada. (Al Arabiya)

Yossi Klein Halevi says the Israeli centrist majority isn't optimistic about achieving either peace or security. (Los Angeles Times)

Noah Klieger says no one in Israel except negotiator Livni believes talks will result in peace. (YNet)

Bradley Burston says Uri Avnery spent 90 years being ahead of his time, and he still may be. (Ha'aretz)

Kenneth Bandler says Israel must invest more in its Arab population. (Jerusalem Post)

Eric Yoffie says billionaire Sheldon Adelson should apologize for offensive remarks or be shunned by respectable Jewish groups. (Ha'aretz)

Zvi Hauser says peace requires Palestinian recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state." (Al Monitor)

Samuel Lebens says despite Hebron's importance to Jews, Israel must give it up for peace. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The Washington Post calls US policy toward Syria "empty words." (Washington Post)

Hussein Ibish says Syrian Americans should engage the American political system to impact policy. (NOW)

Michael Weiss says Iran is supplying free fuel and other supplies to the Syrian dictatorship. (Foreign Policy)

The BBC looks at the potential for an independent Kurdish state in parts of Iraq. (BBC)

Asharq Al-Awsat interviews the head of Egypt's new constitution-drafting committee, Amr Moussa. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

October 28th


Israel agrees to release 26 more long-serving Palestinian prisoners as part of the US-brokered talks-resumption deal. (AP/Xinhua)

Palestinians are reportedly taking a tough stance on land swaps in the talks with Israel. (Times of Israel)

Israeli experts say security cooperation with the PA has never been stronger. (The Media Line)

Jordan reiterates its support for Palestinians in negotiations with Israel. (Xinhua)

Israel says militants in Gaza fired two rockets into southern Israel. (AP)

Israel retaliates with airstrikes against northern Gaza. (Ma'an/Xinhua)

Israeli forces detain 15 Hamas affiliates in Nablus. (Ma'an)

Palestinians say a man suspected of killing an Israeli soldier has been severely tortured in Israeli detention. (Ma'an)

Israel's military chief says he thinks cyber attacks are the most dangerous threat to the country, as an Israeli tunnel is hacked and shut down. (AP)

Former UK FM Jack Straw says Jewish influence in the US is the most powerful obstacle to peace. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

Israel will resume cooperation with the United Nations Human Rights Council. (Xinhua)

Egypt's smuggling tunnel closures "costs Gaza $230 million monthly." (AFP)

Egypt closes the Gaza crossing indefinitely. (Jerusalem Post)

Lack of raw materials and other shortages are bringing the Gaza economy to a standstill. (Xinhua/Reuters)

The PA says it plans to plant 750,000 olive trees to compensate for settler attacks. (Ma'an)

This year's olive harvest in Gaza near the border is continuing despite Israeli threats. (Al Monitor)

Another wave of car bombings killed at least 41 in Shiite neighborhoods of Baghdad, bringing theweekend total to 66 dead. (New York Times/AP/Washington Post)

Three Egyptian police officers are shot north of Cairo. (AP/Reuters)

Fears of violent anti-government extremism in Egypt are growing. (Reuters)

Egypt's new government expresses appreciation for UAE support. (Xinhua)

Israel appoints a new ambassador to Egypt. (Times of Israel)

Sexual assault victims in Egypt face a long road to justice. (BBC)

The number of estimated Syrian refugees in Lebanon reaches 800,000. (Xinhua)

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon demand better healthcare. (The Daily Star)

Palestinian iconography is being revived in Bethlehem. (PNN)


Sec. Kerry says Pres. Assad is using starvation as a weapon of war in Syria. (Foreign Policy)

Yossi Verter says by opposing Palestinian prisoner release, Naftali Bennett is making a clear bid for the leadership of the Israeli right. (Ha'aretz)

Eitan Haber says Bennett's party's rhetorical attacks against Israel's negotiator Livni could lead to her assassination. (YNet)

Emily Hauser asks why Israelis are so tone deaf about incitement against Palestinians. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Yossi Klein Halevi describes how an Israeli paratrooper became a violent Jewish extremist. (The Forward)

The CSM interviews Uri Avnery, who wonders if Israel will still exist in 90 years. (Christian Science Monitor)

Ha'aretz says it's important that Israel resumes participation in the UN Human Rights Council. (Ha'aretz)

Nigel Cameron says the US should stop boycotting and defunding UNESCO to spite the Palestinians. (The Guardian)

Aryeh Eldad says boycott movements won't do anything to stop settlements. (Ha'aretz)

Kobi Niv says a society with racism at its core, Israel, cannot be sincerely or successfully antiracist. (Ha'aretz)

Nabeel Kassis says Palestinians should not recognize Israel as a "Jewish state." (Al Monitor)

