November 27th, 2013


The UN warns the ongoing fuel crisis in Gaza could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. (Xinhua)

Palestinians fear Israeli military exercises in the Jordan Valley will mean permanent evacuation from their homes. (Christian Science Monitor)

Jews and Arabs were told to use separate lanes at West Bank checkpoints, but this will no longer apply to Israeli citizens. (Ha'aretz)

Israel says it has resolved its dispute with the EU over new occupation guidelines. (AP/AFP/Ha'aretz)

Palestinian human rights groups call on the EU to take a stronger stance on settler violence. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces kill four suspected Salafist militants in the West Bank. (New York Times/Xinhua/Jerusalem Post)

Salafist extremists are reportedly a growing presence in the occupied West Bank. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinians accuse Israel of torturing women prisoners. (PNN)

Palestinians condemn Israel's latest settlement expansion announcement. (Xinhua)

Palestinians say they are preparing efforts to join more UN agencies. (Ma'an)

Palestinians participate for the first time in Global Entrepreneurship Week. (The Media Line)

Israel's intelligence services reportedly think the country's strategic position in the region has improved. (YNet)

The annual meeting of the American Studies Association reflects broad support for a boycott of Israel. (JTA)

The Israeli military simulates a major ground offensive in Gaza to stop rocket fire. (Jerusalem Post)

Egypt claims it has uncovered a major Israeli spy ring. (Times of Israel)

Iran says Israel has isolated itself by its negative reaction to the recent interim nuclear deal. (AP)

Iran may have found a loophole in the agreement to continue construction at its heavy water plutonium plant near Arak. (Reuters)

Egyptian riot police clash with unarmed protesters in Cairo. (New York Times/Washington Post)

24 Egyptians are arrested for protesting. (AP)

Suicide bombers kill 18 Iraqi security personnel. (New York Times)

At least 20 people are killed in a series of attacks across Iraq. (Reuters)

suicide bombing in Damascus kills 15 people. (Xinhua)

Turkey says 500 Turks are involved in fighting Syria. (Xinhua)

A new report says women are being raped, used as shields and kidnapped by both sides in Syria. (The National)

The Libyan army again clashes with Islamist militias in Benghazi. (Reuters)


Ha'aretz says the EU has taught Israel there is a price for "deception and apartheid." (Ha'aretz)

Jonathan Cook says PM Netanyahu's purported overtures to Pres. Abbas are designed to extract concessions. (The National)

Hussein Ibish says the nuclear deal with Iran was predictable, but the questions it raises are not. (NOW)

Rami Khouri says the Iran agreement could completely reshape the Middle East. (The Daily Star)

Osama Al Sharif agrees the deal could portend a "geopolitical shift" in the region. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says under the Obama administration the US is shirking its responsibilities in the Middle East. (The Daily Star)

Abdulateef Al-Mulhim says reports of a budding Israeli-Saudi alliance against Iran are "the joke of the century." (Arab News)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says Hamas is divided on its reaction to the Iran agreement. (Al Monitor)

Ben Caspit says the Israeli military doesn't share Netanyahu's alarm over the Iran agreement. (Al Monitor)

Alon Pinkas says Israel should regard the Iran agreement as a victory. (YNet)

Amos Harel says Israel finds itself with no good options. (Foreign Policy)

Zvi Bar'el says the US and Iran are changing, but not Netanyahu. (Ha'aretz)

Tod Robberson says Israel should see the connection between the Iran issue and resolving the conflict with the Palestinians. (Dallas Morning News)

Nathan Guttman says Jewish-American groups are shying away from an all out fight over the Iran agreement. (The Forward)

Eugene Robinson says comparisons between the Iran nuclear deal and Munich are "lazy." (Washington Post)

Jacob Plitman and Rachel Cohen urge Jewish-American student groups to engage in more two-state activism. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The New York Times interviews Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef. (New York Times)

Waleed Abulkhair says there is little justice in Saudi Arabia's legal system. (Washington Post)

Anas El Gomati says demagoguery by Libyan politicians is deepening the crisis in the country. (The National)

November 26th

ATFP Hopes Iran Deal Will Enhance Middle East Stability and Security
Press Release - November 26, 2013 - 1:00am

Nov. 26, Washington DC -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) today praised the efforts of the international community, led by the United States, and welcomed the interim "first step" agreement with Iran to prevent that country from developing nuclear weapons. In addition to its importance in preventing nuclear proliferation, the Task Force believes that this agreement has the potential to initiate major and historic changes in the Middle East.


