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Sec. Kerry will reportedly hold an emergency meeting with Pres. Abbas to discuss his peace initiative later today. (The Independent)
Kerry meets again with the chief Palestinian negotiator to discuss modalities for resuming negotiations with Israel. (AP/Reuters)
American officials say the announcement of new Israeli-Palestinian talks is "not imminent."(Washington Post)
Some Palestinian figures say they find Kerry's proposals insufficient to restart talks with Israel. (New York Times/Los Angeles Times/Ha'aretz)
Palestinian objections center around the need for talks to be based on the 1967 borders with agreed land swaps. (AP/Ma'an)
Habayit Hayehudi leader Bennett threatens to leave the Netanyahu coalition over the issue of the 1967 borders. (Ha'aretz/Jerusalem Post)
Israel denies reports it's willing to accept the Arab Peace Initiative as a basis for talks. (Xinhua)
President Obama urges PM Netanyahu to resume negotiations with the Palestinians. (Reuters)
Jordan offers to support resumed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (Xinhua)
Palestinian officials praise Jordan's role on Jerusalem. (Jordan Times)
Israel's attorney general says the state should prioritize demolishing settler structures built onprivate Palestinian property in the occupied territories. (Jerusalem Post)
Israeli occupation forces detain five Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma'an)
The number of Palestinians traveling to Israel and occupied East Jerusalem this Ramadan isdrawing income away from Palestinian businesses. (Ma'an)
The EU formally publishes its new settlement policy guidelines despite Israeli objections. (Ha'aretz)
The EU guidelines may damage the holdings of some Israeli banks, among other impacts. (Jerusalem Post)
Israelis are concerned unrest in Sinai may spill into Israel. (YNet)
The ouster of former Pres. Morsi may have been partly caused by turning a blind eye to extremists in Sinai. (AP)
Israel indicts a Palestinian man it held secretly since he went missing in Egypt a month ago. (Reuters)
An Israeli general issues a rare admission that soldiers erred in arresting a five-year-old Palestinian child. (Times of Israel)
After some heated controversy, a Palestinian teenager is allowed to attend a Central Pennsylvania high school. (Patriot News)
Hussein Ibish says Kerry's diplomatic push should be supported by bottom-up Palestinian civil society initiatives. (Foreign Policy)
Jeremy Ben-Ami condemns cynicism and defeatism on US Middle East peace efforts. (New York Times)
Herb Keinon says Palestinian hesitancy over Kerry's proposals reveals a lack of Arab League clout. (Jerusalem Post)
The Jordan Times looks at Jordan's role in efforts to revive Israeli-Palestinian talks. (Jordan Times)
The Daily Star already dismisses Kerry's peace efforts as an "abject failure." (The Daily Star)
Lisa Goldman says Kerry stands little chance of altering the present status quo. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
The New York Times talks to outgoing Israeli Ambassador Oren. (New York Times)
Ari Shavit says Israel's arrogance and complacency led to the EU settlement guidelines fiasco. (Ha'aretz)
Dan Illouz asks why Israel, a country noted for innovation, can't think outside the box when it comes to peace. (Jerusalem Post)
Alan Phillips says the new EU guidelines show Europe will no longer be played for a fooled by Israel. (The National)
AFP says the new EU guidelines turn up the heat on Israel regarding peace. (AFP)
Nehemia Shtrasler says such sanctions will only intensify until they hit all Israelis in the pocketbook. (Ha'aretz)
Barak Ravid says diplomatic failures were involved, but ultimately Netanyahu is responsible for the EU measure. (Ha'aretz)
Israel Harel says Israel should fight back against the EU directive and has the leverage to do so. (Ha'aretz)
The Jerusalem Post says the EU directive will only hamper efforts to revive peace talks. (Jerusalem Post)
David Weinberg says the guidelines are just another example of European anti-Semitism. (Jerusalem Post)
Noah Beck dismisses the EU measure as simply designed to placate oil-rich Arab states. (YNet)
Samuel Lebens says European sanctions against Israel can work, but these are not the right ones. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Ha'aretz says settlers are stealing money from the Israeli state to fund stealing lands from the Palestinians. (Ha'aretz)
Hazem Balousha says Hamas is trying to mitigate the fallout of the ouster of Morsi. (Al Monitor)
Abeer Ayyoub says Palestinians in Gaza feel punished by Egypt this Ramadan. (Al Monitor)
Miriam Pellicano says Israeli laws tear Palestinian families apart. (Al Jazeera)


