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Sec. Kerry's efforts to forge new Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are complicated by unrest throughout the Middle East. (New York Times)

Kerry's top aides are continuing efforts following his recent trip to the region. (Jerusalem Post)

Kerry says new peace talks are unlikely until September. (Washington Post)

Pres. Abbas says he is optimistic about Kerry's efforts and the prospects of new talks with Israel. (AP)

Israeli officials say negotiations won't proceed unless Abbas wants them to. (PNN)

Caretaker PM Hamdallah calls on the US to stop "Israeli violations" that hinder peace. (Xinhua)

A Palestinian official says he's still concerned about American "bias" towards Israel. (Times of Israel)

Israeli DM Ya'alon classifies "price tag" violence as "illegal organizing," which subjects it to penalties heretofore reserved for Palestinian groups. (YNet/Times of Israel)

A 19-year-old Palestinian man is killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. (New York Times/Reuters/Xinhua)

The killing leads to further clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

Israeli actors protest the government's closing of a Palestinian children's theater in occupied East Jerusalem. (AP/LA Times)

Jordan protests proposed Israeli plans to forcibly relocate 40,000 Bedouins. (Xinhua)

Israel is preparing to dismantle an "unauthorized" wildcat settlement outpost by mid-July. (Ha'aretz)

The PA religious affairs minister asks Arab Idol winner Assaf to postpone free West Bank concerts in solidarity with the Egyptian people. (Ma'an)

Assaf goes ahead with a wildly popular but brief free concert in Ramallah. (Ha'aretz)

Assaf's success continues to polarize Hamas. (Al Monitor)

Turkey's deputy PM claims the "Jewish Diaspora" is behind unrest against PM Erdogan's regime. (Ha'aretz)

Israel complains to the Netherlands about a report on the Israeli-Palestinian situation critical of its policies. (Times of Israel)

A Kuwaiti MP expresses an unusual degree of public support for Israel on television. (Times of Israel)

Australia’s new deputy PM is a founding member of the Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group. (JTA)

Egypt reportedly deploys 30 tanks to secure the border area with Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

Hundreds of Palestinian fishermen protest Israel's Gaza blockade and limited fishing zones. (UPI)


Shlomo Ben Ami says peace with the Palestinians would bring huge dividends for Israel. (Project Syndicate)

Nahum Barnea says Kerry deserves credit for his efforts, but he can't succeed without Pres. Obama's direct help. (YNet)

Matthew Kalman says he's having a hard time understanding Kerry's optimism. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

David Landau says PM Netanyahu's right to be concerned about Israeli public's support for a peace agreement, but the Palestinian public is equally important. (Ha'aretz)

David Horovitz says Kerry's real challenge is changing the attitudes on both sides, especially among Palestinians. (Times of Israel)

Akiva Eldar says Israelis are trapped in a condition of apathy about peace and occupation. (Al Monitor)

Brian Freedman says peace activists and political leaders need to get together before progress can be made. (Jerusalem Post)

Ariela Ringel-Hoffman says Israel should release Palestinian prisoners as a "goodwill gesture" for peace. (YNet)

Brent Sasley says he doubts Netanyahu either wants or will try to leave the Likud party. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Don Futterman says Israel's law enforcement efforts against "price tag" vigilantes has been apathetic. (Ha'aretz)

Simone Zimmerman says blind support for Israel's occupation policies can't be an effective counter to BDS. (Ha'aretz)

Hazem Balousha says Hamas is wary and concerned about the transfer of power in Qatar. (Al Monitor)

Mazal Mualem says Israel's leadership needs to realize that the anti-Morsi protests are a sign of real hope. (Al Monitor)

William Burr and Avner Cohen describe how Israel's early nuclear weapons project was fueled by uranium from Argentina. (Foreign Policy)


Sec. Kerry concludes his latest trip to the region, saying he had "very positive discussions," and remaining upbeat about new negotiations. (New York Times/LA Times/AP)