Palestinians are trying to end the bloodshed in the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus. (Ma’an)

Palestinians see the international community's deal with Iran as a template for talks with Israel. (New York Times/PNN)

The GlobalPost looks at how the Iran agreement affects the Palestinians. (GlobalPost)

Israel's negotiations with the Palestinians may now languish after the Iran agreement. (Bloomberg)

Jordan vows to protect religious sites in occupied East Jerusalem. (Xinhua)

Hamas is trying to end the chronic electricity crisis in Gaza. (Ma’an)

PM Hamdallah is reaching out to Qatar to try to end the electricity crisis in Gaza. (Ma’an)

Settlers deep in the occupied territories attack Palestinian lands and destroy olive trees. (Ma’an)

Settlers attack a Palestinian home in Nablus with Molotov cocktails. (Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)7

Garbage and sewage collection and Gaza is now reduced to donkey services. (Ma’an)

"Arab Idol" Mohammed Assaf advocates for Palestinian refugees at the UN. (Times of Israel)

Israeli ministers meet to discuss their predicament with the EU over the occupation. (AP)

The film "5 Broken Cameras" wins a major international film award. (Ha'aretz)

Pres. Obama defends the Iran agreement against critics. (AP)

The Iran agreement shakes up the Middle East strategic landscape. (Los Angeles Times)

PM Netanyahu is sending a team of experts to Washington to discuss the Iran agreement. (Xinhua/Jerusalem Post)

International powers are expressing frustration with Israel's complaints. (Ha'aretz)

The US-Saudi relationship, though still close, grows more strained. (New York Times)

Experts say Saudi and other Arab unease with the Iran arrangement runs deep. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel's chief negotiator Livni points out that a deal with the Palestinians would strengthen Israel's hand vis-à-vis Iran. (Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

Israel resumes its diplomatic campaign against Iran. (AP)

Iranian dissidents are split on how to view the nuclear deal. (Daily Beast)

Obama shows a marked preference for diplomacy over military force in international relations. (New York Times)

Extremist militias flee Benghazi. (New York Times)

The US expresses concern about a new Egyptian law limiting protests. (Reuters)

Egypt's new government is facing increasing dissent. (New York Times)

Egypt says its military has killed a leading "Jihadist" rebel in Sinai. (AP)

The Turkish FM is going to Iran to discuss Syria. (Xinhua)

Iran's FM says it's ready to join Syrian peace talks, if invited. (Reuters)

Iraq executes 11 prisoners charged with terrorism. (Xinhua)


Chaim Levinson looks at how occupation officials approve settlement outposts but not Palestinian building. (Ha'aretz)

Michael Brull says Australia's about-face on settlements is "shameful." (The Guardian)

Human Rights Watch complains about the abuse and harassment of activists by Hamas in Gaza. (Human Rights Watch)

Rasha Abou Jalal says divorce Palestinian women face discrimination and stigmas. (Al Monitor)

Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed says the international agreement with Iran won't affect the "Syrian revolution." (Arab News)

Nathan Guttman says Israel's new ambassador to the US faces significant challenges. (The Forward)

Oudeh Basharat denounces Israel's planned forced mass relocation of Bedouin citizens. (Ha'aretz)

David Albright outlines the difficult problems facing any final agreement between the international community and Iran. (Washington Post)

David Ignatius looks at the "secret diplomacy" behind the deal with Iran. (Washington Post)

Haleh Esfandiari says the Arab states have little to fear from the new Iran nuclear deal. (New York Times)

Adam Gonn says US-Israeli relations are strained but not broken over the Iran deal. (Xinhua)

Eugene Robinson says the Iran deal is a huge success for the United States. (Washington Post)

Sen. Cruz says Obama blew the Iran deal and sold out Israel. (Foreign Policy)

David Rothkopf says hawks should love the Iran deal, but doves should be worried. (Foreign Policy)

Matthew Bunn says Netanyahu is wrong about the Iran agreement. (Christian Science Monitor)

Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu is risking international isolation over Iran. (Al Monitor)

Neri Zilber says Israelis are now more convinced than ever they are alone in the world. (Foreign Policy)

Ben Sales asks what Netanyahu's next move on Iran is going to be. (JTA)

Micah Zenko says Israel has the means to prevent Iran from going nuclear. (Foreign Policy)

Hassan Barari looks of the growing rift between the US and Israel over Iran. (Jordan Times)

Moshe Arens says the US-Israel relationship will survive any disagreement. (Ha'aretz)

The Jerusalem Post says new Labor Party leader Herzog can be a welcome addition to Israeli politics. (Jerusalem Post)

November 25th


Israel says it's pushing forward with 800 new settlement housing units in the occupied West Bank. (AP)

Palestinians condemn the new settlement activity. (WAFA)

