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Most news reports and commentaries today focus on possible moves by the Palestinian leadership to declare statehood, although in an interview with IPS, lead Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat says that the PLO is considering asking for recognition of Palestinian sovereignty in the occupied territories by the UN. Both the US and EU say that such moves are premature, and it has been angrily rejected by Hamas. Israel has responded by threatening to annex parts of the West Bank. The Washington Post highlights the holy places in Jerusalem as a persistent flashpoint. Roger Cohen argues that Israeli-Palestinian peace is presently unachievable and a truce would be the best option. The LA Times suggests the spirit of the late extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane is growing on the Israeli right. Mideast envoy George Mitchell reiterates US demands for a halt to settlement activity in occupied East Jerusalem. The Daily Star examines Hamas' strategic thinking. Time asks what the future of the new Palestinian security forces would be in the event of a resignation by Pres. Abbas.
Muslims, Christians and Jews combine on a major study of Jerusalem. Israeli PM Netanyahu angrily rejects any notion of Palestinian unilateral declaration of statehood, and Israeli officials say West Bank territories could be unilaterally annexed. PLO officials say Pres. Abbas tenure could be extended, or that the PLO will assume the responsibilities of the PA. IDF chief rabbi says those who show mercy will be damned. The JTA profiles a new "planned" Palestinian city in the West Bank.
The Palestinian election commission recommends postponing scheduled January voting. Pres. Abbas must approve the proposal, which has already led to squabbling between Hamas and Fatah. Israel's expulsion of a Palestinian student from the West Bank to Gaza continues to draw criticism, including from the US government. AP says radicals will fill the void if peace talks collapse. UPI outlines the benefits and risks of the PA state building plan. In a new poll, more than half of Israelis back talks with Hamas. At least one Palestinian is killed in the central Gaza Strip as Israeli leaders say they are prepared to attack the area again if necessary. Ha'aretz reports FM Lieberman has dropped peace initiatives from Foreign Ministry priorities. Palestinians warns Israeli diplomacy may now focus on Syria. The Gulf News profiles Palestinian construction magnate Hassib Sabagh. In the New Yorker, Lawrence Wright investigates the Gaza war.
At Arafat memorial, Pres. Abbas reaffirms Palestinian determination for statehood, lays out strict conditions for talks. French leaders voice doubts about Israeli interest in peace. Hamas may sign Egyptian reconciliation proposal by end of the month, and Fatah leaders say the scheduled election may be postponed. Israeli settlers go on tree felling spree, build fences to keep Palestinians off of their own land in the occupied West Bank. The Guardian highlights the plight of Palestinian student Berlanty Azzam deported by Israel from the West Bank to Gaza and the implications of this practice. Reports suggest Pres. Obama asked PM Netanyahu at their meeting to take steps to bolster Abbas in light of his possible resignation. Numerous commentaries argue that the peace process is hopelessly deadlocked. Ameen Estaiteyeh says that ATFP deserves more recognition as a pro-Palestine, pro-peace organization. The Media Line interviews ATFP President Ziad Asali.
Palestinians commemorate the fifth anniversary of the death of Pres. Arafat, and debate the possibility of a unilateral declaration of statehood. Hamas reiterates that it will never negotiate with Israel, and bans all public commemorations in Gaza of Arafat's death. Tony Blair welcomes the latest economic progress in the West Bank, while the New York Times profiles the struggle of Gaza shopkeepers. White House officials express disappointment at the meeting between Pres. Obama and PM Netanyahu. Israeli military intelligence is re-examining the notorious "Lavon Affair" of the 1950s in which Israel plotted terrorist attacks against Western targets in Egypt. The JTA argues that Obama has quietly adopted Israel's position on negotiations without preconditions. In Bitter Lemons, Ghassan Khatib explains that a settlement freeze is crucial to peace negotiations. On the Washington Post website, Hussein Ibish tries to explain the frustrations of the Palestinian leadership and people.

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