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Mideast Envoy George Mitchell extends his stay in the Middle East as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosts an Iftar at the State Department. The Washington Post examines human rights abuses arising from the divide between Fatah and Hamas. The US rejects a compulsory investigation into the Gaza war. The LA Times runs commentaries for and against the Goldstone Report. The head of a Gaza charity urges the PA to freeze its accounts after an alleged takeover by Hamas. Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to face a difficult diplomatic atmosphere at upcoming meeting of the UN General Assembly and Palestinian sources are now saying that a three-way summit is "unlikely."
In the New York Times Judge Goldstone offers his own analysis of his commission's report into the war in Gaza. Israel rejects the report’s recommendation for an independent investigation. Articles in Haaretz criticize the denial of allegations and evaluate the potential advantages of an inquiry. Mideast Envoy George Mitchell is scheduled to return to the region Friday for talks. Actors from a popular Palestinian political satire show meet with Prime Minister Fayyad. NPR highlights the hardships created by the intra-Palestinian conflict for a young engaged couple. Removal of 100 West Bank roadblocks begins. IDF soldiers allegedly beat a Palestinian man. Debate over Israeli PR strategy is prompted by controversy at the Toronto International Film Festival.
The UN investigation of the war in Gaza finds that both Israel and Palestinian militant groups committed war crimes, Israeli witnesses defend the report, and Haaretz examines the repercussions for Israeli policy. Bargaining continues with the hope that a tripartite meeting will be held at the UN next week as expected. Women remain excluded from peace negotiations while they bear the brunt of the conflict. A group of prominent Israelis and Palestinians present a blueprint for comprehensive peace. Hamas leader Naser Ash-Sha’er expected to be released by Israeli army.
A New York Times editorial examines what must be done to push the peace process forward. Mideast Envoy George Mitchell extends his stay in Israel in an effort to strike a final deal with Prime Minister Netanyahu on a settlement freeze, and both President Obama and the PA remain optimistic. Israeli President Peres reportedly meets with Saeb Erekat. An article in Haaretz examines the injustice and dangers of the occupation for both Israelis and Palestinians. A right-wing Israeli is convicted of incitement and sentenced to four months community service. Israeli peace activists criticize US tax exemption for settlement funding. J Street student activists promote pro-peace campus coalitions.
A New York Times article examines whether or not Israeli settlers are using the threat of violence as a political strategy. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says differences remain between Israel and the United States, but US Mideast Envoy George Mitchell expresses cautious optimism and Egyptian President Mubarak backs a settlement freeze. The Washington Post profiles the Israeli West Bank settlement of Ariel. National Jewish leaders support President Obama's push for a settlement freeze. Violent clashes erupt between Israeli settlers and Palestinians. The IMF says West Bank economy remains on course to grow about 7 percent this year.

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