The Arab League welcomes Sec. Kerry's proposals for restarting Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, raising prospects for resumed talks. (New York Times/AP)

Some Israeli officials reportedly say they are open to a formula for talks based on the 1967 borders, but PM Netanyahu's office denies this. (YNet/Jerusalem Post/Reuters)

Kerry extends his trip for more consultations, but there is no planned meeting with Netanyahu yet. (AFP)

Kerry says he believes he is "getting closer" to facilitating resumed negotiations. (AFP/Washington Post)

Pres. Abbas consults with Palestinian leaders after the Arab League announcement about resuming negotiations with Israel. (Reuters)

Netanyahu formally asks the EU to reconsider its ban on further cooperation with Israel's occupation, but Palestinians praise it. (AP/Xinhua)

Pres. Peres asks the EU to delay implementing and reconsider the new guidelines about noncooperation with Israel's occupation, and suggests they could be an impediment to new peace talks. (AFP/AP/Ha'aretz)

The new EU measures are likely to increase Israel's growing international isolation. (AFP)

Some Israeli analysts think the EU measures will make it harder for Netanyahu to control right-wing elements in his government. (Times of Israel)

The UK reportedly wanted much tougher guidelines that would have applied to every Israeli in the occupied Palestinian territories. (Ha'aretz)

The US refuses to criticize the EU decision. (Jerusalem Post)

Western officials reportedly say Palestinians are seeking to build an airport in Ramallah. (YNet)

Israel may be preparing to dismantle several checkpoints in the occupied West Bank and other "goodwill gestures." (Jerusalem Post/AFP)

Hamas rejects a suggested Fatah "deadline" for a national unity government of August 14. (Ma'an)

Gaza's hospitals are the latest to be hit by the financial and supplies crisis in the Strip. (Al Monitor)

Hamas asks Egypt to provide alternatives now that most Gaza smuggling tunnels have been closed down. (Ahram Online)

Palestinians launch a "morality campaign" urging people to voluntarily pay for electricity. (The Media Line)

IKEA is considering opening a branch in Ramallah. (The Guardian)

Militants kill three Egyptian policeman in the Sinai Peninsula. (AP)

Some Israelis are taking advantage of cheap land near the Egyptian border, but at some risk. (Christian Science Monitor)

Protesting Palestinian refugees shut down an UNRWA office at a refugee camp in Lebanon. (Ma'an)

Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, in a rare rebuke, calls on Israeli officials to cooperate in a terrorism lawsuit against the Bank of China. (JTA)

A student exchange program in central Pennsylvania is trying to assist a stigmatized Palestinian student enroll in a local high school. (Patriot News)


Abdullah Iskandar says the whole Arab world is wondering what, exactly, Kerry has in mind. (Al Hayat)

Gershon Baskin says both parties need to take advantage of the opportunity Kerry is providing. (Jerusalem Post)

Marty Peretz says Kerry's "heroic efforts" are pretty much all that is left of Pres. Obama's Middle East policies, and Palestinians should accept whatever Israel offers them. (Daily Beast)

Neve Gordon says Israel's response to the new EU guidelines shows it has no intention of ending the occupation. (Ha'aretz)

Gideon Levy says Israel should thank the EU for making it confront its fundamental realities. (Ha'aretz)

John Whitbeck says the EU has a major role to play in brokering Israeli-Palestinian peace. (Al Jazeera)

Carlo Strenger says the Israeli right seems incapable of understanding the implications of the EU guidelines. (Ha'aretz)

Rachel Shabi says the EU decision has hit Israel like a bucket of cold water to the face. (The Guardian)

The National says the guidelines mark a new phase in Israeli-EU relations. (The National)

Chemi Shalev says the Israeli right now faces a choice between Kerry's proposals and more measures like the EU guidelines. (Ha'aretz)

Cnaan Liphshiz wonders how effective the EU guidelines will actually be. (JTA)