Kerry's trip had been extended longer than initially planned, but still yielded no breakthrough. (New York Times/Reuters)

The election of extremist Likud leader Danon as party Chair raises further doubts about Israel's commitment to a two-state solution. (AP)

PM Netanyahu vows that any peace agreement must be put to a referendum.(Xinhua)

Analysts speculate Kerry may have succeeded in laying the groundwork for future progress, as acknowledged by Palestinian officials. (Xinhua)

Pres. Abbas reportedly tells Kerry Israel's "goodwill gestures" thus far are insufficient, but that Americans seem to understand the Palestinian position. (Xinhua/Ha'aretz)

Palestinian officials blame Israel for the lack of resolution on new talks. (UPI)

An Israeli cabinet minister says the timing of prisoner release is one of the remaining sticking points between the parties. (Times of Israel)

Hamas warns against "futile" negotiations with Israel. (Ma'an)

Israel's chief negotiator Livni says European boycotts of settlement products could extend to all Israeli goods. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel is adding additional incentives for prospective tenants of almost 1000 new settler housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. ( AFP)

A Jewish extremist is arrested by Israeli police for desecrating a monastery in the occupied West Bank. (Reuters)

Hamas deploys more forces around the Egyptian border. (Xinhua)

Arab Idol winner Mohammad Assaf will hold three free concerts across the West Bank in July. (Ma'an)

Assaf's success continues to put Hamas in an extremely difficult position. (Al Arabiya)

A new study suggests Israel collects $11 million a year from Palestinians in identity card fees. (PNN)

Prof. Meron Medzini leads historical tours around Israel and the occupied territories. (Christian Science Monitor)

Hussein al-Deik wins the Palestinian "The President" reality TV show. (NPR)


Leonard Fein calls extremist leaders like Danon "Israel's most dangerous enemies." (The Forward)

Ha'aretz calls Israel's settlement and occupation activity in the South Hebron Hills "annexation in disguise." (Ha'aretz)

Yitzhak Laor asks if Israel would have freed Nelson Mandela if he had been a Palestinian. (Ha'aretz)

Sharif Nashashibi says the political vacuum in Ramallah might help focus the attention of the Palestinian people on the need for change. (Al Arabiya)

Ahmed Aldabba explains why he prefers to live in Gaza than in Egypt. (Christian Science Monitor)

The National says Kerry's latest efforts leave little grounds for optimism. (The National)

Barak Ravid says, even if Kerry doesn't succeed in restarting negotiations, he's trying harder than anyone else. (Ha'aretz)

Raphael Ahren says, given Kerry's confidence, either he's afraid of "humiliating failures" or he knows something the rest of us know. (Times of Israel)

The Daily Star accuses Israel of "sabotaging peace." (The Daily Star)

Shlomi Eldar says the Palestinian Interaction Committee was another excellent initiative that failed from the outset. (Al Monitor)

Haviv Rettig Gur says, by placing himself above party politics, PM Netanyahu may have squandered control of the Likud. (Times of Israel)

Amos Harel says the turmoil in the Middle East has reduced the threats Israel, at least for now. (Ha'aretz)

Merav Betito says there's a double standard in Israel for Jewish and Arab convicted felons. (YNet)

Rebecca Rachmany says Israel is, indeed, an apartheid state, and she thinks that's a good thing and that Israelis believe in equality anyway. (Times of Israel)

Bakr Oweida says the success of Mohammed Assaf shows the limitations of Hamas' rule in Gaza. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Amira Hass says Palestinian creativity is flourishing all over, not just through Assaf. (Ha'aretz)

Emily Hauser asks why, since McDonald's settlement boycott is 20 years old, settlers are so upset now. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Yossi Mekelberg says, given a continued deadlock, a third intifada is a real possibility, but would be very dangerous for Palestinians. (Al Arabiya)


