

Pres. Abbas says he will work to revive peace talks with Israel. (AP)

Abbas inaugurates the new Palestinian embassy in Sweden. (Ma’an/Times of Israel/Reuters)

The upcoming Israeli election is not demonstrating much interest in the Palestinian issue. (AP)

The EU is reportedly preparing new sanctions against settlements which are to be enacted following the Israeli election. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Israel earmarks 500 acres of private Palestinian land for annexation in Hebron. (Ma’an)

Egypt has reportedly killed a Hamas commander in Sinai. (Times of Israel)

Israeli forces raid the Abu Dis protest camp for the fifth time. (Ma’an/PNN)

PA security forces are continuing to arrest wanted fugitives currently hiding in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus. (Ma’an)

PM Netanyahu says it is his duty to give his upcoming speech to Congress. (New York Times/Times of Israel)

Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy and Congressional Black Caucus members will skip Netanyahu’s speech. (AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

poll indicates Israelis are seeing a deterioration in ties with the US under Netanyahu. (Ha’aretz)

An Israeli film gives voice to soldiers’ self-doubts after the 1967 war. (Reuters)

An American official says the number of foreign fighters traveling to join ISIS or rival militant groups in Syria is continuing to grow. (Reuters/The National)

ISIS, which had held Kayla Mueller captive since August 2013, sends her parents at least three photographs of her corpse as proof of death. (New York Times)

Thousands of Yemenis protest against the Houthi takeover after the US, Britain and France close their embassies over security fears. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/The National)

Reuters looks at how the Houthis were able to drive Yemen into a political vacuum. (Reuters)

The Washington Post profiles a key player in Yemen’s political crisis, former Pres. Saleh. (Washington Post)

A group of Al-Qaeda supporters in Yemen pledge allegiance to ISIS. (Reuters)

Pres. Putin says Russia will help Egypt build its first nuclear power plant. (AP)


Yossi Mekelberg says by now Palestinians in Gaza have little trust in anyone, not even UNWRA. (Al Arabiya)

Danny Yatom says the Arab and Israeli peace initiatives are the only way forward. (Ynet)

Peter Beinart says Netanyahu’s is destroying the traditional American Jewish establishment and building a new one in its place. (Ha’aretz)

Ben Sales looks at V15’s “ground game” to unseat Netanyahu in the next election. (JTA)

Salman Masalha says Israel’s Palestinian citizens and liberals are not great leftists. (Ha’aretz)

Osama Al Sharif says King Abdullah’s call for an Arab-Muslim coalition to fight extremism must be acknowledged by leaders, clerics and academics. (Jordan Times)

Rami Khouri says the collapse of Yemen is an example of the structural weaknesses that plague many countries in the Arab world. (Daily Star)

Michael Young asks if a P5+1 deal would lead to America’s acceptance of a dominant role for Iran in the Middle East. (The National)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says poor education is “the mother of all problems” in the region. (Al Arabiya)


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