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Pres. Abbas urges continuation US aid and says Hamas will not have a role in the West Bank. The push for unity highlights divisions in Palestinian society. The New York Times says the US should not cut off aid to the PA. The Washington Post interviews the new Egyptian FM. Richard North Patterson says the US and Israel need a Palestinian state. A Palestinian man is wounded in a shooting in the West Bank. Reuters interviews Hamas leader Misha’al. Hamas pledges to coordinate all decisions regarding Israel with Fatah, may be considering recognizing Israel, and may agree to Egyptian terms for releasing a captured Israeli soldier. Abbas reportedly wants PM Fayyad to continue in his post, and says national unity is crucial for peacemaking. Israeli officials think Hamas signed the unity deal from a position of weakness. Zvi Bar'el says the agreement has cast PM Netanyahu adrift. Abbas meets representatives of J Street. Kadima leader Livni says that a settlement freeze would have prevented the Palestinian unity deal. Pres. Peres says Abbas is still Israel’s partner. Egypt will grant citizenship to children of Palestinian fathers and Egyptian mothers. World leaders urge Israel to release Palestinian tax revenues. Hamas’ militia may be trying to seize power. Magid Shihade looks at the balance of forces between Fatah and Hamas. Rami Khouri says Palestinians have given up on the US and Israel. Refugees in Lebanon support the agreement. Khairallah Khairallah says Israel hopes that Hamas will continue the bin Laden tradition. Hussein Ibish looks at political obstacles to implementing Palestinian state-building.
The Palestinian reconciliation accord brings a new sense of urgency to the issue. The CUNY trustee who blocked an award for playwright Tony Kushner implies Palestinians are “not human.” PM Netanyahu says Israel could accept Palestinian statehood by September under certain conditions and that France will insist on Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Israeli troops arrest five Palestinians in Jenin. Hamas leader Misha’al criticizes the killing and burial of Osama bin Laden. Hamas says it will maintain the de facto truce with Israel. Settlers are using tourism to draw other Israelis to the West Bank. Netanyahu says only negotiations can achieve peace. Analysts say international pressure is likely to force Israel to keep transferring Palestinian taxes to the PA, but Israel’s finance minister ridicules the idea. The UN stages Gaza’s first marathon. Nehemia Shtrasler says Netanyahu doesn’t seem to understand time is not on Israel’s side. Another Israeli cabinet minister calls for annexing occupied territories in the event of Palestinian statehood recognition. Sec. Clinton reiterates that Hamas must accept the Quartet conditions to become an interlocutor. J Street says a new Palestinian government should be given a trial period. The “Arab Spring” poses new problems or Israel. The unity deal meets with guarded praise in the Middle East press. PM Cameron says Hamas must recognize Israel. David Makovsky asks if the unity agreement will threaten Palestinian commitments. Palestinian parties begin the process of forming a new government. Hassan Haidar says the unity agreement will make it harder to exploit the Palestinian cause. Ahmad Majdoubeh says Palestinians should declare statehood. Abdel Monem Said Aly says the Arab-Israeli conflict will now be judged on democratic principles. Hamid Alkifaey says a democratic Arab world will embrace peace with Israel.
Sec. Clinton leaves the door open to continued contacts with Palestinians after the signing of the unity deal. Major obstacles remain in implementing the deal, though the parties agree to the quick creation of a new government. PM Fayyad agrees the deal must be implemented swiftly. Palestinians express optimism. Lebanon and Jordan welcome the deal, while Israelis are divided. The US says the agreement must advance the peace process. Ha’aretz says it’s an opportunity, not a threat. Aaron David Miller says its filed with dangers. D. Bloomfield asks if this “marriage of convenience” can survive. Yaakov Katz says the deal is a survival tactic for Hamas. David Ignatius looks at past mistakes on peace. PM Netanyahu prepares to come to Washington. Hamas complains its operatives are still being held in the West Bank. Netanyahu’s military attaché avoids a UK trip because of possible prosecution. Israel’s mayor in Jerusalem declares the city “indivisible.” The UK and France say they made back recognizing Palestinian statehood. Many East Jerusalem residents say they prefer Israeli citizenship. Larry Derfner says if Hamas is what Palestinians are offering Israel, there will never be peace. International aid to the Palestinians may continue. CUNY withdraws an honorary degree from playwright Tony Kushner due to comments critical of Israeli policy. Jewish Democrats say the quest for peace should continue despite the Palestinian agreement. A survey of campus boycott activities finds much action but little accomplishment. Palestinians in Syria are trying to stay neutral during unrest. Michael Young says regional events pushed the Palestinians together. Bilal Hassen says Palestinians still face a diplomatic deadlock. The Arab News says Netanyahu must now choose between settlements and peace.
Palestinians express optimism about the new national unity agreement. The signing ceremony in Cairo is delayed over a dispute whether Hamas leader Misha’al would give an address as well as Pres. Abbas. Palestinians say the US has not objected to the agreement. Four candidates are frontrunners to be the next Palestinian Prime Minister, not including incumbent Salam Fayyad. Jimmy Carter urges support for the deal. Huge gaps remain between Fatah and Hamas. Hamas leaders vow to never recognize Israel. An Abbas aide says Hamas doesn’t have to recognize Israel. Amr Moussa says Palestinian reconciliation will pressure Israel. PM Netanyahu tours Europe lobbying against the Palestinian unity deal. The National looks at the compromise behind the deal. Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim performs in Gaza. Hamas executes a man convicted of collaboration. Jordan’s FM says the US role is vital to resuming negotiations. Ha’aretz says Netanyahu must present a new peace initiative in his upcoming Washington trip. Sefi Rachlevsky says Israel and Netanyahu faces simple choice between peace and becoming a racist state. The US expresses outrage at Hamas’ condemnation of the killing of Osama bin Laden. Ali Ibrahim finds Hamas’ praise of bin Laden to be “strange.” Netanyahu suspends a major East Jerusalem settlement project. The UK ambassador to Israel says security can only come through peace. Israel says it will recognize many unauthorized settler outposts. The new head of the Union for Reform Judaism is a member of J Street’s rabbinic cabinet.
Hamas refusal to take sides in Syrian strife is raising tensions. Hamas says it will honor an unofficial cease-fire with Israel under a new unity government. 13 Palestinian factions meet in Cairo for the unity agreement. Israel’s threat to withhold Palestinian tax revenues exposes economic vulnerabilities under occupation, and PM Fayyad says salaries cannot be paid without that income. Gazans protest Hamas’ condemnation of the death of Osama bin Laden, while others rally in praise of him. Palestinians blame settlers for a mosque fire in the West Bank. Concerns grow that Fayyad may not be part of a new government. Pres. Abbas’ office calls for maintaining calm with Israel. Ha’aretz says Pres. Obama must bring his daring to Middle East peace. Aluf Benn says Obama must use his new clout wisely, including between Israel and the Palestinians. The US Supreme Court will rule on the case involving the legal status of Jerusalem. Gershon Baskin says the Palestinian unity deal may offer new opportunities for peace. Yehudah Mirsky says the Quartet should maintain its positions with any new Palestinian government. George Semaan says national unity is the first step towards Palestinian statehood. Linda Heard warns Egypt may be walking into an Israeli trap in Gaza. Ghassan Khatib says the unity agreement is good for peace, but Yossi Alpher says it’s not a finished product and Israel shouldn’t interfere. Shlomo Brom provides an Israeli analysis of the Palestinian unity deal.

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