The NYT interviews NSA Rice on the Obama Administration's Middle East policies. (New York Times)

Jackson Diehl says Pres. Obama's Middle East policies are based on fantasy and wishful thinking. (Washington Post)

Marwan Bishara says many Arabs fear a US-Iranian rapprochement. (New York Times)

Raghida Dergham says the US has adopted an isolationist foreign policy of appeasement and avoidance. (Al Hayat)

Abdullah Al Shayji says America's Gulf allies are losing trust in the US. (Gulf News)

Joshua Haber says the rift between Cairo and Washington is deepening. (Al Monitor)

Stephen Walt says the US shouldn't worry if Saudi Arabia and Israel are upset with its policies. (Foreign Policy)

The LA Times says the Saudi women driving ban protest is about more than just cars. (Los Angeles Times)

The Forward "video-profiles" Palestinian-American comedienne Maysoon Zayid. (The Forward)

Hussein Ibish says Syria and Hizbollah have hollowed out the Lebanese state, which is facing its biggest crisis since the civil war. (The National)

Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed says it's ridiculous to see the Syrian conflict as a way of getting Hezbollah and Al Qaeda to destroy each other. (Asharq Al- Awsat)

October 24th


Palestinian-Israeli negotiations continue in deep secrecy. (New York Times)

The Arab League says it is "not optimistic" about the peace talks. (AP/Times of Israel)

Few details emerged from the recent seven-hour meeting between Sec. Kerry and PM Netanyahu. (Ha'aretz)

Pres. Abbas calls on international corporations to boycott Israeli settlements. (Ma'an/Jerusalem Post)

Palestinian officials say a new economic plan has been approved and will soon be implemented. (Xinhua)

Israel's Finance Minister Lapid says the conflict with Palestinians is mostly psychological. (Jerusalem Post)

Iran has reportedly delayed a visit to Tehran by Hamas leader Mishaal. (Times of Israel)

A former Israeli military intelligence chief says US could soon accept an Israeli strike on Iranian targets. (Times of Israel)

US Middle East policy is coming under increasing criticism from traditional allies, particularly Saudi Arabia and Israel. (New York Times)

A senior Israeli official says the gap between his country and the US on Iran is "small." (Xinhua)

Saudis are considering how far to push the United States on changing its Middle East policies. (AP)

Militant settlers attack Palestinian farmers and vehicles near Nablus. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces arrest 12 Palestinians in the West Bank. (PNN)

Amnesty International urges Israel to release a Palestinian human rights lawyer. (Amnesty International/Ma'an)

Palestinians complain about noxious fumes from charcoal factories. (Ha'aretz)

Israel will hand over 36 bodies of Palestinians to the PA. (YNet)

Economic cooperation between Israel and Canada is drawing. (The Media Line)

Another Egyptian policeman is killed in Sinai. (AP)

Four are killed in Sunni-Alawite clashes in Tripoli in northern Lebanon. (Reuters)

14 people are killed in and around Baghdad in another spate of attacks. (AP)

Egypt is considering draft legislation that would strongly restrict protests. (Washington Post)

Palestinians in Gaza express themselves through graffiti art. (Al Monitor)

Palestinian LGBT activist talks about life under occupation at Cornell University. (Cornell Daily Sun)


Hazem Saghieh says the Muslim Brotherhood has no political model or program whatsoever. (Al Hayat)

Semih Idiz says Turkey is on the defensive regarding its ties to Hamas. (Al Monitor)

Zack Gold says Egypt and Israel finally see eye to eye on Gaza smuggling tunnels and must coordinate. (The Daily Star)

S. Daniel Abraham says if Netanyahu is serious about peace, it's time to show the courage of his convictions. (Ha'aretz)

Gershon Baskin asks why it's so difficult for Palestinians to accept Israel is a Jewish state. (Jerusalem Post)

Robert Satloff says Israel's Holocaust memorial needs to recognize unsung Arab heroes that saved Jews from the Nazis. (Foreign Policy)

Chemi Shalev condemns Israel's policies in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha'aretz)

Eitan Haber says the peace treaty with Jordan is invaluable for Israel. (YNet)

Douglas Bloomfield says Netanyahu's biggest fear is the US is being lulled into a false sense of security by Iran. (Jerusalem Post)

Majid Rafizadeh says as talks continue, Iran is inching closer to full nuclear capability. (The National)

David Ignatius says nothing serious is being done to repair US-Saudi relations. (Washington Post)

Ariel Ben Solomon says Saudi Arabia is standing up for all US allies in the region. (Jerusalem Post)

Hassan Haidar says no Middle Eastern allies trust the United States anymore. (Al Hayat)

