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Today's news is dominated by controversy surrounding the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh: Mossad comes under fire in Israel for its tactics and competency; Dubai says it's 99% sure Israel is responsible; European states demand explanations over fake passports; accusations grow that other Hamas officials were involved; Brian Whitaker profiles the victim and Robert Fisk questions Britain's role. Israel tries to mobilize ordinary citizens for public diplomacy. Erwin Chemerinsky says shouting down is not free speech. Bill Fletcher Jr. says the world should support Palestinian nonviolent protests. The PA Economy Minister urges a boycott of settlement goods in Italy. Palestinian FM al-Maliki hints at indirect negotiations with Israel. Larry Derfner says Israeli youths are being trained to be bullies. The Red Cross condemns the occupation. Ali Ibrahim says the PA is not more corrupt than Hamas but allows more public criticism, and Daoud Kuttab says that Fatah should follow the anti-corruption example of PM Fayyad.
Palestinians seek international investment. Dubai police release photos, videos of 11 sought in the assassination of a Hamas operative, and arrest two Palestinians. The PA settles a major lawsuit. Hamas predicts progress on reconciliation. Palestinians detail how they say they have been cheated out of billions by Israel. Most Gaza police applicants want jobs, not to join Hamas. Two are killed in a refugee camp in Lebanon. FM Lieberman says Palestinians are smearing Israel, dismisses peace. Jordan's King Abdallah says peace is at a critical stage. Pres. Abbas says he still waiting for US clarification. A Palestinian police officer is arrested on suspicion of plotting assassinations. Carlo Strenger calls for a rebirth of the Israeli left and Hassan Barari calls for Arab reform. The Arab News says Israel faces a crisis of legitimacy. IPS profiles the new film "Ajami." Joel Beinin describes efforts to counter settlement expansion in occupied East Jerusalem.
An aide to Pres. Abbas is suspended following sexual harassment allegations. Hamas detains a British journalist for 15 days. Sec. Clinton says US can't force Israel and the Palestinians into talks, and meets with Palestinian negotiators in Qatar. The PIF plans a new IT Park. Rep. Baird says the US should break the blockade of Gaza. Hamas is being increasingly challenged by more extreme Islamists. Palestinian protesters pose as Na'vi from "Avatar." Israeli soldiers kill a Palestinian in Hebron. Ha'aretz profiles PM Fayyad, and Ziad AbuZayyad says he deserves congratulations for his Herzliya speech. Israel's Defense Ministry identifies settlements in violation of the partial settlement freeze. Amira Hass describes the arrest of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy by occupation forces. Robert Fisk asks what has happened to Israel's self-image, and Donald Macintyre says a new Israeli McCarthyism is stifling internal criticism. The Israeli military is actively working with Human Rights Watch. Asharq Al-Awsat interviews Israeli Deputy FM Ayalon. Helga Baumgarten says Pres. Abbas' successor is likely to be a Palestinian security figure.
Saree Makdisi and Marvin Hier have contrasting LA Times op-eds about a museum being built on a Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem. Ben White says Palestinian nonviolent protests could be transformative. Hamas boycotts a meeting over municipal elections. Quartet Envoy Blair will intensify his work with Special Envoy Mitchell. Fatah urges Hamas to sign the Egyptian-brokered reconciliation plan. Jordan calls for a time frame for a two-state solution. Experts say an explosion of violence is unlikely despite a flare-up in Israeli-Palestinian clashes. Israeli soldiers kill two Palestinians at Gaza border. Israel faces a global delegitimization campaign. An Israeli court approves a Jews-only housing complex in Jaffa. Israel confirms no independent probe into Gaza war, but a Jerusalem Post commentary says the controversy is far from over. An Israeli soldier's alleged killer "was tired of life." Several Arab commentaries call for tough stances towards Israel on peace talks.
Roger Cohen says urgent action is needed to salvage the two-state solution. Palestinians petition the UN over the construction of a museum being built on top of a Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem. Israeli military actions in Gaza kill one, wound four. Israel says a Palestinian who stabbed an Israeli had "personal problems," and the PA condemns the attack. Israel is rerouting the separation barrier around a village that has been the site of nonviolent protests. Christian priests and a Jordan Times commentary call for more nonviolent protests. Palestinians accuse Israel of driving them out of Jerusalem. A Ha'aretz commentary says Israel needs the Goldstone report. Israel says the Karni Crossing will remain shut as long as Hamas remains in power and the Jordan Times condemns the statement. The PA says it has detained six Al Qaeda operatives. Israel's consul general in Boston attends a J Street event. A Jerusalem Post commentary says proximity talks may help peace. The National says a new poll shows Arabs favor moderation. Osman Mirghani examines conflicting statements about Hamas apologizing for civilian deaths and Tariq Alhomayed says the flap over the Saudi-Israeli handshake is a symptom of chronic Arab political out-bidding.

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