Jan Sokolovsy and Ari Briggs say the right response to the EU is for Israel to curtail cooperation with the PA. (Jerusalem Post)

Ephraim Sneh says the EU guidelines show there's an economic price, as well as isolation, for the occupation. (YNet)

Ha'aretz says Netanyahu is in denial and is leading Israel to the brink of an abyss. (Ha'aretz)

The Israeli NGO B'Tselem says law enforcement against settlers in the occupied West Bank is "enslaved" to the occupation project. (B'Tselem)

Rashad Hussain says Ramadan is a good time to combat anti-Semitism among Muslims. (JTA)

Roy Isacowitz says Israel doesn't have to look exactly like the former South Africa in order to actually be practicing apartheid. (Ha'aretz)

Robert Danin proposes a formula for ending Gaza's isolation. (Council on Foreign Relations)

Maysoon Zayid looks at the growing interest in skating among Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Asmaa al Ghoul looks at the campaign of hatred and incitement against Palestinians in some of the Egyptian media. (Al Monitor)

Hassan Tahsin says Sinai security and Egyptian-Palestinian relations, especially with Hamas, were stained by former Pres. Morsi's legacy. (Al Arabiya)

Hazem Saghieh asks if the Muslim Brotherhood is at all capable of self-criticism. (Al Hayat)

