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Israel says it may end tax revenue transfers to the PA, prompting calls from the US for clarification and from PM Fayyad for international intervention. Hamas’ leadership denies it is leaving Syria. Palestinian leaders are making their way to Cairo for a national unity agreement signing ceremony. The deal may be partly the result of new Egyptian foreign policy, which Rami Khouri says marks Egypt’s return to the Arab fold. Hamas says the next prime minister must be from Gaza, but Fatah officials say Fayyad may remain in office. Aaron David Miller says the deal creates the illusion of unity. Israel feels increased tension and pressure. Egypt calls on the US to recognize a Palestinian state. Likud hardliners call for annexing the West Bank. The planned opening of the Gaza-Egypt border may cause new problems for Israel. The PA welcomes the death of Osama bin Laden, but Hamas condemns it and calls him a “holy warrior.” Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim will perform a “peace concert” in Gaza. Akiva Eldar and the Daily Star both welcome the Palestinian unity agreement and Amira Hass says it may serve Israeli policies. Tzachi Hanegbi says PM Netanyahu should announce plans for Israeli national unity. The Arab News says Pres. Obama has capitulated to Israeli intransigence.
Fatah and Hamas provide different accounts and interpretations of a national unity deal. Pres. Abbas tries to reassure Israel and the West. PM Netanyahu is taking full rhetorical advantage of the development, as Israelis express concern, but Ha'aretz says he may have jumped the gun. Regional unrest may have motivated the agreement. Egypt invites the parties to a signing ceremony next week. Jordan and the Arab League welcome the deal. The US says aid to the PA will continue for the meanwhile, but the deal may pose several long-term risks. The White House Chief of Staff may have left the door open for the US to continue to work with a Palestinian unity government. Herb Keinon suggests ways Israel can use the development. The National and the Arab News both say Palestinian unity calls Israel's bluff. Hamas is reportedly insisting on the removal of PM Fayyad. Egyptian policy opens to Hamas and Iran. Aaron David Miller says fear of failure, not of the Israel lobby, is holding Pres. Obama back on diplomatic initiatives. Abbas meets leaders of the Israeli Peace initiative. Israeli artillery injures four Palestinians in Gaza. Israeli and Palestinian security forces are continuing coordination in the West Bank. Ha'aretz says Israel should recognize a Palestinian state. Abbas says the quest for a peace agreement will continue. The Jerusalem Post says Abbas is no peace partner. Bereaved Palestinian physician Izzeldin Abuelaish tours the US with a message of forgiveness. The Forward says the US must take the lead on peace.
Fatah and Hamas announced the outlines of a possible national reconciliation agreement. The US may be reconsidering aid to Palestinians as a consequence, key members of Congress warn. The White House says any new Palestinian government must renounce terrorism and recognize Israel. Jackson Diehl says if the agreement is implemented it will mean the Palestinians are walking away from the peace process. Pres. Abbas' office dismisses criticism from PM Netanyahu. FM Lieberman says Israel will not negotiate with a unity government, and a Hamas leader says negotiations will not be conducted by a new government. Israel launches a nationwide war drill. Israel worries about the future of security cooperation with the PA. Ha'aretz says the agreement may work to PM Netanyahu's advantage. Aluf Benn concludes Hamas has taken over the Palestinian movement. Israel prepares to block the next Gaza flotilla. Israel anticipates and plans for political changes in Syria. Hamas disperses a pro-unity rally in Gaza. Abbas reiterates conditions for resuming negotiations with Israel. Israeli forces arrest settlers trying to enter a holy site in the occupied territories which was the scene of a recent shooting. Larry Derfner criticizes Israel's treatment of Arab air travelers. Daoud Kuttab says chances for the birth of a Palestinian state this fall are about 50-50.
Fatah and Hamas announced the outlines of a possible national reconciliation agreement. The US may be reconsidering aid to Palestinians as a consequence, key members of Congress warn. The White House says any new Palestinian government must renounce terrorism and recognize Israel. Jackson Diehl says if the agreement is implemented it will mean the Palestinians are walking away from the peace process. Pres. Abbas' office dismisses criticism from PM Netanyahu. FM Lieberman says Israel will not negotiate with a unity government, and a Hamas leader says negotiations will not be conducted by a new government. Israel launches a nationwide war drill. Israel worries about the future of security cooperation with the PA. Ha'aretz says the agreement may work to PM Netanyahu's advantage. Aluf Benn concludes Hamas has taken over the Palestinian movement. Israel prepares to block the next Gaza flotilla. Israel anticipates and plans for political changes in Syria. Hamas disperses a pro-unity rally in Gaza. Abbas reiterates conditions for resuming negotiations with Israel. Israeli forces arrest settlers trying to enter a holy site in the occupied territories which was the scene of a recent shooting. Larry Derfner criticizes Israel's treatment of Arab air travelers. Daoud Kuttab says chances for the birth of a Palestinian state this fall are about 50-50.
Following the death of the prisoner, Hamas leaders say they want to crack down on torture. Palestinian security forces fire near Israeli troops in the West Bank. The PA is looking into reports of Palestinians held at Guantánamo Bay. Jordan's king says failure to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will fuel Middle East violence. Israel denies a report about a new peace initiative. Aluf Benn says PM Netanyahu has fallen into a Palestinian diplomatic trap. The State Department says preserving the peace treaty with Egypt is essential for Israel. Leaked cables suggest Israel urged the US to support Palestinian banks. A new flotilla to Gaza is postponed. An extremist Rabbi urges Israel to encourage Bedouins to leave the country and the occupied territories. Nablus' governor urges calm after shootings near holy site, and settlers vow to return “with vigor.” An armed gang reportedly attacks the Egypt-Israel oil pipeline. Extremist MKs are preparing annexation bills in response to potential EU or UN recognition of Palestine. Israel Finkelstein says Jerusalem excavations are not dangerous but could be handled better. Faisal Al Qasim says the actions of many Arab dictators are worse than Israel's. David Rothkopf says PM Netanyahu has very little time left for effective diplomatic action.

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