Negotiations between the EU and Israel over the occupation hit a new impasse. (Ha'aretz)

The UAE reaffirms its solidarity with the Palestinian people. (Gulf News)

Saudi Arabia exempts Palestinians from tough new ex-pat labor laws. (Arab News)

Palestinian women in Gaza protest to end the political Hamas-Fatah split. (Al Monitor)

The Israeli and US air forces hold their biggest ever joint drill. (YNet)

Settlers accuse Palestinians of "illegal building" in the controversial E1 corridor. (PNN)

Israeli occupation forces detain 3 Palestinians trying to enter the Al-Aqsa mosque. (Ma'an)

An Israeli court indicts a Palestinian resident of occupied East Jerusalem for fundraising for Hamas. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinians estimate that about one in 10 of their population lives in occupied East Jerusalem. (PNN)

Palestinians note an increase in exports and a decrease in imports in September. (PNN)

Unlike Brandeis and Syracuse universities, Bard College is maintaining its partnership with Al QudsUniversity. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinians say Israeli occupation forces uprooted 60 olive trees near Bethlehem. (Ma'an)

The PA denounces the Beirut Iranian embassy bombing and says a Palestinian who may have been involved represented no one. (Ma'an)

The international community signs an interim agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. (AP/Reuters)

Months of secret meetings set the stage for the talks. (Los Angeles Times/Christian Science Monitor/Al Monitor)

The agreement could affect talks on Palestine and Syria. (AP)

longer-term agreement will be much more challenging, and the short-term progress is modest. (New York Times)

The agreement opens diplomatic possibilities for the West in the Middle East. (New York Times)

Israel denounces the agreement. (New York Times/Xinhua)

Some prominent Saudis are also very critical of the agreement. (Times of Israel/Bloomberg)

Canada says it is deeply skeptical about the deal. (Globe and Mail)/

The UAE, Bahrain, the IAEATurkeyAlgeriaLebanonSyria, and Qatar welcome the agreement, and Saudi Arabia say it "cautiously welcomes" it . (The National/Xinhua/AP)

The agreement may lower the price of oil. (AP)

Experts expect Europe to benefit from the agreement economically. (Jerusalem Post)

Egypt and Turkey downgrade diplomatic relations after harsh comments by PM Erdogan against the new Egyptian government. (AFP)

Five Iraqi soldiers are killed in a suicide bomb attack. (New York Times)

160 are killed in fighting between Syrian rebels and government forces near Damascus. (AP/Xinhua)

Syrian rebels seize control of major oil field in the country. (New York Times)

A study shows 11,000 Syrian children have been killed in the country's conflict. (Reuters)

Syria is facing a critical shortage of medicines due to the conflict. (Xinhua)

Some victims of the conflict in Syria are quietly finding medical care in Israel. (BBC)

The UN confirms Syrian peace talks will be held on January 22. (AP/Reuters)

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait say they're going to tighten control of clerics in their countries. (New York Times)

Nine are killed in clashes between Islamist militias and the Libyan military. (Reuters/BBC)

Six more Iraqis are killed in a string of attacks in Baghdad. (Xinhua)


Pres. Obama makes a statement on the P5+1 agreement with Iran. (White House)

The White House issues a fact sheet on the agreement. (White House)

The New York Times welcomes the agreement with Iran. (New York Times)

Ha'aretz says the agreement with Iran must be given a chance. (Ha'aretz)

The Forward calls the agreement with Iran "a worthy leap of faith." (The Forward)

Aaron David Miller says it's too early to celebrate the deal with Iran. (Politico)

Michael Doran says there are "hidden costs" in the agreement. (Brookings)

The Daily Star says the agreement will help Iran if its nuclear intentions are peaceful, but otherwise not. (The Daily Star)

Dina Esfandiary says, while not perfect, the agreement is the best achievable arrangement for all parties. (The National)

Amos Harel says the agreement makes it almost impossible for Israel to attack Iran now. (Ha'aretz)

Steven Spiegel and Thomas Friedman both separately say US Middle East allies need reassurance following the agreement with Iran. (New York Times)

Robert Einhorn says Israel and the US should remember they agree neither wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon. (Ha'aretz)

Roger Cohen says the agreement must force Israel to rethink many policies. (New York Times)

Chemi Shalev says pushing for more sanctions now could hurt Israel more than Iran. (Ha'aretz)

The Jerusalem Post has grave misgivings about the Iran deal. (Jerusalem Post)

Shoula Romano Horing calls the agreement a "total, unmitigated defeat" for both the US and Israel. (YNet)

David Horovitz says "the US let Iran off the hook" in the agreement. (Times of Israel)

