

PM Netanyahu is poised to lead a heavily right-leaning coalition government with control of 67 of Knesset’s 120 seats. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/JTA)

Pres. Rivlin will meet with representatives of each of the parties elected to serve in the 20th Knesset. (JTA)

Zionist Union leader Herzog says he will not join Netanyahu's government. (AP/JTA)

The world reacts to Netanyahu’s “no Palestinian state” pledge. (Reuters/AFP/Ha’aretz)

Palestinians see validation of their international initiatives with the re-election of Netanyahu. (New York Times)

Pres. Abbas says a two-state solution would be impossible to achieve with an Israeli government led by Netanyahu. (Ha’aretz/Ynet/Jerusalem Post/AFP)

A White House official says the US could back a UN resolution on Palestine. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

The Obama administration is “deeply concerned” about Likud Party rhetoric marginalizing Palestinian citizens of Israel during the recent elections. (JTA/Times of Israel)

Four Israeli bulldozers and a military vehicle enter Palestinian areas near Rafah in southern Gaza. (Ma’an)

Palestinian youths clash with Israeli forces in occupied East Jerusalem following the takeover of a building by Jewish settlers. (Ma’an)

Extremist Jewish settlers uproot over 60 olive trees in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces detain 15 Palestinians throughout the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

The UN says the ICC should prosecute ISIS for genocide and war crimes in Iraq. (Reuters/AP/The National)

The death toll in the attack on Tunisia's National Bardo Museum rises to 23. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

A European negotiator says P5+1 are unlikely to reach a framework agreement on Iran's nuclear program in the coming days. (Reuters)

Reuters looks at Egypt’s project to build a new capital. (Reuters)

The US Embassy in Saudi Arabia will remain closed for consular services due to security concerns. (AP/The National)

UAE recalls its ambassador to Sweden in wake of comments the country’s foreign minister made about Saudi Arabia. (The National)


Hussein Ibish says Netanyahu's victory seems a devastating blow to hopes for peace. (NOW)

John Hudson and Colum Lynch say with Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the UN to help force an Israeli-Palestinian deal. (Foreign Policy)

Thomas Friedman asks how the rest of the world is going to react to an Israeli government that rejects a two-state solution and employs anti-Arab dog whistles to get elected. (New York Times)

Natan Sachs looks at how Netanyahu rallied the right wing to secure a surprisingly solid victory. (Foreign Policy)

Michael Young says Netanyahu’s victory in Israel’s elections means that any hope of serious negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians is now virtually nil. (Daily Star)

Alan Philps says Netanyahu's disavowal of Palestinian statehood has merely torn away a mask that had become transparent. (The National)

Joyce Karam says Netanyahu’s win seals the fate of the peace process, rendering it completely hopeless. (Al Arabiya)

The Daily Star says its time for the international community to stand up to Netanyahu. (Daily Star)

The Jordan Times says now that the international community knows where Israel stands, it should seriously take it to task and force it to abide by UN resolutions. (Jordan Times)

E.J. Dionne looks at the “high cost” of Netanyahu’s comeback. (Washington Post)

Harold Meyerson says Netanyahu’s scorched earth tactics could make Israel’s problems worse. (Washington Post)

The Washington Post asks who loses as Netanyahu wins. (Washington Post)

Ron Kampeas asks if Netanyahu’s campaign rhetoric will cause further estrangement with Washington. (JTA)

Rebecca Shimoni Stoil says the coming weeks are critical as US waits to hear if Netanyahu will dial down his anti-two-state and anti-Arab rhetoric. (Times of Israel)

Aluf Benn says it was Netanyahu’s last-minute return to his anti-Arab, pro-settlement roots that boosted him back into power. (Ha’aretz)

Jonathan Schanzer explains why the media always gets Israeli elections wrong. (Politico)

Dov Zakheim looks at why pundits got the Israeli election so wrong. (Foreign Policy)

Peter Beinart says with Netanyahu's reelection, the peace process is over and the “pressure process” must begin. (Ha’aretz)

Akiva Eldar says Israel’s diplomatic future is in Kahlon’s hands. (Al-Monitor)

Jay Michaelson says Netanyahu finally revealed his “true face.” (The Forward)

Ha’aretz says the struggle to preserve Israel's democracy is just beginning. (Ha’aretz)

Ravit Hecht says Israel is galloping toward an anti-democratic binational future saturated with hatred and racism. (Ha’aretz)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed looks at “Iran’s seizure” of Iraq. (Al Arabiya)

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