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PM Hamdallah tells an IMF delegation that the reconstruction of Gaza cannot take place if Israel's blockade continues. (Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)
Hamas leader Abu Marzouk says indirect ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel will resume at the end of October. (Ynet)
The New York Times looks at Jewish settlement activity in occupied East Jerusalem is raising tensions. (New York Times)
Israeli authorities prevent exporting Gaza products to the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)
PA security forces kill a Palestinian man in Hebron during a raid in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)
Gen. Allen says the US is bombing ISIS targets in Kobani for humanitarian purposes. (Reuters/Washington Post)
A Syrian Kurdish official calls on the international community to allow weapons into the border town of Kobani. (AP)
Syrian Kurds are giving the US target coordinates to try to halt an ISIS assault in Kobani. (Reuters/New York Times)
The Pentagon says US-led airstrikes have killed several hundred ISIS fighters around the Syrian town of Kobani. (Reuters)
PM al-Abadi is facing a war against ISIS and is also battling critics in his own party. (New York Times)
ISIS is nearing a strategic town about 25 miles west of Baghdad. (New York Times/Washington Post)
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid al-Hussein compares the ebola outbreak and ISIS by labelling them “twin plagues.” (AP/Times of Israel)
suicide attack in Baghdad kills at least eight people. (AP)
Egyptian warplanes reportedly hit Libyan militias. (AP/The National)
FM Zarif says international nuclear talks in Vienna with representatives of the P5+1 were difficult but progress has been made. (Times of Israel)
Matthew Levitt, Oula Abdulhamid Alrifai and Kelsey Segawa say Hamas is going through a “rough patch.” (The Hill)
Danny Danon says Palestinian “lawfare” will backfire. (JTA)
David Pollock says Egyptians, Saudis and Lebanese overwhelmingly reject both ISIS and the US. (Times of Israel)
Mohamad Bazzi says the tribal system is Iraq’s key asset in the fight against ISIS. (The National)
The National says hunger is the latest effect of Pres. Assad’s war. (The National)
The New York Times says the Pentagon allowed highly dangerous chemical weapons to be left behind in Iraq. (New York Times)
Joyce Karam says the buildup of militias will be a threat even after ISIS is defeated. (Al Arabiya)
Eyad Abu Shakra says the US has no genuine comprehensive strategy for the Middle East.   (Asharq al-Awsat)
Sec. Kerry urges PM Netanyahu to resume negotiations with the Palestinians on the basis of the 1967 lines with territorial swaps. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
UNSG Ban calls for an independent probe into Israel’s shelling of a school during the recent Gaza war. (AFP/Times of Israel)
Hamas calls upon international officials who visit Gaza to take “serious actions” to end the suffering of Gazans. (Ma’an)
France says any recognition of Palestine as a state must be “helpful to peace,” and not just symbolic. (AFP/Ha’aretz/Reuters) 
An Israeli official says the EU is formulating a policy to undermine Israel’s settlement enterprise. (Ynet)
FM Shukri says Israel was excluded from the Gaza donor conference in Cairo because the participating countries did not want it there. (Times of Israel)
The PLO Amb. to the Netherlands Abuznaid says he hopes to avoid taking Israel to the ICC. (Ha’aretz)
The EU and the PA sign a new multi-annual programming document. (PNN)
Palestinians clash with Israeli police at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (Ma’an/JTA/Ynet)
Jewish extremist settlers damage Palestinian wells in the Jordan Valley. (Ma’an)
survey indicates a growing number of Americans favor ground troops to fight ISIS. (AFP)
US-led forces intensify airstrikes against ISIS extremists on the Syrian-Turkish border. (Reuters)
Turkish warplanes hit Kurdish rebels, complicating the US-led fight against ISIS. (Washington Post)
Syrian Kurds are forcing hundreds of young men to join their army. (AP)
The US and Russia vow to share intelligence on ISIS extremists. (AP)
A Syrian lawmaker is assassinated in the central province of Hama. (AP)
An ISIS suicide bomber hits Baghdad, killing 24 people. (New York Times)
The New York Times looks at the casualties of Iraq’s abandoned chemical weapons. (New York Times)
The US says a deal on Iran's nuclear program is still possible by late next month. (Reuters)
Saudi judge sentences to death a prominent cleric who has called for greater rights for the kingdom's Shi'ites. (Reuters)
Gen. Haftar launches a new campaign to retake Benghazi. (The National)

Hussein Ibish describes the three-way Israeli-Palestinian impasse. (Now)