Avi Issacharoff says Supreme Leader Khamenei and Obama are the big winners, while PM Netanyahu is the big loser. (Times of Israel)

Raphael Ahren asks if there's any way for Netanyahu to turn a short-term defeat into a long-term success. (Times of Israel)

Shashank Joshi says Israel and the Gulf states are united in alarm about the agreement with Iran. (BBC)

Nathan Jeffay compares and contrasts different Israeli and Palestinian versions of a "one-state solution." (The Forward)

David Schenker looks at provocative fatawa on Egypt by Qatar-based Muslim Brotherhood cleric Qaradawi. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Rami Khouri says violence in Lebanon is more than just a "spillover" from Syria. (The Daily Star)

Nasouh Majali says the UN needs to play a larger role in Syria. (Jordan Times)

Hussein Ibish says the battle for the Qalamoun mountains may be a decisive turning point in Syria. (The National)

Samir Salha says Erdoğan’s best defense on the Kurdish issue is a good offense. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Husam Itani says maybe only a large, federal state in the whole Levant region can maintain stability and protect minorities. (Al Hayat)

November 22nd


The UN says the humanitarian situation in Gaza is deteriorating gravely. (AFP/The Guardian)

Unemployment is increasing in both the West Bank and Gaza. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli field intelligence keeps a close eye on Hamas activities in Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

Two lion cubs born in Gaza quickly die. (New York Times/The Media Line)

Palestinian negotiator Shtayyeh will reportedly not take part in future talks with Israel. (Ma'an/Jerusalem Post)

Over 200 Israeli settlers demonstrate near Jenin under army protection. (Ma'an)

A Palestinian citizen of Israel complains about extremely humiliating treatment at the airport. (YNet)

An Israeli court extends the detention of a Negev activist protesting Bedouin mass relocation plans. (Ma'an)

Israel's opposition Labor Party picks a new leader. (AP/New York Times)

Ha'aretz profiles the new Labor Party Chairman, Isaac Herzog. (Ha'aretz)

International negotiations with Iran are described as "substantial," but have yielded no results yet. (New York Times)

Diplomats seem less optimistic about an agreement with Iran, as lack of trust becomes clear. (Washington Post)

Israel's military takes a different view than its political leadership about Iran's nuclear program. (Christian Science Monitor)

Six leading Islamist, non-Al Qaeda, factions in Syria announce a merger. (Reuters)

Lebanon is still not completely in the grip of the Syrian Civil War. (AP)

Saudi Arabia urges all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. (AP/Xinhua)

Dozens of Americans are reported to have joined the conflict in Syria. (New York Times)

24 rebels are killed in a fierce battle over an army base in Syria. (AP)

Turkey says northern Iraq oil belongs to all Iraqi people. (Xinhua)

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood condemns comments by Sec. Kerry that they "stole" the Egyptian revolution. (AP)

Egypt's ambassador to Palestine condemns Hamas for an attack in Sinai against Egyptian troops. (AP/Times of Israel)

Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Egypt begin a hunger strike to protest bad treatment. (Reuters)

The EU criticizes conditions for migrant workers in Qatar preparing for the 2022 World Cup. (AP)

Tripoli residents celebrate the withdrawal of militias from Libya's capital. (BBC)


Ali Jarbawi says, if the US is serious about revising the Palestinian economy, it must allow it to operate in "Area C." (New York Times)

Yolande Knell says, a year after the last round of violence, tensions between Israel and Hamas are running high. (BBC)

David Landau says if the new Labor Party chief in Israel wants to make history, he should emphasize peace. (Ha'aretz)

Shlomi Eldar says mistrust between the parties is hampering Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (Al Monitor)

Raphael Cohen-Almagor suggests possible ways forward towards a two-state solution. (Sharnoff's Global Views)

Gil Hoffman calls Labor a "party of political cannibals." (Jerusalem Post)

Haviv Rettig Gur looks at the long road back to political relevance facing the Labor Party. (Times of Israel)

Naomi Darom says non-Jewish spouses of Jewish Israelis are routinely discriminated against. (Ha'aretz)

Ariela Ringel-Hoffman says, by refusing to allow officials to testify in a US terrorism civil lawsuit in order to protect China, Israel has lost moral credibility. (YNet)

The Jerusalem Post says convincing Iran it may face military attack helps diplomacy succeed. (Jerusalem Post)

Ari Shavit blames former Pres. Bush for letting Iran get this close to a nuclear weapon. (New York Times)

Alan Phillips says history shows Iran is capable of compromising on occasion. (The National)

Adel El-Adawy says Egypt remains confused by US policy. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Wael Nawara looks at the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's "bankrupt" strategical vision. (Al Monitor)

