

Pres. Abbas says he rejects Israel’s offer of a partial transfer of tax revenues.(AP/AFP/JTA/Reuters)

Israeli occupation forces detain 100 Palestinians from Hebron in March.  (Ma’an)

Iran is reportedly “intensifying support for Hamas” by helping rebuild tunnels in Gaza. (Ma’an/JTA/Ha’aretz)

The UN says the state of the Yarmouk refugee camp is “beyond inhumane.” (AP)

Palestinians from Yarmouk ask for international intervention. (Ynet)

A PLO delegation heads to Syria for talks on Yarmouk crisis.  (Ma’an)

Hamas-affiliated group is reportedly fighting ISIS in the Yarmouk refugee camp. (Ma’an)

Pakistan says Saudi Arabia has asked for warplanes, warships and soldiers in Yemen. (Reuters/AP)

Yemen’s Aden suffers amid continued clashes, as aid deliveries are delayed. (Reuters)

The Red Cross gets approval from the Saudi-led coalition to distribute aid in Yemen. (Reuters)

An apparent Saudi strike kills nine members of a Yemeni family. (New York Times)

Islamist militants and fighters loyal to the Syrian government make a rare prisoner swap.(Reuters)

Ex-officers from Saddam Hussein’s army have risen to prominent positions in ISIS’s hierarchy. (Washington Post)

Islamist militants attack Egypt's two largest cities with a bombing in Cairo and an attack on a church in Alexandria, leaving one policeman dead and seven people wounded. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)

Pres. Obama defends the Iran deal as “once in a lifetime” opportunity. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post/Ha’aretz)

PM Netanyahu seeks a better deal on Iran. (Reuters/AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

An Israeli document poses 10 key questions about the “irresponsible and dangerous” Iran deal. (Times of Israel)

Experts say the framework for an Iran nuclear deal may sideline hard-liners.(AP)

Turkey blocks access to social media over the publication of photographs of slain prosecutor. (AFP)


Ha’aretz says Netanyahu should return to the negotiating table with Abbas. (Ha’aretz)

Avi Issacharoff says Israel is turning a blind eye to tunnel construction and the next Gaza war. (Times of Israel)

Thomas Friedman interviews Obama on Iran. (New York Times)

Roger Cohen says the nuclear deal with Iran is still only preliminary but if concluded it will represent the most important American diplomatic achievement. (New York Times)

David Rothkopf says the interim Iran nuclear deal is worth celebrating. (Foreign Policy)

E.J. Dionne says the Iran deal is tougher than many skeptics anticipated. (Washington Post)

Bryan Gibson looks at five times the US and Iran tried to mend ties-- and failed. (Foreign Policy)

Peter Beinart looks at the three benefits of ending the US’s cold war with Iran. (Ha’aretz)

Hussein Ibish looks at the Iran nuclear framework in its regional context. (AGSIW)

Ben Caspit interviews Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin. (Al-Monitor)

J.J. Goldberg has four questions on Iran for Netanyahu. (The Forward)

Amir Oren says Netanyahu must take responsibility for his abject failure to exert any influence on the Iranian nuclear program talks. (Ha’aretz)

Aluff Benn says the Iran deal can be scaffolding for an Israeli unity government.  (Ha’aretz)

The Daily Star says Gulf leaders must work on a unified stance to work out what is best for them and the rest of the Middle East. (Daily Star)

Theodore Karasik says the Yemen operation is a good test run for an Arab army. (The National)

Salman Aldossary says “Operation Decisive Storm” is not a battle against Shiites, but against Houthis. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Iran is against Saudi Arabia. (Al Arabiya)

Hugh Eakin says the world should use military force to stop ISIS’ destruction of monuments. (New York Times)

Avi Lewis looks at a new Jordanian think tank that seeks to inject nuance into the conversation about Israel and the Arab world. (Times of Israel)

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