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Israel reopens the Al Aqsa Mosque to Palestinian worshippers amid tight security. (Reuters/New York Times/Ma’an/Times of Israel)

Israel imposes strict restrictions on Palestinian worshippers entering the Al-Aqsa mosque. (Ma’an)

Palestinian youth clash with Israeli police around the Al-Aqsa mosque. (Times of Israel)

Fatah factions call for a “Day of Rage” in Jerusalem. (Times of Israel)

Tensions are rising between Israel and Jordan over Jerusalem. (New York Times/Ynet/Jordan Times)

Some Palestinian youths in Jerusalem are reportedly primed for a new intifada. (Ma’an)

Sec. Kerry says he is worried about the escalation of tensions across Jerusalem. (Ynet/Jerusalem Post)

UNSG Ban urges the UNSC to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more substantively. (JTA)

American officials are banned from entering Jerusalem’s Old city. (JTA)

Kerry says the reported description of PM Netanyahu by unnamed US officials as a “chickenshit” is disgraceful and damaging. (Reuters/JTA/Ynet)

Israel recalls its ambassador from Sweden for “consultations” after that countryrecognizes the State of Palestine. (AFP/Ha’aretz)

Israel allows several trucks of reconstruction material to enter Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing. (Ma’an)

The UN says the overall situation in Syria is “appalling” and getting worse. (Reuters)

US-led airstrikes hit ISIS positions around the Syrian border town of Kobani. (Reuters)

The Syrian regime criticizes Turkey for allowing help to reach Kobani. (Washington Post)

Gen. Dempsey says the US is considering empowering Sunni tribes in Iraq. (AP/Reuters)

Norway will send 120 soldiers to train Iraqi troops to fight ISIS. (AP)

A series of bomb attacks strike a marketplace near Baghdad, killing nine people. (AP)


Hussein Ibish joins David Makovsky on the PBS NewsHour to discuss the tensions in Jerusalem. (PBS, video and transcript)

Nir Hasson looks at how occupied East Jerusalem has become a hub of “lone terrorists” while the West Bank remains relatively calm. (Ha’aretz)

Ron Ben-Yishai looks at how a religious war can be prevented in the Middle East. (Ynet)

Ha’aretz says Israeli officials must act responsibly and stop setting the landscape of Jerusalem alight. (Ha’aretz)

The Daily Star says Palestinians must show themselves to be worthy of support. (Daily Star)

Ben Sales asks if most Israelis think Netanyahu is a “chickenshit.” (JTA)

Ben Caspit asks if relations between Netanyahu and Pres. Obama are about to reach a breaking point. (Al-Monitor)

The National says US-Israeli tensions can help the Palestinians. (The National)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed thanks the Swedish people for recognizing the State of Palestine. (Al Arabiya)

Elhanan Miller interviews Yuval Rabin, the son of late Yitzhak Rabin. (Times of Israel)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says the current Israeli government favours war over peace. (Jordan Times)

The New York Times says the “Muslim world” has a lot to learn from Tunisia. (New York Times)

Fareed Zakaria looks at Tunisia’s success story. (Washington Post)

H.A. Hellyer says Egypt must handle its Sinai problems with “great care.” (The National)