Sec. Kerry is back in Israel for more talks with PM Netanyahu at the beginning of another round of peace efforts. (AP/AFP)

Rumors persist that Kerry would like to broker a meeting between Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas. (Washington Post)

Netanyahu may be sending signals that he is ready for compromises. (AP/Ha'aretz)

Secret Israeli-Palestinian talks about the release of pre-Oslo prisoners may have been ongoing. (Ma'an)

Likud ministers say they're concerned that peace moves may split their party. (Jerusalem Post)

The BBC looks at a proposed massive investment project in the Palestinian economy. (BBC)

King Abdullah II of Jordan says Israel's unilateral measures and "repeated violations" against holy sites in Jerusalem undermine peace opportunities. (Xinhua)

The Israeli government is considering recognizing 40 more "unauthorized" settlement housing units, against opposition from Israel's Supreme Court. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel is considering demolishing an EU-funded humanitarian project for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (Xinhua/Ha'aretz)

OHCHR warns of the possibility that Palestinian anger could lead to another round of violence in the occupied territories. (PNN)

Islamic Jihad reportedly ends its three-day schism with Hamas. (Times of Israel)

The EU is making another €10 million contribution to help fund PA services to address extreme poverty in the occupied Palestinian territories. (PNN)

Palestinians say Israeli soldiers shot and wounded a Palestinian man during clashes in Qalandiya refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

DM Ya'alon advises newly graduated Israel Air Force pilots to be ready for action at any moment. (Xinhua)

Israel says it has arrested a five-man PFLP cell in the occupied West Bank. (Xinhua)

Hamas says PM Erdogan is to visit Gaza next week. (Xinhua)

Egyptian security forces say they don't plan to close Gaza border crossings during the planned June 30 protests against Pres. Morsi. (Ma'an)

Egypt continues to crack down on smuggling across the Gaza border. (AP/Times of Israel)

Palestinians await the final episode of the "reality TV" contest "The President." (Ma'an)

OCHA is expanding its relief program for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. (PNN)

The UN renews its peacekeeping mission in the Golan Heights for another six months. (Reuters)


Hisham Melhem says a sectarian cancer is consuming the Arab world. (An-Nahar, translated by ATFP)

The Forward says Kerry's efforts are more important to Israelis and Palestinians, even if they don't realize it, than they are to Americans. (The Forward)

Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman say Kerry's challenge is to empower "the right Palestinians." (New York Daily News)

Yoel Marcus says Netanyahu is slowly going through the same process former PM Sharon did in understanding the dangers of occupation for Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Rami Livni also thinks Netanyahu is a late convert to the need for peace with the Palestinians. (Ha'aretz)

Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu faces a choice between moving forward on peace and splitting his own party. (Al Monitor)

J.J. Goldberg says we haven't yet seen real movement from Netanyahu, but the possibility of movement. (The Forward)

Chemi Shalev says outrage by settlers and their supporters that McDonald's won't open a branch in a settlement shows how far they've distanced themselves from reality. (Ha'aretz)

Nadine Epstein says moderate voices on both sides must be strengthened for Israeli-Palestinian peace to stand a chance. (Christian Science Monitor)

The Economist asks what's next for Palestinians after the resignation of PM Hamdallah. (The Economist)

Adnan Abu Amer interviews Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya about his organization's loss of support from Iran. (Al Monitor)

Mazal Mualem interviews Israeli Deputy Interior Minister Faina Kirshenbaum, who describes Abbas as "a political corpse." (Al Monitor)

Joyce Karam says Fadel Shaker and Mohammed Assaf represent two models of how to handle Arab pop stardom. (Al Arabiya)


Sec. Kerry says time is the enemy in his push for Israeli-Palestinian peace. (New York Times/AP/AFP)

Kerry says the parties must show "some kind of progress" before the next UN General Assembly meeting in September. (Ha'aretz)

Kerry is arriving in Israel today, and insists Israeli and Palestinian leaders want peace. (Xinhua/Reuters)