Hassan Haidar says the Lebanese really don't have any independence to celebrate. (Al Hayat)

The Daily Star says Lebanese independence needs national unity and "intensive care." (The Daily Star)

Hazem Saghieh says the origins of the bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut begin with a similar attack on the US Embassy 30 years ago. (Al Hayat)

Sirwan Kajjo says, if Kurds can put aside their differences, they face a "golden opportunity" in northern Syria. (The Daily Star)

November 21st


The PLO says existing policy negotiators will continue to "oversee the talks" until a new team is formed. (Ma'an)

Gaza's streets are flooded with rainwater and sewage, and electricity is running low. (New York Times)

USAID is reportedly halting key aid programs in Gaza. (Al Monitor)

Islamic Jihad warns the Gaza ceasefire could come to an end, citing Israeli "violations." (Ma'an)

Palestinian anti-corruption officials say complaints quintupled in 2013. (Ma'an)

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics says at least 100,000 Palestinians from the occupied territories work in Israel. (Ma'an)

An Israeli soldier is arrested for suspected "price tag" vigilante attacks. (Xinhua)

Some Israeli settlers routinely reach out to pro-Palestinian tour groups in the occupied territories. (Christian Science Monitor)

UNSG Ban appoints Pierre Krähenbühl to be the new Commissioner-General of UNRWA. (Ma'an)

Jibril Rajoub reportedly suggests the "fool" former Pres. Bush" colluded what he alleges was Israel's assassination of the late Pres. Arafat. (Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry is taking innovative approaches to a range of long-standing, tough problems. (New York Times)

Observers think an interim deal with Iran might be nearing as new talks begin. (New York Times)

Iran says difficult differences remain to be overcome. (AP)

Iran is demanding the removal of oil and banking sanctions in even a short-term deal. (Xinhua)

The US assures its allies of "caution" as new talks begin, while Iran insists it won't back down. (Los Angeles Times)

Israeli officials say they are "frustrated" not to be familiar with any details about the talks. (YNet)

Iran holds a military drill near the strategically crucial Strait of Hormuz. (AP)

Israel and Gulf states appear to be forming a "strange" alliance against Iran. (AP)

Syrians continue to flood into Lebanon, fleeing the conflict in their country. (AP/BBC/The National)

Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria face terrible difficulties in Egypt and Lebanon. (Reuters/Huffington Post)

Seven are killed in a mortar attack in the Syrian city of Homs. (Xinhua)

An Iraqi Shiite militia says it has fired six mortar rounds into Saudi Arabia as a warning against "interference." (Reuters)

Kuwait's national airline resumes Iraq flights in another sign of continuing improved relations. (Reuters)

An Egyptian police officer is killed in an operation to arrest wanted militants. (Reuters)

Egyptian army chief Sisi does not rule out a presidential bid. (Reuters)

A truck bomb kills 27 people at an outdoor market in northeast Iraq. (AP)


Mohammed Dajani Daoudi explains the importance of teaching the Holocaust in Palestine. (Sharnoff's Global Views)

The ICG looks at Israel's "national religious groups" and the future of the conflict. (International Crisis Group)

Hazem Balousha says Palestinians in Gaza are distinctly unimpressed with Hamas' military parades. (Al Monitor)

Michael Oren tries to explain PM Netanyahu's hard-line policies. (Los Angeles Times)

Shlomi Eldar says the Israeli public is generally standing with Netanyahu on the question of Iran. (Al Monitor)

George Hishmeh says on both Iran and Israel, major "serious arm-twisting by the major powers" is required. (Gulf News)

Carlo Strenger says "Netanyahu is paying a steep price for fanning fear and hatred." (Ha'aretz)

Zvi Bar'el says Israeli society is hiding the occupation behind euphemisms and doublespeak. (Ha'aretz)

Salman Masalha says Israelis are yearning for a "Palestinian Ben-Gurion" because they can't have another of their own. (Ha'aretz)

Amira Hass notes that in the tally of violence throughout the decades, Palestinians have paid a much steeper price than Israelis. (Ha'aretz)

Ronald Lauder says both Palestinian and Jewish refugee claims must be redressed. (JTA)

David Ignatius says Egyptians are making a good-faith effort to really try to build a democracy. (Washington Post)

Michael Weiss profiles Russian mercenaries in Syria. (Foreign Policy)

Ghassan Charbel says, because of the Syrian conflict, Lebanon has never been so divided and its future is threatened. (Al Hayat)

Abdullah Iskandar says terrorism in Lebanon doesn't help the Syrian opposition, it helps the Damascus dictatorship. (Al Hayat)