Israeli police kill a Palestinian man who allegedly killed a Jewish activist in Jerusalem. (AP/New York Times/Ma’an/JTA)
Clashes erupt in occupied East Jerusalem between Palestinians and Israeli police following the death of the Palestinian man. (Reuters)
PM Netanyahu orders “significant increase” in police deployments in Jerusalem. (AFP/Ynet)
Pres. Abbas says Israel’s closure of the Al-Aqsa mosque is a “declaration of war.” (Ma’an/JTA/Ha’aretz)
Netanyahu and DM Ya’alon blame Abbas for inciting the shooting of the Jewish activist in Jerusalem. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)
Hamas praises the shooting. (Ma’an)
Sweden recognizes the State of Palestine. (AP/Reuters/New York Times/PNN/Ha’aretz)
Abbas praises Sweden’s decision to recognize the State of Palestine. (AFP/PNN)
UK Foreign Sec. Hammond says Israeli settlement-building is intended to undermine peace. (PNN)
The UN Human Rights Committee says Israel should investigate all alleged violations committed by its forces during three recent wars in Gaza. (Reuters) 
Palestinians ask the UNSC to demand that Israel immediately reverse plans to build more Jewish settlements. (Ynet)
The White House says Israeli and US national security advisers will meet. (JTA/Ha’aretz)
Nobel peace laureate Malala Yousafzai donates $50,000 to rebuild a UN school in Gaza. (AP/JTA/Ha’aretz)
SodaStream will close its factory in the occupied West Bank. (New York Times/JTA)
Iraqi peshmerga fighters enter the Syrian border town of Kobani through Turkey. (AP/Reuters/Washington Post)
Al-Qaeda says ISIS should rejoin the group so they can fight together against the West. (AP)
American officials say US-led airstrikes probably did not kill senior terrorist leaders in Syria. (CNN)
Human Rights Watch says ISIS killed 600 Iraqi prisoners in Mosul. (AP)
American and British officials say more foreign fighters are joining ISIS in Syria. (NBC)
The Nida Tunis party wins 85 of the 217 seats in parliament. (AP)
Egypt is seeking to avert unrest in Cairo University. (Reuters)
Elhanan Miller says the “Jerusalem Intifada’” is symptomatic of the eastern city’s political void. (Times of Israel)
Avi Issacharoff looks at the recent escalation in Jerusalem. (Times of Israel)
Ha’aretz says Israel’s mayor in Jerusalem Barkat uses paternalism to keep Palestinians in line. (Ha’aretz)
Barak Ravid says Israel’s crisis with Washington is here to stay. (Ha’aretz)
Aaron David Miller says the US-Israeli relationship isn't in crisis and it's not on the verge of failing. (CNN)
Joyce Karam looks at the recent tensions between Pres. Obama and Netanyahu. (Al Arabiya)
George Hishmeh says Netanyahu keeps on humiliating Obama. (Gulf News)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Islamist parties should be banned. (Al Arabiya)
The National says defeating extremism is a universal duty. (The National)
Jamal Khashoggi says the Tunisian path of resorting to democracy is the right path. A (Al Arabiya)
Eyad Abu Shakra says Lebanon should learn from Tunisia. (Asharq al-Awsat)
The Daily Star says Lebanon has a shameful gender inequality. (Daily Star)
The EU says its relations with Israel depend on the future of a two-state solution. (Ha'aretz)
PM Netanyahu dismisses US criticism of Israeli settlement activity. (YNet)
Israel's attorney general questions a ban on Palestinians on settler West Bank buses. (AP)
PM Hamdallah pays a rare visit to holy sites in occupied East Jerusalem 
and reiterates the city must serve as a Palestinian capital.
Palestinians in Jerusalem say Israeli police are using right control for collective punishment. (Ha'aretz)
An AP photographer and freelancer are shot with rubber bullets by
Israeli border police. (AP)
Egypt is going to create a buffer zone along the Gaza border. (Ma'an)
Hamas insists it has no tunnels running into Egypt. (Times of Israel)
Egyptian reports say gunman who killed 30 Egyptian troops were trained in Gaza. (Times of Israel)
The PA transfers money to pay Hamas-hired Gaza public employees. (Ma'an)
Tunisia's largest secular party is set to win the country's new parliamentary elections. (AP)
PM Al-Abadi reportedly agrees on the creation of a 30,000-strong anti-ISIS militia force drawn from Sunni communities in Anbar province. (Asharq Al Awsat)
A British hostage is reportedly shown in a new ISIS video, purportedly
from the embattled town of Kobani. (New York Times)
A US official urges Arab allies to do more to combat ISIS propaganda. (AP)
The Pentagon says the battle against ISIS is now costing $8.3 million
a day. (Reuters)
Iraqi Kurdish fighters are joining the battle in Syria. (AP)
Turkish villages are sheltering Syrian Kurdish refugees. (AP)
35 are killed in clashes between Syrian rebels and government forces. (AP)
Hezbollah is under strain as it battles on multiple fronts, home and
abroad. (Washington Post)
Egypt grants the military new judicial powers over civilians. (Washington Post)
A court in Bahrain has reportedly issued an order suspending the work
of the country's largest Shiite opposition group. (AP)
Robert Wade describes Israel's economic occupation of the West Bank as
"organized hypocrisy on a monumental scale." (London Review of Books)
Barak Ravid says PM Netanyahu has no strategy beyond slogans. (Ha'aretz)
Avi Issacharoff says, despite the evidence, Palestinians continue to
believe Hamas won this summer's war with Israel. (Times of Israel)
Christa Case Bryant says Israelis can expect to make progress with
Palestinians if they wall themselves off in a fortress. (Christian
Science Monitor)
Mohammed Samhouri looks at the challenges of rebuilding Gaza. (The Daily Star)
Hassan Barari asks whether Jordan has a "Plan B" beyond its peace
treaty in dealing with Israel. (Jordan Times)
Akiva Eldar says Israel should be sensitive to Jordan's concerns. (Al Monitor)
Hussein Ibish says Tunisia's new election shows the way forward in a
troubled Arab world. (NOW)



