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Young Palestinians seek to bridge national divisions, and call for protests on March 15. Deputy FM Ayalon denounces the concept of “linkage.” Palestinians are injured by an Israeli attack on Gaza. Palestinians in Ramallah rally for change. Settlers vandalize Palestinian villages. Secularists are hounded by Hamas in Gaza. The Quartet launches a new peace bid. Luxembourg’s FM visits Gaza, calls for ending the Israeli blockade. Yoel Marcus says peace is the only way forward for Israel. Chancellor Merkel chides PM Netanyahu for not making “a single step to advance peace.” Ian McEwan donates his Jerusalem Prize money to an Israeli-Palestinian peace group. Israel allowed $13.5 million into Gaza. A spike is reported in interest in “Israel Birthright” trips. J street plans 2,000 people at this weekend’s conference. Noted Journalist Jerold Kessel passes away. Palestinians are worried Qaddafi will attack them in Libya. The Forward profiles Palestinian entrepreneur Bashar Masri. Rami Khouri says the US has a new chance to amend its Middle East policies. ATFP President Ziad Asali says stability cannot come at the price of injustice.
ATFP President Ziad Asali says Arab protests are about government accountability. Kadima leader Livni urges a democratic code for the Middle East. Fareed Zakaria says that Middle East protests represent a seismic shift in the region. Hamas claims Israel is more receptive to a prisoner exchange. Israel bombs Gaza. PM Fayyad tours a refugee camp. A projectile fired from Gaza hits an Israeli city, and Israel anticipates more. Israel allows 300 Palestinians to return to the West Bank from Libya. Hamas may be gaining strength. A judge dismisses a defamation lawsuit against AIPAC by a former employee. Umberto Eco criticizes cultural boycotts of Israel. Palestinians say any unity government will be headed by Fayyad, and Hamas must renounce terrorism. Four Israeli teenagers are suspected of stabbing two Palestinian men. Larry Derfner says Palestinian "people power" will end the occupation. Douglas Bloomfield says neither side seems to want to negotiate. Dr. Asali joins others in praising Dan Shapiro’s appointment as new US ambassador to Israel. George Hishmeh says the US veto at the UN shows nothing has changed. Michael Jansen says Palestinian unity is important.
Pete McCloskey says the US veto of a UN resolution on settlements was “cowardly;” the Jerusalem Post claims the PA is using it to bolster its image; the JTA says it shows the US is not ready to pressure Israel at the UN; Palestinians in Lebanon protest. PM Fayyad uses social media to seek popular input on ministerial appointments. 11 Palestinians are injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza. Israel blocks red cross aid to homeless Bedouins. Palestinian Amb. Areikat says a two-state solution is still possible. A Palestinian home is surround by settlement units. Gazans hope Egypt will end the blockade. Aluf Benn says DM Barak is PM Netanyahu’s best friend and worst enemy. Dan Shapiro will be the next US ambassador to Israel. Israel’s foreign ministry will insist that all new recruits are taken to Hebron. FM Malki says Palestinians hope for statehood by September. Raed Salah is arrested for arson. Kenneth Bandler says plans to push Arabs out of Israel are unacceptable. Pres. Peres says peace talks are urgently needed. The BBC asks if Arab protests will spread to Palestine.
Israeli concerns about relations with Egypt grow. Israel destroys a Bedouin village. Hamas dismisses calls for Palestinian national unity. PM Fayyad says the US veto of a UN resolution on settlement is a complicating factor, while the Jordan Times calls it "shameful" and Gideon Levy says it brings Pres. Obama too close to the Likud. Israel and the US test a new missile. Hamas expels male stylists from women's hair salons. Shlomo Shamir says the UN may act on Palestinian independence. The PA is expanding its activities in occupied East Jerusalem. A settler gets a nominal sentence for weapons theft. Plans to expand a key settlement in Jerusalem are rejected. PM Netanyahu acknowledges the Palestinian aspiration to statehood. Gershon Baskin says the Knesset is a bastion of xenophobia. Jonathan Cook says the Israeli and Egyptian militaries will become more influential. Linda Heard says Israel increasingly needs peace based on a Palestinian state. Ian McEwan accepts the Jerusalem prize for literature but condemns Israeli policies. Ghassan Khatib says Palestinian leaders are serious about plan for elections. Hussein Ibish says the dream that began in Tunis and Cairo is turning into a nightmare in Libya.
Israeli Amb. Oren says Egypt must hold the treaty with Israel. Palestinians protest the US veto of a UN resolution on settlements though Pres. Abbas says Palestinians will not downgrade ties to the US. Daoud Kuttab says the vote was on the wrong side of history. Pres. Obama reportedly tried to convince Palestinians to withdraw the resolution. Aaron David Miller says US Mideast policy has become deeply complicated. Palestinians discuss a possible unity government. Netanyahu adviser Uzi Arad resigns. British novelist Ian McEwan criticizes Israeli settlement policy. Israel’s Attorney General says a probe into left-wing groups could violate human rights. The UN says settlements complicate Palestinian state-building. A Knesset committee is looking into a bill to thwart future settlement freezes. Ha’aretz says the US veto is a warning to PM Netanyahu. A tear-gas launcher hits a home in Silwan. The Media Line interview FM al-Malki. Palestinians in Nablus wonder if Egypt-style protests are possible.

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