The New York Times says Britain’s Palestine vote is an important message for Israel. (New York Times)
The National says Britain’s recognition of the State of Palestine shows global opinion is far more powerful than rockets. (The National)
The Jordan Times welcomes Sweden’s and Britain’s intentions of recognizing the State of the Palestine. (Jordan Times) 
Chris Doyle says the British parliament voted for an Israeli policy change when recognizing the State of Palestine. (Al Arabiya)
Lars Faaborg-Andersen says “quiet for quiet” will not stop the next Gaza war. (Ha’aretz)
Avi Issacharoff says Hamas is determined to retain Gaza. (Times of Israel)
Rami Khouri says Palestinian refugees must be integrated into the political decision-making system. (Daily Star)
Ron Kampeas profiles former AP Gaza reporter Ibrahim Barzak. (JTA)
Ha’aretz interviews DM Ya’alon. (Ha’aretz)
Sholto Byrnes says the region must the lead the way in the fight against ISIS. (The National)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Sunni governments in the Arab world might face a post-ISIS crisis. (Al Arabiya)
David Ignatius says Pres. Obama is facing growing pressure to escalate in Iraq and Syria. (Washington Post)
Miriam Awadallah says the wholesale sexual slavery of Yazidi girls by ISIS is abhorrent. (Annahar)
Diana Moukalled says Hezbollah’s “battle-scarred image” is being shaken in Syria. (Al Arabiya)
Thomas Friedman asks if there is an oil war between the US and Saudi Arabia against Russia and Iran. (New York Times)


UNSG Ban says the destruction in Gaza is “beyond description.”(Reuters/AFP/PNN/Ha’aretz)

PM Netanyahu urges Ban to prevent the Palestinians from taking unilateral diplomatic measures at the UN. (AFP)

British lawmakers vote in favor of recognizing the State of Palestine. (AP/JTA/Times of Israel/The National) 

The PA welcomes the British Parliament's vote in favor of a Palestinian state. (Jerusalem Post)

UK Amb. to Israel Gould says British public opinion is shifting against Israel. (AP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Israel says vote by the British parliament in favor of recognizing a Palestinian staterisks undermining the prospects for peace. (AFP/JTA/Times of Israel)

Palestinian official says construction material will enter Gaza today. (Ma’an/PNN/Times of Israel)

Jewish extremist settlers torch a mosque near Nablus. (Ma’an/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Pres. Rivlin condemns “price tag” attack on mosque. (Ynet)

Russia says it will back a UNSC resolution that would set a timetable for the establishment of a Palestinian state. (Times of Israel)

A poll indicates two thirds of Israelis want women involved in peace talks. (Ha’aretz)

Pres. Obama will meet with defense chiefs from more than 20 nations participating in the fight against ISIS. (AP)

The US-led coalition launches several airstrikes on positions of ISIS extremists in northern and eastern Syria. (AP)

Turkish warplanes have struck suspected Kurdish rebel positions in southeastern Turkey. (AP/Reuters/Washington Post)

Many injured Syrian Kurds are dying stranded on the Turkish border. (Reuters)

The KRG says it has provided military assistance to the Syrian Kurdish forces battling ISIS. (Reuters)

Two high ranking Syrian security chiefs are fired after protests by Pres. Assad loyalists. (Reuters)

ISIS seizes its third Iraqi army base in Anbar. (Washington Post)

Reuters looks at how Mosul fell to ISIS from the perspective of an Iraqi general. (Reuters)

Amnesty International says Iraqi Shiites are retaliating against Sunni civilians. (AP)


The National says Palestinians in Gaza need peace. (The National)

The Jordan Times says Palestinians should be granted the right to live in peace and security in their own state. (Jordan Times)

Anshel Pfeffer says the British vote to recognize the state of Palestine is a “symbolic gesture.“ (Ha’aretz)

Raphael Ahren says the British vote makes it increasingly difficult for Israel to argue against such unilateral moves. (Times of Israel)

David Horovitz says Israel’s international standing is undermined by the issue of settlements. (Times of Israel)

Ha’aretz says Pres. Sisi’s speech burst Netanyahu’s and FM Lieberman’s bubble. (Ha’aretz)

Joseph Dana says the fight in Kobani is forcing Turkey to step up its fight against ISIS. (The National)

The Daily Star says the anti-ISIS coalition is “too little too late.” (Daily Star)

Raed Omari looks at the question of implementing a no-fly zone in Syria. (Al Arabiya)

Eugene Robinson says the US-led anti-ISIS coalition is failing. (Washington Post)

Jamal Khashoggi says VP Biden’s apologies are irrelevant. (Al Arabiya)