Israel is advancing plans to build 1000 new housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. (AP/New York Times/AFP/PNN/JTA/Ha’aretz)


Palestinian officials condemn Israel’s new settlement plans. (Ma’an/PNN/Times of Israel)


Jordanian Amb. to Israel Obeidat says Israel’s continued settlement expansioncould endanger the peace treaty between the two countries.  (Times of Israel/Reuters/Jordan Times)


Pres. Abbas urges the US to intervene before violence in Jerusalem spirals out of control. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Ynet)


Clashes erupt between Palestinians and the Israeli military at the funeral of a teenage boy killed by Israeli troops. (AP/Ha’aretz)


Thousands of Palestinians attend the funeral of a 14-year-old Palestinian-American boy who was shot dead by Israeli forces. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)


Palestinian official says indirect ceasefire talks with Israel have been postponeduntil the second half of November. (Ma’an/Times of Israel/The National)


Israel bans Palestinians from riding the same buses as Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank. (AFP/JTA/Jerusalem Post/The National)


Finance Minister Lapid says there is a crisis in the US-Israel relationship that must be fixed. (AP/Ynet)


Pres. Rivlin visits the site of a 1956 massacre as part of his outreach campaign to the country’s Arab minority. (AP/AFP/Ynet)


Spain’s Socialist party will propose a motion in Parliament to recognize the State of Palestine. (JTA)


Gen. Allen urges coalition partners to combat ISIS ideology. (AP)


Extremists from ISIS launch a new attack on the Syrian border town of Kobani. (AP)


The Nusra Front attack Syrian government forces in Idlib. (Reuters)


An American official says the US believes the Syrian rebels it is training will be part of a “political solution” to the conflict with the regime. (Reuters)


Iraqi troops retake control of Jurf al-Sakhar a Sunni town seized by ISIS. (AP/The National)

suicide car bomber kills 11 people south of Baghdad. (AP)


ISIS’ beheading victims endured torture and other horrors during captivity. (New York Times)


Iraqi Christians seek refuge in Jordan. (New York Times)


Pres. Sisi orders the military to join the police forces in guarding state facilities against terror attacks. (AP/Washington Post) 


Sunni militants clash with the Lebanese army in Tripoli. (Washington Post/The National)


Initial results suggest a major victory for the leading Tunisian secular party, Nidaa Tounes, over Ennahda in new parliamentary elections. (Reuters) 




Hussein Ibish says Israel’s policies aren’t doing anything to forestall prospects for another intifada. (The National)


Shlomi Eldar says neglect and provocation are feeding unrest in occupied East Jerusalem. (Al-Monitor)


Rula Jebreal says Palestinian citizens of Israel face a daily battle against official discrimination and casual hatred. (New York Times)


The National asks why the PA was the silent about Israel’s decision to segregate buses in the occupied West Bank. (The National)


Ha’aretz says DM Ya’alon is kowtowing to the settlers at the expense of Israel’s international image. (Ha’aretz)


Chemi Shalev says the US is frustrated with Israel. (Ha’aretz)


J.J. Goldberg says Israel’s announcement of new settlements in occupied East Jerusalem is straining its relationship with the US. (Jewish Daily Forward)


Jonathan Cook says Israel is turning Gaza into a “super-max prison.” (The National)


Gideon Levy says Palestinians have a right and duty to resist Israeli occupation. (Ha’aretz)


Hilik Bar says Israel should recognize the State of Palestine. (Ha’aretz)


Ynet interviews Justice Minister and Israel’s Negotiator Livni. (Ynet)


Eitan Haber says, 20 years on, Israel-Jordan peace is still holding on. (Ynet)


Elhanan Miller says two decades after making peace with Israel, Jordan finds little to celebrate. (Times of Israel)