The Daily Star says, unfortunately, the Lebanese can't expect their elected officials to prevent more such bombings. (The Daily Star)

Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid worries Beirut could turn into another Baghdad. (Arab News)

FM Zarif says Iran's neighbors are its priority. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Diana Moukalled says Hezbollah is scared of satire. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Omar Alvi says Ennahda finds itself at a crossroads in Tunisian politics which will determine its future. (The Daily Star)

November 20th


UN political chief Feltman says peace talks are "at a delicate moment," and settlement construction is particularly damaging the process. (Xinhua/AP)l

Israel's newly reinstated FM Lieberman says Palestinians can't achieve peace in the foreseeable future. (Ha'aretz)

Lieberman also says it's time for Israel to look for other allies than the United States. (Jerusalem Post)

Israeli warplanes strike three targets in Gaza after a rocket was launched into southern Israel. (Xinhua)

Israeli forces detain 25 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

Palestinians say dozens were injured in clashes with Israeli occupation forces near Jenin. (PNN)

A Bedouin village asks an Israeli court to halt the planned demolition of their town. (Ha'aretz)

Egypt again closes the Gaza crossing due to computer glitches, after the first aid convoy since the overthrow of former Pres. Morsi passes through it. (Ma'an)

UNRWA says almost all Gaza projects are halted due to Israeli restrictions. (Times of Israel)

Israeli occupation forces demolish a water tank and agricultural structure near Nablus. (Ma'an)

Some Israelis are pushing for the formal implementation of unilaterally declared new borders with the Palestinians. (New York Times)

Brandeis University suspends its partnership with Al-Quds University after some students stage a Nazi-style protest there. (JTA)

Al-Quds University head Sari Nusseibeh condemns the demonstration and says he hopes Brandeis will reconsider. (Times of Israel)
Israel says it has successfully tested a new missile defense system. (AP)

Two Israeli soldiers are wounded when they accidentally explode a device near the Lebanese border. (Ha'aretz)

Hamas allows Al-Arabiya news to reopen its bureau in Gaza. (Xinhua)

The Forward profiles a Chicago Rabbi, Brant Rosen, who is a strong critic of Israel's policies. (The Forward)

PM Netanyahu visits Russia to lobby against a pending potential agreement with Iran. (Reuters/Xinhua)

Russia says it's optimistic about a deal with Iran. (Reuters)

France says recent comments by Iranian leaders complicate the prospects for a nuclear agreement. (AP/Times of Israel)

Iran supreme leader says Israel is "doomed to destruction." (YNet)

Iran proposes new language on some delicate issues in the nuclear talks. (Los Angeles Times)

10 Egyptian soldiers are killed by militants in the Sinai Peninsula. (New York Times/AP)

Israel denies any involvement in the bomb attack on the Iranian Embassy in Beirut. (Xinhua)

The bomb attack in Beirut appears to signal a new phase of spillover from the Syrian conflict into Lebanon. (New York Times)

Suicide bombers attack Syrian troops in the battle for the strategically crucial Qalamoun mountains. (AP)

The United States is considering destroying Syria's chemical weapons at sea. (New York Times)

At least 37 people are killed in another wave of deadly attacks in Iraq. (New York Times/AP/BBC)

Libyans stage another day of protests against abusive, uncontrolled militias. (AP)


Gilead Sher says Israel should begin planning West Bank evacuations now rather than wait for the inevitable. (Ha'aretz)

Omar Shaban asks what's needed to solve Gaza's electricity crisis. (Al Monitor)

Tamim Khallaf says the challenge facing the Arab world now is narrowing the gap between rulers and the governed. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Hazem Saghieh says, if France really is trying to step into a vacuum left by the US, it's just doing what Arabs have called for. (Al Hayat)

Ben Caspit says Israel, Egypt and the Gulf states all fear American "betrayal." (Al Monitor)

Michael Doran says US relations with its Middle East allies are in "free fall." (Brookings)

Elias Harfoush says Pres. Hollande could have obtained concessions from Israel on the occupation during his recent trip, but failed. (Al Hayat)

Amos Harel says with Hezbollah fighting in Syria, the Beirut bombing shows Lebanon pays the price. (Ha'aretz)

Joyce Karam says the demon of suicide bombing has finally arrived in Lebanon. (Al Arabiya)

An anonymous author asks if the embassy bombing means the Iraqi model is coming to Lebanon. (Al Monitor)

The Daily Star says only Lebanese unity can prevent the country's disintegration into anarchy. (The Daily Star)

Mitch Ginsburg asks what the real target of the Beirut bombing was. (Times of Israel)

Thomas Friedman says the US should do everything possible to achieve a reasonable nuclear agreement with Iran. (New York Times)

