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NEWS: The PA Communications Minister is resigning after criticizing a crackdown on websites critical of the government. The PA is continuing with its crackdown on criticism. DM Barak says chances are “low” that Iran can be dissuaded from developing a nuclear weapon. The Israeli government asks for a 90 day extension of a court order to demolish an “unauthorized” settlement outpost. PLO officials say Israel settlement activity proves it's not interested in a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. The CSM looks at growing ties between Israel and Azerbaijan. Palestinian officials say better tax enforcement has increased PA revenue. Pres. Abbas and Hamas leader Mishaal have a telephone conversation about rallying support for hunger striking Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The US House of Representatives is moving to approve $680 million in more aid for Israel's “Iron Dome” antimissile system. Israeli officials disagree about what PM Netanyahu meant when he told CNN he was in favor of a “contiguous” Palestinian state. VP Biden says no president has done more for Israel since Truman than Obama. COMMENTARY: Yossi Sarid says the Israeli military remains unreformed. Lyn Julius says the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries is important. Uri Savir says the EU needs a common approach on the Middle East and especially Israeli-Palestinian issues. The Forward says Israel's national anthem could easily be rewritten to reflect the aspirations of all its citizens. Alan Phillips says despair about the plausibility of a two-state solution is leading some serious observers, especially in Europe, to look at fresh ideas. George Hishmeh says there are real grounds for doubting whether a second term Pres. Obama would seriously attempt to reengage with Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Dylan Evans looks at the possibility of another war between Israel and Hezbollah. Ben Lynfield says the occupation is having a very corrosive effect on Israeli society. The Arab News says Israel's settlement outpost activities amount to “official larceny.” Frida Ghitis says if Netanyahu is serious about really engaging the Palestinians in peace negotiations, he should make them a serious offer.
NEWS: Israel celebrates its 64th Independence Day in a mix of pessimism and enthusiasm. IDF chief Gantz says Israel and “other nations” are prepared to attack Iran, if necessary. The deadline for a court-ordered destruction of a settlement outpost in the occupied West Bank threatens the unity of Israel's cabinet. Pres. Abbas calls on Arabs and Muslims around the world to visit Jerusalem. Israeli settlers attack a village and block a road near Nablus. The US says it is concerned by the PAs blocking of certain websites, and PalTel officials say they have no choice but to comply with censorship orders. Up to 2000 Palestinian prisoners detained by Israel are now on hunger strike. Hamas officials deny reports that Ismail Hanniyeh was elected to head its Gaza politburo in a secret vote earlier this month. Many Palestinians fear Ramallah's apparent boom of prosperity could soon turn into an economic bust. Jordan's Prime Minister Awn Khasawneh resigns after 6 months in office on an anti-corruption platform. COMMENTARY: Gideon Levy says Israel's government is providing “unauthorized” settlement outposts with every convenience and service. Oudeh Basharat demands to know whether Israel is going to attack Iran or not. Carlo Strenger says on its 64th birthday Israel should look for alternatives to mindless fear mongering or self-righteous utopianism. Kasim Hafeez says he's proud to be a British Muslim Zionist. Rep. Howard Berman says Israel's “Iron Dome” antimissile system is an investment in stability. The National says Hamas' leadership crisis couldn't come at a worse time for Palestinians. Calcalist asks why Egypt canceled its natural gas deal with Israel. Ali Matash says his human rights organization was shut down by the PA to prevent them from exposing corruption scandals. Gershon Baskin says Hamas should be seen as “hard-line pragmatists.” Meir Javedanfar says PM Netanyahu's policies towards Iran are proving increasingly unpopular with the Israeli public.
NEWS: An Israeli court orders the release of Palestinian protest leader Bassem al-Tamimi. IDF Chief of Staff Gantz says Iran's leaders are rational actors and will respond to international pressure not to build a nuclear weapon. New Kadima leader Mofaz warns that without peace with the Palestinians, Israel is bound to become a binational, and not a Jewish, state. The natural gas dispute between Israel and Egypt reflects significant changes in their relationship since the overthrow of former Pres. Mubarak. The National looks at the political implications of the controversy. While Israeli officials have been downplaying the dispute, the Israeli media sees it as extremely ominous. The United States says Israel's recognition of “unauthorized” outposts is “unhelpful” and that the US doesn't "accept the legitimacy of continued settlement activity.” UNSG Ban also says he is “deeply troubled” by increased settlement activity, including outposts. Israel's navy arrests Gaza fishermen. Airports in Scandinavia are prohibiting Israeli airlines' security procedures based on profiling. Conditions for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are reportedly deteriorating. COMMENTARY: Paul Krugman says "the narrow-minded policies of the current [Israeli] government are basically a gradual, long-run form of national suicide." Avraham Burg says Israel needs a constitution. Doron Rosenblum says Israeli hasbara can't hide the ugliness of the effects of some of its policies. Bradley Burston says the best way to celebrate this Israeli Independence Day is to buy Palestinian products. CNN interviews PM Netanyahu. The Jerusalem Post interviews Pres. Peres. The Forward reviews a new novel illustrating the complexities of identity for Palestinian citizens of Israel. Leah Koenig explains why she had good reasons for opposing a boycott of all Israeli products at her New York food co-op. Osama Al Sharif asks if it's too late to save Arab East Jerusalem. Daniel Levy says it's actually Benny Morris, not the Palestinians, who clings to absolutist rejectionism.