American and Palestinian officials criticize Israel's announcement of 69 new settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem, on the eve of Kerry's upcoming visit. (AP/New York Times)

Israel's outgoing central bank governor Fischer says Israel needs to strengthen Palestinian leaders who want to create an independent state. (AP)

Diplomats suggest that a proposed $4 billion investment program for Palestine is contingent on the resumption of negotiations. (Times of Israel)

An unnamed Likud minister says PM Netanyahu is willing to withdraw from 90% of the West Bank, excluding settlement blocs and keeping an open-ended military presence in the Jordan Valley. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinian officials say they are "willing to meet Netanyahu halfway." (Jerusalem Post)

Netanyahu says peace with the Palestinians is a must, but it won't stop defamation of Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Netanyahu and Pres. Peres both explicitly reject the idea of a binational state for Israel and the Palestinians. (YNet)

Israel's AG and DM are at odds over government recognition for a heretofore "unauthorized" settlement outpost. (Ha'aretz)

Desalinization is seen as a potential key in solving Gaza's long-term water crisis. (Reuters)

A French media personality Is convicted of libel after claiming the footage of the death of 12-year-old Mohammed al-Dura was fabricated. (YNet/Times of Israel/AP)

Israel arrests 19 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, sparking clashes with protesters. (Ma'an)

Egypt is going ahead with prosecutions against nine persons accused of spying for Israel. (Xinhua)

Israel's Supreme Court urges the Health Ministry to ensure hospitals have non-Jewish prayer rooms. (Xinhua)

Israel faces major decisions regarding newly discovered offshore energy reserves. (Christian Science Monitor)

A Palestinian restauranteur returns to the West Bank from Paris, lured by the food of his home country. (Christian Science Monitor)

Settlers call for a boycott of McDonald's, after the restaurant chain refuses to open a branch in a settlement. (Jerusalem Post)

Some Palestinians are increasingly looking at nonviolent anti-apartheid tactics such as sports to advance their cause. (The National)

Palestinian militants warn of the potential for a third intifada. (Al Jazeera)

A new poll shows Hezbollah is losing support among Palestinians. (Al Monitor)


Rima Kitana Nezzal says Salam Fayyad set the standard for all other Arab and Palestinian leaders in pursuing women's rights and empowerment. (Al Ayyam, translated by ATFP)

Kimberly Marten says reformed security forces must trump violent, patronage-based politics for Palestinian state-building to be accomplished. (International Herald Tribune)

The National says, with the resignation of PM Hamdallah, Palestinians are once again being let down by their own leaders. (The National)

George Hishmeh says Kerry has both the time and the opportunity to deliver Israel on peace before the next UN meeting. (Gulf News)

The Daily Star says Kerry's rhetoric won't be enough to shift Israel on peace. (The Daily Star)

Michael Jansen agrees that so far there isn't much substance behind Kerry's efforts. (Jordan Times)

Patrick Martin says the rising challenge by anti-2-state Israeli extremists to Netanyahu threatens the prospects for peace. (Globe and Mail)

David Grossman says a new road being built by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories destroys the prospects for an independent Palestinian state. (Ha'aretz)

The PLO issues a statement on "what is needed for the resumption of credible negotiations." (PNN)

Adi Schwartz says Israel must fight back against accusations in the Mohammed al-Dura affair. (Ha'aretz)

Carlo Strenger says Moshe Arens' vision of an Israeli version of a one-state solution is actually a nightmare. (Ha'aretz)

Hagai Segal says it's more important for Israel to be "Jewish" than to be "democratic." (YNet)

Israel Harel says Israel has a double standard when it comes to land claims by settlers and Bedouins. (Ha'aretz)

Douglas Bloomfield says Netanyahu's deeds must match his words, especially to preserve relations with the United States. (Jerusalem Post)

Linda Gradstein says Israel's ruling Likud party is shifting even more to the right. (The Media Line)

