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Israeli settlers in Ariel are worried about the future. Fatah says settlements deepen the occupation. Five Palestinians are injured in Israeli air strikes on Gaza. A Palestinian citizen of Israel is shot dead near a West Bank settlement. Pres. Peres tells Pres. Abbas that PM Netanyahu is a partner in peace. Ha'aretz says Israel must emerge from the stigma of being an “occupation state.” Shulamit Aloni says a threat of real fascism is emerging in Israel. Hamas may introduce conscription in Gaza. Israeli settlers mobilize against the negotiations, and are certain they will fail.
The PLO says Israeli extremists and settlement construction should not be allowed to derail talks. The next round of negotiations will be split between Jerusalem and Egypt. Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat denies apologizing to Israelis. Celebrating the new year, Israelis are pessimistic about peace. A new report says Palestinian security reform is threatened by the occupation and internal divisions. PLO officials say they won't recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” Sec. Clinton says momentum is building in the Arab world in support of a two state agreement, and that there may never be another chance for peace. Ha'aretz interviews David Makovsky. Hamas accuses the PA of “protecting the enemy” and “treason” for arresting suspects in recent shooting attacks. The Jerusalem Post says PM Netanyahu is embracing new language to facilitate negotiations. The BBC looks at Hamas' presence in the West Bank. Sanctions against the UC Irvine MSU, for disrupting a talk by Israeli Amb. Michael Oren, are shortened. Randa Takieddine considers Europe's absence from the peace process. Social media are becoming a Middle East battlefield. The CSM reviews a new humor book about Middle East peace.
An American psychiatrist is helping children in Gaza cope with stress and trauma. Tom Friedman says it's time for Saudi Arabia to get involved in the peace process. The Arab press is skeptical about negotiations. The PA seeks to reduce public spending. Pres. Abbas says there can be no peace agreement that excludes Gaza. Israel considers impounding ships trying to break the blockade. A mortar launched from Gaza lands near Israeli schools, but causes no injuries. Hamas threatens the PA over arrests. Ha'aretz says the partial settlement moratorium will continue in practice. Aluf Benn says the most important thing Israel needs from negotiations is a border. The PA says it has arrested six people for last week's drive-by killing of Israeli settlers by Hamas. Pres. Obama and Sec. Clinton call on US Jews and Muslims to support peace. Palestinian politicians are outraged by a TV satire program. Ahmed Moor says Palestinian refugees in Lebanon should be disarmed and integrated. The JTA looks at settlements and other obstacles to peace, and interviews Israeli Amb. Michael Oren. Asharq Al-Awsat interviews Palestinian Spokesman Abu-Rudaynah. The Media Line looks at tensions between Palestinian and Iranian leaders.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders express optimism after the resumption of direct talks. Drive-by shooting attacks show Hamas is still able to operate in the West Bank. Daoud Kuttab says Palestinian independence is inevitable. Palestinian leaders angrily reject Iranian criticism of negotiations, and have asked the US to intervene on the settlement issue. Todd Gitlin and Liel Leibovitz say both sides must acknowledge each other's attachment to the land. The CSM says Palestinian and Israeli leaders must work together to block extremists. Palestinian officials say they are trying to reach a peace agreement and Israeli officials say one is possible within a year. FM Lieberman pushes for new settlement construction. Shaul Arieli says settlement construction hurts Israel. Egypt says $50 billion will be needed to pay for Middle East peace. Bradley Burston says religious extremists are enemies of humanity. The IMF says loosened Israeli restrictions have prompted Palestinian economic growth. Avi Shlaim says American intervention in negotiations is critical. The US temporarily restricts diplomats from traveling in the West Bank. Israeli authorities are accused of discriminating against Arabs in Jerusalem. Adel Al Toraifi says Palestinian state building is of paramount importance. Hussein Ibish looks at arguments for including Hamas in negotiations and its likely consequences.
Direct negotiations are haunted by the settlement issue and some experts worry they are too ambitious. Sec. Clinton urges Israelis and Palestinians to seek a future of peace. Ghaith Al-Omari, Gideon Grinstein and Aaron David Miller look back at previous negotiations. Hussein Ibish analyzes the settlement question. Ahmad Tibi says pressure on PM Netanyahu will be the key. Mohammed Dajani and Michael Zakim say there is hope for peace. The PA arrests two suspects in the killing of Israeli settlers near Hebron. Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza vow further attacks against Israelis. The US is pressuring Pres. Abbas to continue negotiations with or without a settlement freeze extension. The BBC looks at why Israeli-Palestinian peace is so crucial to American interests. Settlers voice opposition to negotiations. Daoud Kuttab looks at the Palestinian strategy for liberation. Shlomo Avineri says even cynics should entertain some hopes. The Arab News says the talks are off to a good start.

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