Ha'aretz reports that Ismail Haniyeh has been secretly elected by a “significant margin” to head Hamas' Political Bureau in Gaza, while several noted "moderates" were not elected to the committee. Israel recognizes three “unauthorized” settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank. PM Netanyahu is asking Israel Supreme Court to defer eviction orders against more "unauthorized" outposts. Hamas says it will start teaching Hebrew in Gaza high schools next year. Israel has options for dealing with the cut off of natural gas from Egypt. Israel is punishing hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. UNRWA inaugurates a Dutch-funded housing project for 1,300 Palestinians in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. Israel bans a textbook that encourages respect for the rights of Palestinian citizens. Palestinian officials say they will ask the UN Security Council to censure Israel on settlement expansion. Several websites are reportedly being blocked by the PA, many reportedly “loyal to Muhammad Dahlan.” Yasser Abed Rabbo has reportedly been dismissed as the PA media supervisor because he declined to join an official Palestinian delegation to deliver a letter to PM Netanyahu. Israeli officials reportedly describe a 60 Minutes report on the plight of Palestinian Christians as a “strategic terror attack." COMMENTARY: Ami Ayalon, Orni Petruschka and Gilead Sher say Israel should begin to unilaterally establish new de facto borders along the security barrier lines in the occupied West Bank. AP interviews PLO official Qureia, who expresses growing Palestinian doubts about the plausibility of a two-state solution. Ha'aretz says the natural gas dispute with Egyptian should not become a political issue, but Gershon Baskin says it is another sign of Israel's deteriorating relations with all its neighbors. Sefi Rachlevsky says that by attempting to bypass the High Court, the Knesset is, in effect, planning to end Israel's democracy. Zalman Shoval says there are many possible scenarios that could unfold, but a single Israeli-Palestinian state is not one of them. Joseph Dana says it's obvious that Israel is trying to seize all of occupied East Jerusalem permanently. Ben Caspit says FM Lieberman told him he's more "worried about Egypt than Iran." Efraim Inbar says the problem with Kadima leader Mofaz's peace ideas is that neither side would accept them. Hussein Ibish says in a recent interview with The Forward Hamas leader Abu Marzook demonstrated yet again that the group is not capable of leading the Palestinian national movement.
NEWS: CBS' 60 Minutes profiles the plight of Palestinian Christians. Egypt cancels the delivery of natural gas to Israel, citing a payment dispute, but PM Netanyahu downplays the development. Israeli commandos raid a Liberian-registered ship searching for arms. The Israeli military says it is increasing covert operations. The EU condemns the eviction of a Palestinian family from their home in occupied East Jerusalem in favor of Israeli settlers. PM Fayyad announces Palestine has joined an IMF statistical agency. The UN says Israel displaced 67 Palestinian refugees last week. Pres. Peres says Israel could reach a peace agreement with Pres. Abbas. Israeli prosecutors are reportedly seeking a plea bargain with FM Lieberman in a corruption case. Medical malpractice cases are almost impossible to pursue in Gaza. Hunger striking Palestinian prisoners are calling attention to Israel's policy of "administrative detention.” COMMENTARY: Ha'aretz says if Netanyahu cannot enforce High Court orders, he should dissolve the government and seek a popular mandate on peace and settlement policies. Zvi Bar'el says Egypt's cancellation of the natural gas contract is a dangerous precedent. The Jewish Daily Forward says its interview with a senior Hamas leader raises both concerns and possibilities. Natasha Mozgovaya asks if it was proper for Israeli Amb. Oren to attempt to influence the 60 Minutes story on the plight of Palestinian Christians. Asharq Al-Awsat interviews PLO official Quray. Elias Harfoush says the criticism of Egyptian Grand Mufti Gomaa's visit to occupied East Jerusalem is unjustified. Kataryzna Lemanska and Stuart Reigeluth say the EU has a important opportunity to pressure Israel on its aggressive policies towards the Palestinians. Randa Haidar says Israel sees the Syrian dictatorship as the lesser of two evils, preferring it to a failed state in Syria. Rashid Khalidi responds to defenders of the Simon Wiesenthal Center on the proposed “Museum of Tolerance” to be built on a Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem. Yossi Alpher says Kadima leader Mofaz's ideas on peace are an important step in the right direction, but Ghassan Khatib says they show the failings of Israeli mainstream thinking in general.

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