Sec. Kerry is again visiting the Middle East for more peace efforts, and will brief Arab leaderstoday. (New York Times/AFP)
Palestinian officials reportedly say Kerry is "determined to announce new peace talks" before leaving the region. (YNet)
Israel was reportedly taken by surprise by new EU guidelines rejecting any more cooperation with Israel's occupation. (Ha'aretz)
The PA welcomes the EU decision, but Israelis are "furious." (Jerusalem Post/The Media Line)
PM Netanyahu says Israel will "not tolerate external edicts on our borders," and promises to protect settlers. (Ha'aretz/YNet)
Israeli diplomats are engaging in "damage control" following the new EU guidelines. (YNet)
EU officials say Israel is "overreacting" to the new guidelines. (Times of Israel)
Ha'aretz publishes the complete text of the EU guidelines. (Ha'aretz)
Israeli experts say the guidelines could cut aid to Israeli R&D by up to 40%. (Ha'aretz)
Israeli NGOs say Israel is set to approve another 1,071 settler housing units in the occupied Palestinian territories. (AFP)
Palestinians say they are willing to turn to a new level of "peaceful struggle" if negotiations with Israel prove fruitless. (Jordan Times)
Palestinians are worried that an influx of Palestinian refugees from Syria into camps in Lebanon"may lead to a catastrophe." (The Daily Star)
Israel says two "suspects" entered an unmanned military post on the border between Syria and the occupied Golan Heights, fired on Israeli soldiers. (AP/Jerusalem Post)
Egypt's political turmoil is reportedly not affecting security cooperation with Israel, which may even be strengthening especially in Sinai. (Xinhua/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)
Five Egyptian soldiers are wounded in an extremist attack on a military base in Sinai. (Ma'an)
A senior Fatah official says the formation of the next PA cabinet in August is "the last chance"for Hamas to rejoin the PA. (Ma'an)
Hamas blocks a pro-Bedouin rally in Gaza. (Al Monitor)
Palestinians say Israeli settlers have assaulted Palestinians and attacked cars again in occupied East Jerusalem. (PNN/Ynet)
A new "pro-Arab" political party is founded in Israel. (Jerusalem Post)
Israel is allowing an unusual number of Palestinians from the occupied territories to visit Israel this Ramadan. (Al Monitor)
Thousands of Palestinians are being fed by charities this Ramadan. (Reuters)
Palestinians launch a festival to draw visitors to "Solomon's Pools." (Reuters)
Ha'aretz says the new EU guidelines are a moment of truth for Israel's government: is it willing to sacrifice the future of the country to maintain the occupation. (Ha'aretz)
Shimon Shiffer says the EU guidelines demand historic choices, not belligerent statements, from Netanyahu. (YNet)
Herb Keinon says Israel would ignore the EU guidelines at its own peril. (Jerusalem Post)
Dan Diker says those who promote boycotts don't understand Israeli psychology and politics. (Jerusalem Post)
Ian Black says the new EU guidelines send a powerful message to Israel. (The Guardian)
Hannah Weisfeld says Israel's reaction to the EU guidelines is predictable and foolhardy. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
S. Daniel Abraham says Netanyahu now faces a crucial choice whether to become a peacemaker or a pariah. (Ha'aretz)
Robert Dreyfuss questions whether Kerry has any real strategy for dealing with Iran or Israel and the Palestinians. (The Nation)
Henry Siegman says US assurances of unending support for Israel have already doomed Kerry's efforts. (The Nation)
Yossi Beilin offers an outline for how Israel and the Palestinians could resume serious negotiations. (U.S. News & World Report)
Osama Al Sharif says, despite recent setbacks including the ouster of former Pres. Morsi, Hamas thinks it still has options. (Jordan Times)
Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas finds itself isolated and without options after Morsi's downfall. (Al Monitor)
Debasish Mitra says Hamas doesn't seem to have learned the lessons of history. (Times of Oman)
The Daily Star says US policy towards the Middle East in general appears incoherent. (The Daily Star)
The UN says 71,000 Palestinian refugees have been displaced from Syria to Lebanon. (Xinhua)
Former PM Olmert says Israel must clarify its position on peace with the Palestinians. (YNet)
180 Jewish Israeli extremists enter the Al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem under armed guard. (Ma'an)
Palestinian officials say they may bring the settlement issue before the international community. (Jerusalem Post)
The mayor of Nablus says Palestinians may take to the streets if peace talks remain stalled. (Jerusalem Post)
Israel intensifies pressure on the United States to act against Iran. (New York Times/AP)
Israel is confirmed as having conducted an airstrike to stop Russian missile shipments to Syria. (New York Times/AP)
Reports suggest Turkey may have assisted in the airstrike. (Times of Israel)
Israel repeats its pledge to keep Syrian weapons from reaching Hezbollah. (AP)
Israel launches a new anti-Hezbollah website. (The Media Line)
Israeli officials worry that Hamas may be manufacturing missiles that can reach Tel Aviv. (YNet)
Israel tests a new, long range, rocket propulsion system. (Xinhua)
Legislation in Congress that would enter Israel into the US visa waiver program without guaranteeing reciprocal treatment for all US citizens is meeting with opposition from the Obama administration. (AP)
Extremists in Sinai kill three workers in an attack on a bus. (AFP)
Israelis living near the border with Egypt are advised to stay indoors, as unrest in Sinai intensifies. (AP)
Pres. Abbas discusses bilateral relations with senior Egyptian officials. (Ma'an)
Hamas harshly condemns the new Egyptian government. (AP)
Israel jails two senior Hamas members for 30 months in prison each. (AFP)
Hamas says it is courting various European states for more recognition. (The Guardian)
New York Jets rookie offensive lineman and Palestinian American Oday Aboushi defends himself against slanderous accusations. (AP)
Palestinians say Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian shepherd near Hebron. (Ma'an)
Israel announces a $139 million plan for development in the Negev desert. (Xinhua)
Protests continue in Israel against a massive resettlement plan for Bedouin citizens. (Ha'aretz)
ATFP and the ADL each issue separate statements in support of Aboushi. (ATFP/ADL)
Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin says Israel is reaching the point of no return regarding a two-state solution. (Jerusalem Post)
Xinhua interviews Fatah Central Committee member Jamal Muheisen about Hamas' policies towards Egypt. (Xinhua)
Xinhua interviews PA economic minister Jawad Najji about the continuing financial crisis. (Xinhua)
Mahmoud Jaraba and Lihi Ben Shitrit say both PM Netanyahu and, especially, Abbas must overcome internal opposition and difficulties to advance peace. (The Daily Star)
Amira Hass looks at why she thinks a "Palestinian Gandhi" will never emerge. (Ha'aretz)
Yoel Marcus says Israel is surrounded by threats but continues to deny the new realities in a changing Middle East. (Ha'aretz)
Ephraim Sneh and Robert K. Lifton say Jewish Americans must be vocal in backing Sec. Kerry's efforts for Middle East peace. (JTA)
Jonathan Wittenberg says all Jews should see Israel's Bedouin issue as a moral test for the country. (Ha'aretz)
+972 interviews Suhad Bishara of Adalah, who says Israel's plan to forcibly mass resettle Bedouins looks like "another Nakba." (+972)
Andrew O'Hehir looks at the new film "Israel: A Home Movie," about the tension between idealism and nationalism in the country. (Salon)
Ha'aretz says it's disgraceful some Israelis condemn human rights NGOs but remain silent about the arrest of a five-year-old Palestinian child. (Ha'aretz)
Hugh Naylor looks at the effects of Israel's blockade on family and social life in Gaza. (The National)
Rina Castelnuovo explains the reconciliation project of groups like Combatants for Peace and the Parents Circle-Families Forum. (New York Times)