Zvi Bar'el says Iran is in dire need of a nuclear deal with the P5+1. (Ha'aretz)

James Reynolds looks at the prospects for a nuclear deal with Iran. (BBC)

David Horovitz says, even if unsure of US backing, Israel will strike Iran if it feels compelled to. (Times of Israel)

Efraim Halevy says Israel should be involved in every negotiation that affects its future. (YNet)

Rami Khouri says the new book, "The Syria Dilemma," helps explain the conflict from different points of view. (The Daily Star)

Osama Al Sharif says Libya is turning into a failed state. (Jordan Times)

Hussein Ibish asks if the Libyan people's uprising against militias can possibly succeed. (NOW)

Richard Spencer looks at the growing insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula. (Daily Telegraph)

Ranj Alaaldin says stability is the key to a Kurdish future of prosperity. (The National)

Elizabeth Dickinson says Kuwait's opposition is down, but not out. (Foreign Policy)

November 19th


Palestine cast its first vote in the UN General Assembly. (AFP/Times of Israel)

Pres. Hollande calls on Israel to fully and completely halt settlement construction. (Xinhua/AFP)

Hollande also says Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state. (VOA)

Israel's High Court orders the state to demolish settlement outpost homes built on private Palestinian property. (Jerusalem Post)

PM Netanyahu urges Pres. Abbas to address the Knesset in Jerusalem. (AFP/Times of Israel)

Heavy rainfall means Gaza's streets are now flooded with water and sewage. (Al Monitor)

A militant and four others are killed in an "accidental explosion" in Gaza. (Ma'an)

Israeli guards wound nine Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison. (Ma'an)

Settlers torch two Palestinian cars and attack homes near Nablus. (Ma'an)

Palestinians set animal traps on their lands to deter settler attacks. (Ma'an)

Students at a Jerusalem yeshiva are suspected in a string of violent attacks against Palestinians and other Israelis. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinians and Israelis open a commercial dispute arbitration center in Jerusalem. (The Media Line)

Palestinian journalists say freedom of speech is under increasing pressure from the PA. (The Media Line)

David Makovsky of WINEP joins the State Department Israeli-Palestinian peace team. (JTA)

Divisions over Iran continue to strain US-Israel relations. (New York Times)

Sec. Kerry says Israel "has every right" to its own opinions about Iran and any agreement with it. (AP)

Kerry says nothing the United States is contemplating regarding Iran puts Israel at any risk. (Ha'aretz)

Netanyahu claims Iran already has enough low-grade enriched uranium for five nuclear bombs. (Jerusalem Post)

Two simultaneous bomb attacks at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut kill at least 23. (New York Times/AP)

Officials say footage shows a suicide bomber and a car bomb were involved in the explosions. (Reuters)

The Iranian cultural attaché to Lebanon is reported to be among the casualties. (Reuters/Xinhua)

Iran blames Israel for the attack on its Beirut embassy. (Times of Israel)

Syrian government forces claim to recapture a key strategic town near the Lebanese border. (AP)

Four people are killed in a mortar attack on Aleppo's municipal building. (Xinhua)

Iranian parliamentarians move to block concessions to the P5+1 on nuclear issues. (AP)

Libya's military seeks to regain control of the capital, Tripoli, from militias. (AP)


Yara Dowani describes the ordeal for Palestinians passing through the notorious Kalandia checkpoint. (Jerusalem Post)

J.J. Goldberg says Israel can learn from a year of relative calm with Gaza. (The Forward)

Jane Eisner looks at Ari Shavit's new book on Israel's past and future. (The Forward)

Aaron Magid says Likud is becoming a party committed to apartheid. (The Daily Star)

Barak Ravid says Israel may well come French support but it should remember it's not the US. (Ha'aretz)

Shimon Shiffer looks at the dramatic historical ebb and flow of French-Israeli relations. (YNet)

Avigdor Haselkorn says Netanyahu has panicked and miscalculated regarding Iran. (Jerusalem Post)

The Washington Post says the US and Israel need to agree on the terms of an Iran deal. (Washington Post)

Daniel Drezner says Israel's stance on Iranian nuclear negotiations is incomprehensible. (Foreign Policy)

Robert Satloff says the US and Israel are experiencing their deepest rift in living memory. (Politico)

Emily Landau says the P5+1 shouldn't underestimate its leverage over Iran during negotiations. (Ha'aretz)

Roger Cohen says the unfolding US withdrawal from global leadership is leaving a dangerous vacuum. (New York Times)

Hassan Barari says Israel may be the big loser if the US role in the Middle East decreases. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says the battle for Qalamoun, which is now engaged, may prove decisive for both Syria and Lebanon. (The Daily Star)

