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Pres. Obama telephones Pres. Abbas. Hamas seeks to capitalize on Egyptian unrest. Walter Rogers looks at Israeli anxieties but analysts say they may see benefits as well. Abbas says Palestinian elections must include Gaza. Palestinians say the US has new ideas for peace talks. The US is still expected to veto a UN resolution on settlements, and The National says it will be a test of American rhetoric on the issue. The Israeli Supreme Court rules that Jews cannot reclaim land lost in Hebron after 1948. Gideon Levy says Israeli school trips to Hebron resemble visits to Auschwitz. Israeli-Jordanian relations are seen as solid. Israeli leaders continue to warn against a rapid spread of Arab democracy. An important Picaso painting will be displayed in the West Bank. Mara Rudman and Marc Grossman are named to senior administration posts. Jewish American organizations scramble to react to a changing Arab world. Genocide scholars argue about Israel's conduct in 1948. Matti Steinberg looks at how the Arab Peace Initiative deals with the refugee issue.
Israeli troops kill three Palestinians near the Gaza border. Palestinians seek international recognition. Israel organizes field trips for students to the West Bank. A Fatah official warns that Israel is exploiting international focus on Egypt to build settlements in occupied East Jerusalem, and Pres. Abbas says the Armenian quarter will be part of Palestine. An Israeli human rights group says Israel is not restraining settler violence. Jordan says a murderer of Israelis will serve a life term. PLO officials say elections can go ahead without Hamas. Jordan calls for the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian talks. PM Netanyahu faces international criticism. The US urges Palestinians to drop a UN resolution on settlements, and may be proposing a statement instead. Larry Derfner says Israel must reach out to the Arab world. Palestinians are largely quiet as unrest grips the Arab world. The Arab News says Israel fears change.
Israel closes four international missions. Saeb Erekat explains his resignation. The Washington Post denounces the prosecution of UC Irvine students. Janessa Gans Wilder says Israel cannot ignore nonviolent Palestinian protests. The EU says it supports Palestinian statehood by September. An emboldened Palestinian delegation pushes for a UN resolution on settlements. Pres. Abbas says Israel has no vision for peace. Abbas disbands the NSU following leaks. The PLO and PA settle a lawsuit. The Knesset moves forward with a law punishing Israeli citizens who promote boycotts. Ha'aretz says unrest in the Arab world should spur Israeli peace efforts. Gazans participate in a conference in Sderot. The Israeli military dismantles an unauthorized outpost. Meir Margalit says conditions in occupied East Jerusalem will lead to a popular uprising. PM Fayyad says the PA will try to wean itself off foreign aid by 2013. A British TV show looks at the plight of children in Gaza. Following unrest in Egypt, Israelis eye the prospect of a multi-front war. ATFP President Ziad J. Asali urges international support for Palestinian state-building. The National says the Palestinian leadership is right to call new elections. Basma Kodmani says the leak of the "Palestine papers" was "malevolent" and "manipulative."
Bilal Saab says the upheaval in Egypt should set the stage for Israeli-Syrian negotiations. Hamas calls the PA cabinet reshuffle "superficial." Israel announces more settler housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. The UN says the Gaza unemployment rate is now at 45%. Xinhua looks at prospects for Palestinian elections. Israel's defense ministry is keeping settlement construction laws secret. Susan Lourenco says removing checkpoints does not remove the occupation. Avirama Golan says the rule of law in Israel is threatened by recent legislation. The Israeli military plans a training complex in a Palestinian neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. Israel's PM and FM spar over diplomatic appointments. The Knesset passes the "Bishara Bill." Gershon Baskin says Palestinian nonviolent protests are the key to peace. Yasser Abed Rabbo says Pres. Abbas may not stand in planned elections. A new play highlights the 1994 massacre in Hebron. Israeli forces continue to demolish a Bedouin village. Dennis Ross will address the upcoming J St. convention. PM Fayyad is reappointed to his position. ATFP President Ziad Asali looks at the successes of Palestinian Authority state and institution building. Hussein Ibish says the Palestinian leadership must follow through on election plans.
ATFP President, Ziad Asali speaks at the University of Oxford about the State-Building Program. Israel seems more relaxed about Egypt's future and Tom Freidman says it should be happy with the outcome though it does not seem to be. The head Palestinian negotiator resigns. The PLO announces elections by September, but Hamas denounces the plan. The PA cabinet will resign in preparation for a reshuffle. Pres. Abbas calls for an end to attacks on Qatar. Israel still has major input on Palestinian security measures. Calls are issued to investigate an extremist rabbi's possible ties to the assassin of PM Rabin. Shlomo Avineri says peace with Egypt is essential for Israel. The Jerusalem Post says Palestinians can learn lessons from the Egyptian experience. PM Fayyad says he does not know of any state that opposes Palestinian independence. Patrick Seale says Egypt's relationship with Israel will become more distant.

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