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As the debate over an Israeli settlement freeze continues (5), The Washington Post discusses a 1979 State Department legal opinion, that found the settlements to be “inconsistent with international law” (1). Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent policy speech continues to draw varied reactions (3) (8) (10). Israel’s internal security minister apologizes after being recorded using an offensive Arab slur word (4). Quartet envoy Tony Blair says that Israel’s delay in setting up a proper mobile phone network is restricting West Bank development (6). The IDF is set dismantle a crossing near Jericho (9), while a right-wing Israeli group announces its plan to construct 30 new outposts in the West Bank this summer (11). A Haaretz poll finds that 64% of Israelis support a peace based on two states (12).
President Obama welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's acceptance of the goal of establishing a Palestinian state (1), while the reception across the Middle East is much cooler (8) (9) (13). Israeli officials are allegedly negotiating with Washington on the terms of a settlement freeze (4) (11), as the European Union defers an upgrade of trade relations with Israel, pending a full settlement freeze (2). President Obama strengthens his call for an end to the two year-long Israeli blockade of Gaza (5). A poll of U.S. voters shows a decline in overall support for Israel (7).
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivers a controversial policy speech accepting the possibility of a Palestinian state but rejecting a settlement freeze (1), eliciting strong reactions from all sides (4) (5) (6) (9) (10) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18). The Washington Post examines how President Obama’s stance on an Israeli settlement freeze has been shaped over time (2). Newsweek interviews former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (4). A report released today by three international aid groups finds that Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank is increasing (7). The Independent features an op-ed by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on what Israel and the Palestinians must do to advance peace (8).
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is set to deliver a policy speech that may accept the need for a Palestinian state (1) (11) (12). In Time magazine, Aaron David Miller urges the Obama administration to keep up pressure on Israel (3). A Palestinian youth is hanged for allegedly collaborating with the Israeli army (4). Special Mideast Envoy George Mitchell calls on Arab states to make efforts towards normalizing relations with Israel (9). A recently released poll shows that 56% of Israelis support continued settlement construction, despite international pressure for a freeze (10). The UN is reportedly considering fining Israel for damage to its facilities during the Gaza war (13).
CBS News reports on Israeli settlers' angry reaction to President Obama's call for a settlement freeze (1), while the Reform rabbinate backs Obama's stance (6). ATFP Senior Fellow Ghaith al-Omari is featured in an article about the changing attitude in Washington towards Mideast peace (2). Palestinian police arrest 36 Hamas activists in the West Bank (4). Special Mideast Envoy George Mitchell meets with Palestinian leadership in Ramallah (6) (8) before flying to Cairo to meet with Egyptian leadership (11). Israeli President Shimon Peres says it is time to move into phase two of the Road Map, establishing a Palestinian state with provisional borders (13).

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