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Hussein Ibish and Joel Kovel debate one-state agenda at University of Chicago
Press Release - Contact Information: Hussein Ibish - April 12, 2010 - 12:00am On February 23, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted an event at the University of Chicago entitled "Which Way Forward for Palestinian Liberation?" in which Joel Kovel, author of Overcoming Zionism and frequent commentator on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and Hussein Ibish, political analyst and senior fellow at The American Task Force on Palestine, answered questions posed by Richard Rubin of Platypus. An audience question and answer session followed. Below is an edited transcript of the event. |
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A US Middle East peace plan in theory and practice
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ibishblog by Hussein Ibish - (Blog) April 10, 2010 - 12:00am A few days ago a David Ignatius column in the Washington Post introduced a new Obama administration concept in the standoff with PM Netanyahu: the idea that the United States might develop and begin promoting its own specified plan for a Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. In effect, this plays on Israel's deep concern about a settlement that is "imposed" by outside powers rather than one that is negotiated with the Palestinians. |
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Robert Satloff doth protest too much
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Foreign Policy by Stephen Walt - (Opinion) April 9, 2010 - 12:00am If you would like to read a textbook example of a dust-kicking operation, please look at Robert Satloff's heated response to my recent post explaining the problems that can arise when top-level foreign policy officials have strong attachments to a foreign country. I seem to have struck a nerve. There are only two important issues here, and Satloff ignores both of them. First, do some top U.S. officials -- and here we are obviously talking about Dennis Ross -- have a strong attachment to Israel? Second, might this situation be detrimental to the conduct of U.S. Middle East policy? |
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A New Israeli Slap in the Face for Obama
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Dar Al-Hayat by Abdullah Iskandar - (Opinion) April 12, 2010 - 12:00am Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has directed yet another slap in the face at the administration of President Barack Obama. |
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Israel's peace dividend
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Guardian by Seth Freedman - (Opinion) April 12, 2010 - 12:00am The beauty of Israel's economy is in the eye of the beholder: some sceptics routinely sound the death knell for the country's finances, while their optimistic opponents claim the state's coffers have never been in ruder health. Last week, traders and investment funds delivered a resoundingly clear verdict in the latter camp's favour, driving the benchmark TA-25 index to an all-time high. |
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High Court rejects Palestinian village's petition against security fence
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews by Aviad Glickman - April 12, 2010 - 12:00am The High Court of Justice rejected on Sunday a petition filed by the Palestinian village of Masha and The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) against the construction of a segment of the West Bank security barrier near the village. According to the ruling, the construction of the segment in question was completed seven years ago. The segment separates Masha, which is home to some 2,000 Palestinians, from the Jewish communities Elkana, Etz Efraim and Sha'arei Tikva. |
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Hamas arrests cell about to open fire on IDF
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews by Ali Waked - April 12, 2010 - 12:00am The Hamas government's internal security force in the Gaza Strip released a cell of gunmen Monday who had planned to open fire on an IDF force operating near the border fence. Sources from the Islamic Jihad reported to Ynet that members of the cell – made up of members of Islamic Jihad's military wing, the al-Quds Brigades, and the Nabil Massoud cell, which is one of the armed groups of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades – were released after they committed in writing not to continue these types of activities. |
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IDF bid to expel West Bank Palestinians is a step too far
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz (Editorial) April 12, 2010 - 12:00am A new military order will take effect this week, enabling the army to deport tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank and prosecute them on infiltration charges, which carry long prison terms. The order, uncovered by Amira Hass in Haaretz yesterday, bears the signature of Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni in his previous capacity as commander of the Israel Defense Forces in Judea and Samaria. |
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IDF order will enable mass deportation from West Bank
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz by Amira Hass - April 11, 2010 - 12:00am A new military order aimed at preventing infiltration will come into force this week, enabling the deportation of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank, or their indictment on charges carrying prison terms of up to seven years. When the order comes into effect, tens of thousands of Palestinians will automatically become criminal offenders liable to be severely punished. |