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In spite of the last-minute reprieve, funding disputes threaten Gaza's electricity supply. Israeli warplanes bomb southern Gaza. UNRWA issues another appeal for funding. Gaza journalists are caught up in the Hamas-Fatah rivalry. Pres. Abbas says he still waiting for US clarification on new talks. An Israeli man is stabbed in the occupied West Bank. Tensions flare between Israel's Defense Minister and military Chief of Staff. A.B. Yehoshua says peace with the Palestinians is Israel's best response to Iran. The PA says a new corruption scandal is an Israeli conspiracy. Matthew Levitt asks if Gaza is going the way of Somalia and Yemen. Jonathan Freedland says Palestinians should call PM Netanyahu's bluff. Gazan tunnelers dig ever deeper. Tony Karon says Israelis must feel a price for occupation. David Newman says there is ample room for a peace agreement land swap.
An Israeli stirs controversy by making keffiyehs featuring the Star of David. Landmines are an ongoing problem in the occupied Golan Heights. PM Fayyad again demands an end to Israeli raids and settlement activity. A senior Fatah official says it will reopen its headquarters in Gaza. The PA says it will hold local and municipal elections in July, and reiterates terms for resuming negotiations, but Pres. Abbas says he is still waiting for clarification from the US. Hamas opposes elections and accuses the US of blocking peace and Palestinian reconciliation. The new Palestinian security forces continue to gain ground. Officials say settlers are unlikely to prevail in trying to hold onto a seized Palestinian house in occupied East Jerusalem. The National says Special Envoy Mitchell's approach may still pay off. Hassan Barari looks at the implications of a public handshake between senior Israeli and Saudi officials.
A new poll of Muslim countries shows little enthusiasm for Hamas and Hezbollah. Palestinians reportedly agree to US proximity talks but ask for clarifications. Israeli right-wingers condemn the New Israel Fund. A Wall Street Journal commentary says settlers should stay in a Palestinian state. The head of the Herziliya conference says more Palestinians should participate and former Sharon advisor Weissglas praises PM Fayyad's courage. International donors, Palestinian officials discuss municipal projects. Israeli forces arrest two foreign activists in the West Bank and dozens of Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem. Hamas denies regretting Israeli civilians' deaths from rocket attacks. Israel bans a Palestinian geographer from traveling abroad for six months. King Abdallah of Jordan says Pres. Obama's "undivided attention is desperately needed" on peace. A senior Saudi prince says his public handshake with Israel’s deputy foreign minister does not signal a change in policy.
An ATFP original translation by Hamadeh Faraneh looks at Israeli reactions to PM Fayyad. Palestinian factions conclude their meeting in Gaza. The power plant in Gaza may shut down. The Dubai police say they may pursue Israeli officials over a recent assassination. The UN casts doubt over recent Gaza war probes. Israelis and Palestinians plan for a mixed neighborhood in Jerusalem. An Israeli police officer may be charged in the death of a Palestinian boy. Israeli politicians seek to investigate human rights organizations. A Red Cross convoy is attacked in Gaza. The Gaza blockade hinders Palestinian medicine. Various Arab commentaries critique Israeli policy. The Goldstone report has created a rift in Israeli civil society.
The LA Times profiles Israeli television satire. Palestinian factions meet in Gaza. Pres. Abbas says he is determined to move forward with peace, and PM Netanyahu says talks may begin in weeks. Israel's mayor in Jerusalem says he will demolish a settler structure and 200 Palestinian homes. The US tells Israel that easing the siege of Gaza would help contain fallout from the Goldstone report. A Jerusalem Post commentary says Israeli war confessionals can only be done anonymously. Jewish groups face divisions over J Street's move onto campuses. Aluf Benn says Israelis do not understand their global image and Avi Shlaim complains about the performance of Quartet Envoy Blair. In the Forward, ATFP President Ziad Asali calls for an Arab and Jewish American led coalition for peace. Several Arab commentaries say Israel should face international justice. Joshua Muravchik rebutts a scurrilous attack on ATFP.

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