Faisal Al Yafai says a "deal with the devil" may be necessary to save Syria from an inferno. (The National)

Amberin Zaman says Turkey is backing away from its support of Islamist rebels in Syria. (Al Monitor)

Sherzad Shekhani looks at what the future may hold for Syria's Kurds. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Jeremy Bowen says Libyans are yearning for law and order. (BBC)

Harith Hasan says Iraq's 2014 election will be a referendum on PM al-Maliki. (Al Monitor)

Marian Houk looks at the ongoing controversy over the death of the late Pres. Arafat. (+972)

November 18th

French ‘hawkishness’ on show from Africa to the Middle East
Media Mention of Hussein Ibish In - November 18, 2013 - 1:00am

On the frontline in Libya and Mali, hawkish on Syria, uncompromising on Iran: France, long critical of the US’ role as the world’s policeman, is emerging as the most interventionist of Western states. France’s uncharacteristically aggressive stance on the international scene comes at a time of apparently diminished influence,


Pres. Abbas formally rejects offers of resignation from his negotiators. (Xinhua)

Palestinian negotiators say peace talks are on hold for the next two weeks. (Xinhua)

Abbas confirms peace talks will run their full course. (AFP)

PM Netanyahu says Sec. Kerry will visit Israel next Friday. (AFP)

Abbas continues to press for an international investigation into the death of the late Pres. Arafat. (Xinhua)

Israeli occupation forces raid Abu Dis and al-Quds University, injuring 40. (Ma'an)

Hamas accuses Egypt of tightening the Gaza blockade. (Xinhua)

Egypt says it will reopen the Gaza crossing for three days, beginning on Tuesday. (Ma'an)

Five people are injured in an explosion near Gaza City. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces intend to displace a Palestinian community near Hebron. (Ma'an)

Israel is continuing to block one of its officials from testifying in an American antiterrorism case. (AP)

Israel has been secretly holding an Al Qaeda suspect for over three years. (Reuters/Ha'aretz/Times of Israel)g

In a visit to Israel, the French president vows to keep up a tough stance on Iran. (AP)

France is becoming more assertive internationally, in the Middle East and elsewhere. (AFP)

31 Syrian soldiers are killed in a rebel bomb attack. (New York Times)

senior Islamist rebel commander is killed in fighting in Syria. (Reuters)

At least 44 people are killed in a series of attacks in Iraq. (New York Times)

Dozens are killed in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, as militias open fire on protesters. (New York Times)

Libya's deputy intelligence chief is kidnapped. (Reuters)

senior Egyptian police officer is killed by unknown assailants in Cairo. (Reuters/AP)

Islamists in Egypt call for a national dialogue. (AP)

Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef is leaving his TV company after the suspension of his program. (AP)

Egyptian Coptic Christians fear for their future. (AP/Christian Science Monitor)


Gershon Baskin says the two-state solution will persist even if current peace talks fail. (Jerusalem Post)

Yitzhak Laor says any prolonged occupation inevitably leads to a violent backlash. (Ha'aretz)

Saree Makdisi says Israel is pursuing a policy of "erasure" against Palestinian communities. (Los Angeles Times)

Oudeh Basharat says Palestinian citizens of Israel are exiles in their own country. (Ha'aretz)

Ha'aretz says pending Israeli legislation to benefit veterans would discriminate against Arab citizens. (Ha'aretz)

Thomas Friedman says a new book by Ari Shavit perfectly explains the dilemmas facing Israel. (New York Times)

Kathleen Peratis says the people of Gaza are suffering under Israel, Egypt and Hamas. (The Forward)

David Ignatius says US officials fear Israeli pressure for a perfect deal with Iran could kill a good one. (Washington Post)

Ari Varon says Israel should embrace France as a key ally. (Ha'aretz)

Nahum Barnea says declining American power is becoming obvious in the Middle East. (YNet)

Abdullah Iskandar laments "American regression and Arab weakness." (Al Hayat)

Hassan Barari says, while Russia can't replace it, the US role is definitely declining in the Middle East. (Arab News)

Yaron Friedman says US policy towards Iran is driving Israel and Saudi Arabia to see each other as allies. (YNet)

Ammar Ali Hassan looks at the possibility the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood might turn to terrorism. (Al Hayat/Al Monitor)

Asharq Al-Awsat Interviews Christopher Chivvis of the RAND Corporation on post-Gaddafi Libya. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Hussein Ibish looks at new developments in Turkey's relations with the Kurds. (The National)

Mostafa Zein says Kurds should be careful not to be manipulated by Turkey. (Al Hayat)

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