International donors pledge $5.4 billion for Gaza reconstruction. (AP/New York Times/AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz)
PM Hamdallah urges donor nations to honor their pledges to help rebuild Gaza. (AP/Reuters)
The US pledged $212 million in immediate assistance to the people of Gaza. (AP/Washington Post/PNN)
Pres. Abbas and Sec. Kerry discuss Gaza reconstruction and peace process in their meeting in Cairo. (Ma’an)
FM Fabius says France will host a joint meeting with the Palestinian unity government in Paris at the beginning of 2015. (Times of Israel)
UNSG Ban will visit Gaza on Tuesday. (AFP)
Abbas will reportedly visit Gaza in the coming weeks. (The Media Line)
British lawmakers will hold a non-binding vote on recognizing Palestine. (AFP/Reuters/The National)
PM Cameron will abstain from the Palestine recognition vote. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
Israeli police push Palestinian protesters into the Al-Aqsa mosque and lock them inside to clear Jewish visitors at Temple Mount. (JTA/Ha’aretz)
Ban condemns “provocations” at Jerusalem’s holy sites. (New York Times/Ma’an/PNN/Times of Israel) 
Reuters looks at the possible war crime Israel committed this summer. (Reuters)
NSA Rice plays basketball with young Israelis and Palestinians in the White House. (Ha’aretz)
The US says Turkey has agreed to let the anti-ISIS coalition use its military bases. (AP/New York Times/The National)
Gen. Dempsey says the US used attack helicopters near Baghdad. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)
An ISIS suicide bomber detonates a truck laden with explosives near the Syria-Turkey border. (Reuters/AP)
FM Al-Faisal says Iran must withdraw its “occupying forces” from Syria. (AFP)
ISIS extremists admit to enslaving Yazidi women. (Washington Post/The National)
Egyptian police storm two universities to quell anti-government protests by students. (AP)
Barak Ravid says Pres. Sisi’s message to PM Netanyahu is, the road to Riyadh goes through Ramallah. (Ha’aretz)
J.J. Goldberg asks if Israel is abandoning its commitment to a two-state solution. (Jewish Daily Forward)
The Daily Star says the US faces “hard choices” on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. (Daily Star) 
Elhanan Miller says Israelis living near Gaza want an agreement with the Palestinians. (Times of Israel)
Avraham Burg says the Palestinian statehood bid is a necessary step in the only direction that is not violent. (Ha’aretz)
Ha’aretz says the right has turned Israel into a “hopeless place.” (Ha’aretz)
Hussein Ibish says the US will be forced to declare one of its goals in Syria is regime change. (The National)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed explains why Turkey is silent over Syria. (Al Arabiya)
Tariq Alhomayed says the US is losing the race against time to ISIS. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Lorenzo Kamel looks at the history behind the modern states of Iraq and Syria. (The National)
Amer Al Sabaileh says the plan to fight terrorism only militarily will lead to a long period of chaos and instability in the region. (Jordan Times)
Rami Khouri says Americans are asking the right questions about the war against ISIS. (Daily Star)
Jake Flanagin says Kurdish women are making strides toward equality in their fight against ISIS. (New York Times)
Extremist jewish settlers burn and damage olive trees on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)
Israeli police restrict the entry of Muslim men to the Al-Aqsa mosque. (JTA/Times of Israel)
UNRWA will make its largest ever financial plea to donors for Gaza aid. (Ma’an/AFP)
Palestinian Christian leaders urge the EU to recognize the State of Palestine. (PNN/Ha’aretz)
Hamas wants to exchange bodies of two Israeli soldiers for Palestinian security detainees. (Ynet/Times of Israel)
Israeli Brig. Gen. Padan says this summer’s Gaza war was a heavy blow to Hamas. (Ha’aretz)
The US-led coalition is intensifying its aerial bombardment of ISIS positions in the Syrian border town of Kobani. (AP/The National)
The UN is concerned about the fate of 500 civilians trapped in Kobani. (AP) 
Turkey finds itself in a quandary regarding fighting in Syria. (Reuters/AP/The National)
Turkey wants the creation of a buffer zone on the border with Syria. (New York Times)
Sec. Hagel says the US wants to use a Turkish air base and have it help train and equip  moderate Syrian opposition forces. (AP)
AP looks at how two french girls were lured to “jihad.” (AP)
Tunisia’s Ennahda party is ready to form another coalition government with its secular rivals. (Reuters)
Jordan and the EU establish a framework for future cooperation in the field of migration and mobility. (Jordan Times)
Ben Caspit says Pres. Abbas is on the verge of a Security Council majority. (Al-Monitor)
Jack Khoury says its time for Fatah and Hamas to rebuild their relationship. (Ha’aretz)
Oded Eran and Gidon Bromberg say the acute shortage of drinking water in Gaza poses dire health hazards. (Times of Israel)
Alan Philps says everyone but Israel is expected to pay for the reconstruction of Gaza. (The National)
The Daily Star says the Obama administration has no coherent strategy on Syria and Iraq. (Daily Star)
The National says airstrikes alone cannot stop ISIS. (The National)
David Ignatius says limited war is rarely successful. (Washington Post)
Sinem Cengiz says Turkey’s inaction in the fight against ISIS is due to complicated geopolitics of the region. (Al Arabiya)
Abdallah Schleifer says Pres. Sisi avoided committing armed forces to fighting ISIS because of instability in Libya. (Al Arabiya)
Amal Mudallali says the Iranian sphere of influence is expanding into Yemen. (Foreign Policy)

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