Palestinian-American NFL player Oday Aboushi of the New York Jets is subjected to bigoted attacks based on his Palestinian heritage. (The Nation)

Sec. Kerry is due to make his next visit to the region for more peace efforts next week, depending on his wife's health condition. (Jerusalem Post)

Egyptian prosecutors plan to investigate whether Hamas was involved in a 2011 prison break that freed former Pres. Morsi, among others. (AP)

Egypt closes the border crossing with Gaza for Friday, but says it will reopen it on Saturday. (Ma'an)

Egyptian officials reportedly feel the security situation in the Sinai Peninsula is spiraling out of control. (Asharq Al-Awsat) 

Hamas denies 32 of its operatives were killed in a recent Egyptian offensive in Sinai. (Jerusalem Post)

Fatah officials urge Hamas to abandon the regional Muslim Brotherhood and focus on Palestinian national unity instead. (Al Monitor)

Israeli soldiers who arrested a five-year-old Palestinian child for throwing stones in the occupied West Bank are cleared of wrongdoing by their superiors. (New York Times)

The arrest of the young Palestinian child is heavily criticized by Israeli human rights groups. (AP)

PA officials warn that Israeli policies are undermining the raison d'être of the Authority and weakening moderates. (Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas comes under unprecedented, scathing attack as a "tyrant" in an article by Sufian Abu Zaida, a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli officials reportedly believe the threat of widespread European boycotts against Israel is real. (Ha'aretz)

A computer model finds a two-state solution is the best prospect for peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. (Ha'aretz)

Israel's military is beefing up its presence on its northern border. (AP)

Israel is planning a Red Sea marine barrier along the coast with Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. (YNet)

Israel's military is cutting its size, but not its capabilities. (Xinhua)

Around 75,000 worshipers pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem for the first Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. (Ma'an)

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs and ATFP hold joint meetings with officials in Washington urging support for a two-state solution. (JTA)

Israeli Housing Minister Uri Ariel says Israel is ready to, and should, build 10,000 new settler housing units in and around occupied East Jerusalem. (AFP)

Israel's High Court delays the evacuation of an "unauthorized" settlement outpost. (Jerusalem Post)

A new poll suggests one third of Jewish Israelis support the building of a "Third Temple." (Ha'aretz)

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics says the Palestinian population in the occupied territories has reached 4.4 2 million. (PNN)

The Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates is donating $2.1 Million to UNRWA for an East Jerusalem Health Centre. (PNN)


Avraham Burg says the changing strategic landscape in the Middle East opens many possibilities for Israel on peace. (Ha'aretz)

Yoel Marcus says Israel's refusal to change its policies in a rapidly transforming regional environment is extremely dangerous. (Ha'aretz)

Michael Gerson says a two-state solution is in everyone's interest, but Kerry has an uphill task in trying to make progress towards one. (Washington Post)

Ehud Yaari looks at the security crisis in Sinai. (WINEP)

Alan Elsner says Israeli ambassador-designate Dermer will have to overcome his reputation as a "conservative ideologue." (Ha'aretz)

Avi Issacharoff looks at the possibility of a flareup in Gaza following the ouster of Morsi. (Times of Israel)

Ari Remez says it's appropriate for Israelis to host and attend a play about Rachel Corrie. (Jerusalem Post)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says while Hamas and Fatah bicker, a Tamarod social media movement is gathering steam in Palestine. (Al Monitor)

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