Hana Salah says the Palestinian Stock Exchange has room to grow. (Al Monitor)


The chorus of opposition in Israel to Palestinian statehood is growing quickly. (AFP)

A leading PLO official says immediate resumption of negotiations with Israel is unlikely. (Xinhua)

The return of Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf delights most Palestinians in Gaza, but Hamas is still uneasy about the "un-Islamic" program and his songs. (New York Times)

Assaf urges Palestinian unity. (AP) 

PM Erdogan once again says he will pay a "surprise visit" to Gaza sometime soon. (Xinhua)

Israel's coalition parties are unable to agree on a draft bill defining Israel as a "Jewish state." (Jerusalem Post)

The Israeli military announces it will confiscate more Palestinian land near Nablus. (Ma'an)

25 Israeli authors petition the High Court against plans to evict 1000 Palestinians from their homes south of Hebron. (Times of Israel/Daily Beast–Open Zion)

Israeli settlers attack vehicles and torch fields near Nablus and assault Israeli human rights activists near Qalqiliya. (Ma'an)

Israeli leaders warn against attacks from Syria on the occupied Golan Heights. (AP)

Israel will reopen Gaza crossings today. (Xinhua)

Bedouins in Israel are infuriated by a proposed mass relocation law. (Xinhua)

Israel is now the world's sixth biggest arms exporter. (Xinhua)

Hamas leader Hanniyeh reiterates that his organization will never recognize Israel. (Ma'an)

The Arab Bank asks the US Supreme Court to cancel a lawsuit holding it responsible for actions by Hamas and Hezbollah. (Jerusalem Post)

The latest figures from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics shows a slight increase in imports and exports in April. (PNN)

Israel's far right wing deputy DM Danon is elected president of the ruling Likud party convention. (Ha'aretz)

Arab citizens feel left out of the sentiments contained in Israel's national anthem. (The Media Line)

McDonald's reportedly refuses to open a branch in an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. (Jerusalem Post)

An amusement park in Gaza caters especially to the children of those killed, wounded or arrested by Israel. (Al Monitor)


Asharq Al-Awsat interviews King Abdullah of Jordan, who warns of another Palestinian uprising of peace talks fail. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Aaron David Miller says Kerry has an outside chance at advancing Middle East peace, but only if PM Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas cooperate. (Foreign Affairs)

Ha'aretz says Netanyahu has to prove that he's really interested in holding negotiations, and not just talking about them. (Ha'aretz)

Zvi Bar'el says Netanyahu wants to ensure peace negotiations never even begin. (Ha'aretz)

Shaul Rosenfeld says Israel has to face the possibility that the conflict with the Palestinians may be irresolvable. (YNet)

Nahum Barnea says negotiations with the Palestinians are vital for Israel. (YNet)

The Jerusalem Post says Kerry should listen to Israel's concerns about resuming peace negotiations with the Palestinians. (Jerusalem Post)

Dov Waxman says there is little chance most Jewish-Americans will heed Sec. Kerry's call to be helpful on peace. (Ha'aretz)

Zalman Shoval says Kerry will find that it is the Palestinian, and not the Israeli, leadership that lacks the will for peace. (Jerusalem Post)

Uri Resnick insists that Israel actually has a fairly good record of international philanthropy. (Los Angeles Times)

David Horovitz interviews Canadian FM Baird about relations with Israel. (Times of Israel)

Shlomi Eldar says "price tag" attacks on Palestinians are the result of official leniency towards Jewish extremists. (Al Monitor)

Meir Javedanfar says Netanyahu needs a new Iran policy following the reformist victory in that country's recent elections. (Al Monitor)

Brent Sasley says, no matter how obstreperous he might be, everyone has no choice but to work with Netanyahu. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Maysoon Zayid looks at Assaf's rise from underdog to idol. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Deema Alsaafin says politicizing Assaf's victory is highly problematic. (SMPalestine)

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