Mohammed Othman says artists in Gaza are expressing pain and suffering. (Al-Monitor)


Abdul Rahman Al Rashed looks at the idea of Arab military intervention in conflicts. (Asharq al-Awsat)


David Ignatius explains why Iraqi Sunnis are still surrendering to ISIS. (Daily Star)


Kate Brannen says ISIS is raising an army of child soldiers and the West could be fighting them for generations to come. (Foreign Policy)


Amir al-Islam says education represents the best way to defeat the evils of ISIS. (The National)


Raghida Dergham looks at Russia’s and China’s policies towards the Middle East. (Al Arabiya)


The Daily Star says the Lebanese army must find a new approach to Tripoli. (Daily Star)


Israeli forces and Palestinians clash across occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Times of Israel/Ynet/The Media Line)
Palestinian Chief Negotiator Erekat says the UNSC will be asked next month to establish November 2017 as the deadline for establishing a Palestinian state. (Jerusalem Post)
Israelis hold anti-Palestinian protests at the site of a deadly rail attack. (Ma’an)
PM Netanyahu vows to “return quiet and security” to Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)
The State Department says US government personnel have been restricted from usingJerusalem Light Rail stations. (JTA)
A UN official says surveillance cameras will monitor Gaza reconstruction. (The Media Line)
The World Bank will allocate millions of dollars in emergency aid for Gaza. (Ma’an)
An Islamic Jihad leader says indirect ceasefire negotiations will resume on October 27. (Ma’an)
Israel’s plan to build 1600 new housing units in occupied East Jerusalem will reportedly move forward next week. (Ha’aretz)
Israeli authorities confiscate five acres of Palestinian land near the Jewish settlement bloc of Ariel in the northern West Bank. (Ma’an)
Israel’s Amb. to Jordan Nevo says King Abdullah’s criticism of Israel is caused by pressure by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt. (JTA)
DM Ya’alon says most Middle East borders are bound to change. (Ha’aretz)
American officials say Iraqi forces are months away from being able to start waging any kind of sustained ground offensive against ISIS. (Reuters/New York Times)
Iraqi officials say ISIS extremists used chlorine gas. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post)
The US says the Syrian border town of Kobani appears in less danger of falling to ISIS, but is still threatened. (Reuters)
Pres. Erdogan says he will allow the Free Syrian Army to send 1,300 fighters to Kobani. (AP) 
Smugglers are offering a passage from Turkey into Syria for $20. (AP)
Under Secretary Cohen says US-led airstrikes are cutting into ISIS oil revenues. (New York Times/The National)
The gunman who killed a soldier in Ottawa was reportedly planning to travel to Syria. (Reuters)
Lebanon announces it will not accept any additional refugees from Syria. (AP/Daily Star)
Tunisian security forces kill six people in a standoff with an Islamist militant group. (Reuters)
The US says Iran will be held responsible if nuclear talks fail. (Reuters)
Jeffrey Goldberg says Israel is choosing settlements over its friends. (Bloomberg)
AP interviews Israel’s mayor in Jerusalem Barkat. (AP)
Ha’aretz says force will not solve the problem of Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)
Ben Caspit says Jerusalem is undergoing a “silent intifada.” (Al-Monitor)
Gad Lior says Jerusalem is more divided than ever. (Ynet)
Avi Issacharoff says Hamas is trying to spark an intifada in occupied East Jerusalem. (Times of Israel)
Mitch Ginsburg says instability in Jerusalem is in Hamas’ interests. (Times of Israel)
Brooklyn Middleton says if Jerusalem continues to see a rise in attacks and unrest, it is likely the ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas will fall apart. (Al Arabiya)
Grant Rumley says Palestinians are now committed to the internationalization of their strategy. (Ha’aretz)
Mohammed Othman says Gaza reconstruction efforts are overrun by “corruption and inefficiency.” (Al-Monitor)
The New York Times explains why Kobani must be saved. (New York Times)
David Ignatius says Iraq and the US are losing ground to ISIS. (Washington Post)
Amir Taheri says Syria remains at the center of the crisis shaking the political architecture of the Middle East. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Osman Mirghani asks if ISIS will prolong Pres. Assad’s rule. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed analyses an ISIS video which shows a father stoning his daughter to death. (Al Arabiya)
H.A. Hellyer says Tunisians must uphold their values and solve their problems. (The National)
AP interviews Libyan FM Mohamed Dayri. (AP)

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