Frank Gardner asks how serious the dispute between the US and Saudi Arabia really is. (BBC)

Rami Khouri says Saudi Arabia is crucial for the success of Syrian peace talks. (New York Times)

Azzaman interviews former Egyptian FM Amr Moussa on the new constitution-drafting process he is leading. (Al Monitor)

October 23rd


Sec. Kerry and PM Netanyahu hold a seven-hour meeting in Rome, mostly on peace talks. (Ha'aretz)

Pres. Abbas says Israel will be to blame if talks collapse over its demands for ongoing control of the Jordanian border area, but says he's ready to meet with Netanyahu. (AFP/Times of Israel)

Palestinians say hopes for successful peace talks are "diminishing." (AP)

The PA criticizes Netanyahu's statements about permanent Israeli control over all Jerusalem. (Xinhua)

The PA cabinet emphasizes Jerusalem is the key to peace. (PNN)

Saudi Arabia criticizes Israel's "daily violations" in occupied East Jerusalem. (Al Arabiya)

The latest round of peace negotiations reportedly included discussions over water. ( AFP)

Palestinians use this year's olive harvest to highlight the hardships of occupation. (New York Times)

Rabbis for Human Rights has been trying to defend the olive harvest in the occupied West Bank from settlers. (Christian Science Monitor)

Israeli occupation forces shoot a Palestinian cameraman filming a protest in Bil'in in the occupied West Bank. (PNN)

Pres. Peres says Israel is militarily more powerful than may meet the eye. (Jerusalem Post)

An eight-year-old Palestinian child is reportedly in shock after being attacked by settlers near Nablus. (Ma'an)

Israel's mayor in Jerusalem, including occupied East Jerusalem, is reelected in a boost for Netanyahu. (Reuters/AP/Washington Post)

Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem show apathy and frustration on election day. (Ma'an)

An Arab-American activist in Chicago is arrested over allegedly lying to US immigration officials about her conviction in a bombing in Israel 40 years ago. (AP/Times of Israel)

The UK will reportedly provide UNRWA £15.5 million in humanitarian aid for Palestinian refugees. (PNN)

Hamas praises Jordan's continued support for Palestinians living under occupation. (Jordan Times)

The Obama administration is reportedly more divided over Syria policy than is generally recognized. (New York Times)

Norway may take possession of most of Syria's chemical weapons. (AP)

Militants kill at least 22 security personnel in Iraq.(Reuters)

Militants kill an Egyptian soldier and a civilian in Sinai. (AP)

Saudi Arabia says it anticipates a "major" shift away from reliance United States. (Reuters)

The White House insists that cooperation with Saudi Arabia will continue. (AP)

Moderate rebels in Syria say they are quickly losing ground to extremists due to lack of funds. (Washington Post)

A Kuwaiti report suggests Israeli attacks against Syrian targets six months ago went unreported until now. (YNet/Times of Israel)

Israel is becoming a major partner in an EU satellite program. (Times of Israel)

Hollywood insiders reportedly form a group to combat celebrity BDS. (The Forward)



Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas' apparent new policy of tunneling into Israel may signal a new phase in the conflict. (Al Monitor)

Shlomi Eldar says Hamas has no choice but to swallow its pride and turn to Israel for help. (Al Monitor)

Ali Jarbawi says Palestinians must take a long-term approach to realizing their goal of independence. (New York Times)

Judy Dempsey asks several asks several experts what it would take to realize Israeli-Palestinian peace. (Carnegie)

David Landau says history will condemn Netanyahu's demands that Palestinians recognize Israel as a "Jewish state." (Ha'aretz)

Ben Caspit says Netanyahu offers reassuring stability to Israel and the region. (Al Monitor)

Bradley Burston says delegitimization of Israel begins with its own policy choices. (Ha'aretz)

The National interviews former US special envoy George Mitchell, who says Palestine is a "demographic time bomb." (The National)

Yermi Brenner looks at Qatar's role in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (The Forward)

The BBC looks at how different communities live in close proximity in Jerusalem. (BBC)

Yossi Mekelberg looks at the current status of settlements and settlers. (Al Arabiya)

Moshe Arens says, despite new claims to the contrary, the 1973 war was unavoidable. (Ha'aretz)

Dafna Katzenelson Bank says, rather than being shamed, Israelis are turning emigration from the country into a source of pride. (YNet)

Maclean's interviews Israel's Intelligence Minister Steinitz. (Maclean's)

Zvi Bar'el says US and others may be concluding that the Syrian opposition is permanently failing. (Ha'aretz)

Ali Ibrahim anticipates the rise of a post-Islamist movement in the wake of the failure of the Muslim Brotherhood project. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Saudi Prince Turki expresses a 'high level of disappointment' with the United States over Syria. (Al Monitor)

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