French ‘hawkishness’ on show from Africa to the Middle East
Media Mention of Hussein Ibish In - November 18, 2013 - 1:00am

On the frontline in Libya and Mali, hawkish on Syria, uncompromising on Iran: France, long critical of the US’ role as the world’s policeman, is emerging as the most interventionist of Western states. France’s uncharacteristically aggressive stance on the international scene comes at a time of apparently diminished influence,


Pres. Abbas formally rejects offers of resignation from his negotiators. (Xinhua)

Palestinian negotiators say peace talks are on hold for the next two weeks. (Xinhua)

Abbas confirms peace talks will run their full course. (AFP)

PM Netanyahu says Sec. Kerry will visit Israel next Friday. (AFP)

Abbas continues to press for an international investigation into the death of the late Pres. Arafat. (Xinhua)

Israeli occupation forces raid Abu Dis and al-Quds University, injuring 40. (Ma'an)

Hamas accuses Egypt of tightening the Gaza blockade. (Xinhua)

Egypt says it will reopen the Gaza crossing for three days, beginning on Tuesday. (Ma'an)

Five people are injured in an explosion near Gaza City. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces intend to displace a Palestinian community near Hebron. (Ma'an)

Israel is continuing to block one of its officials from testifying in an American antiterrorism case. (AP)

Israel has been secretly holding an Al Qaeda suspect for over three years. (Reuters/Ha'aretz/Times of Israel)g

In a visit to Israel, the French president vows to keep up a tough stance on Iran. (AP)

France is becoming more assertive internationally, in the Middle East and elsewhere. (AFP)

31 Syrian soldiers are killed in a rebel bomb attack. (New York Times)

senior Islamist rebel commander is killed in fighting in Syria. (Reuters)

At least 44 people are killed in a series of attacks in Iraq. (New York Times)

Dozens are killed in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, as militias open fire on protesters. (New York Times)

Libya's deputy intelligence chief is kidnapped. (Reuters)

senior Egyptian police officer is killed by unknown assailants in Cairo. (Reuters/AP)

Islamists in Egypt call for a national dialogue. (AP)

Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef is leaving his TV company after the suspension of his program. (AP)

Egyptian Coptic Christians fear for their future. (AP/Christian Science Monitor)


Gershon Baskin says the two-state solution will persist even if current peace talks fail. (Jerusalem Post)

Yitzhak Laor says any prolonged occupation inevitably leads to a violent backlash. (Ha'aretz)

Saree Makdisi says Israel is pursuing a policy of "erasure" against Palestinian communities. (Los Angeles Times)

Oudeh Basharat says Palestinian citizens of Israel are exiles in their own country. (Ha'aretz)

Ha'aretz says pending Israeli legislation to benefit veterans would discriminate against Arab citizens. (Ha'aretz)

Thomas Friedman says a new book by Ari Shavit perfectly explains the dilemmas facing Israel. (New York Times)

Kathleen Peratis says the people of Gaza are suffering under Israel, Egypt and Hamas. (The Forward)

David Ignatius says US officials fear Israeli pressure for a perfect deal with Iran could kill a good one. (Washington Post)

Ari Varon says Israel should embrace France as a key ally. (Ha'aretz)

Nahum Barnea says declining American power is becoming obvious in the Middle East. (YNet)

Abdullah Iskandar laments "American regression and Arab weakness." (Al Hayat)

Hassan Barari says, while Russia can't replace it, the US role is definitely declining in the Middle East. (Arab News)

Yaron Friedman says US policy towards Iran is driving Israel and Saudi Arabia to see each other as allies. (YNet)

Ammar Ali Hassan looks at the possibility the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood might turn to terrorism. (Al Hayat/Al Monitor)

Asharq Al-Awsat Interviews Christopher Chivvis of the RAND Corporation on post-Gaddafi Libya. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Hussein Ibish looks at new developments in Turkey's relations with the Kurds. (The National)

Mostafa Zein says Kurds should be careful not to be manipulated by Turkey. (Al Hayat)

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