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The US is attempting to salvage the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.(JTA)

Sec. Kerry will meet with Pres. Abbas in Jordan to discuss peace talks. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post/Ha’aretz)

The Arab League rejects recognizing Israel as a “Jewish state.” (AP/AFP/PNN/Ha’aretz)

Abbas says he is satisfied with the Arab League resolutions related to Palestine. (Ma’an)

Israel is excluded from the US visa waiver program because of discrimination against Arab Americans.  (JTA)

The US denies plans to free convicted spy Jonathan Pollard as an inducement to Israel. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Israel opens fire on two suspected smuggling boats off the Gaza coast. (AP/Xinhua/Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces destroy a mosque, medical center and apartments in East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Extremist Jewish settlers uproot 400 olive trees near Ramallah. (PNN)

Israeli occupation forces detain 13 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

The newly released minutes of the Camp David Israeli-Egyptian summit show how the parties overcame distrust. (Ha’aretz)

Palestinian citizens of Israel are reportedly receiving better treatment at Israeli airports. (Ha’aretz)

East Jerusalem residents petition Israel’s High Court over insufficient water supplies. (Jerusalem Post)

A Palestinian ISP offers a new option for broadband in the West Bank.(The Wall Street Journal)

The Arab League pledge to end divisions. (Reuters)

The US says the Syrian regime is mostly to blame for disruption of aid. (Reuters)

The US is concerned Al-Qaeda may be using Syria to prepare attacks elsewhere. (New York Times)

Gen. Sisi resigns as Egypt’s Defense Minister. (Reuters)

A Turkish court orders halt to Twitter ban. (AP)


Martin Raffel says there must be equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel. (The Jewish Week)

Ha’aretz says FM Lieberman’s idea about population transfer should be considered “ethnic cleansing.” (Ha’aretz)

Danny Danon threatens to resign his position if more Palestinian prisoners are freed. (JTA)

Zvi Bar’el says the demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a “Jewish state” stems from angst about the country’s identity. (Ha’aretz)

Yossi Mekelberg says the Syrian regime and Israel are edging towards the brink of conflict. (Al Arabiya)

Osama al Sharif says the Arab League has failed to promote development.(Jordan Times)

Ali Ibrahim looks at the collective Arab economic potential. (Asharq al-Awsat)

The Jordan Times says Jordan has made nuclear security and cooperation a priority. (Jordan Times)

Kirk Sowell says PM Maliki is using a budget dispute to boost his third-term prospects. (The National)

Diana Moukalled says by fighting Twitter PM Erdogan may well have committed a “cardinal sin.” (Al Arabiya)

Michael Singh says the US should defend rather than dismiss the arguments in favor of zero enrichment for Iran. (Foreign Policy)


Pres. Abbas agrees to extend peace talks with Israel if certain conditions are met. (Ma’an./Ha’aretz)

A poll indicates a majority of Palestinians favor extending peace talks if prisoners are freed. (AFP)

A Fatah leader says Palestinians may turn to the UN if Israel doesn’t free more prisoners. (Ha’aretz)

A group of Israeli MKs implore PM Netanyahu to freeze settlements instead of releasing prisoners. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

The EU is ready to compensate Palestinian refugees who agree not to return to Israel in the event of a peace agreement. (Times of Israel)

An Israeli government document claims “population exchange” is legal under international law. (Ha’aretz)

A newly formed group of Israelis and Palestinians urge the Arab League to renew its peace initiative. (AP)

Most new Israeli homes in 2014 were built in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)

Former Pres. Carter opposes a boycott to Israel but says settlement goods must be labelled.(Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces detain nine Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

Jewish “price tag” extremists attempt to torch a Palestinian-owned shop in Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Israel cuts off the water supply to a refugee camp north of Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)

Experts say Gaza groundwater might become unusable by 2016. (Xinhua)

The Arab League strives to heal rifts among members. (Reuters/Xinhua/PNN)

Qatar’s emir criticizes Iraq and Egypt in an address to the Arab League. (AP)

Clashes between Syrian regime forces and rebels spread near the Turkish border. (AP)

Egypt puts former Pres. Morsi and 682 other Muslim Brotherhood supporters on trial. (Reuters/AP)

The UN says mass death sentences in Egypt contravene international law. (Reuters)


Hussein Ibish reviews the new play “Camp David” about the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations. (Now)

Ori Nir says supporters of a two-state solution must unite behind Sec. Kerry’s efforts.  (Ha’aretz)

Oudeh Basharat says Israel’s handling of the Palestinians is both a tragedy and a farce.  (Ha’aretz)

Ha’aretz says Israel is using the WZO’s settlement division to bolster the occupation.  (Ha’aretz)

Hassan Barari says Pres. Assad is likely to run for election, thus destroying the likelihood of a peaceful resolution to the conflict. (Jordan Times)

The National says Pres. Obama’s legacy lies at home, not in international relations. (The National)

The Daily Star says an American “policy of leading from behind” means abandoning the Syrian people.  (Daily Star)

Dennis Ross says Saudi Arabia is looking for deeds not words from Obama. (Los Angeles Times)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Saudi Arabia is aware that the relationship with the US is strategic. (Al Arabiya)

Rob Sobhani says Obama’s Saudi Arabia trip is key to stability in the region. (Al Arabiya)

The Jordan Times says its time for the Arab world to advance women’s rights. (Jordan Times)

Abdel Latif el-Menawy asks why Gen. Sissi has not announced his presidential bid yet. (Al Arabiya)

The New York Times says the death sentences for 529 Muslim Brothers in Egypt is a judiciary “run amok.” (New York Times)


The standoff over the next prisoner release threatens peace talks. (New York Times/Times of Israel)

Chief Palestinian negotiator Erekat accuses Israel of prioritizing settlements over peace. (Ma’an/Ynet)

Pres. Abbas will ask the Arab League to reiterate its 2002 peace initiative. (PNN/Ha’aretz)

J Street says Israel’s demand for Palestinian recognition of it as a “Jewish state” is not realistic at present. (Ha’aretz)

Palestinians criticize Abbas for publicly feuding with former Fatah official Dahlan. (New York Times)

PM Netanyahu says the Israeli army will use force against anybody plotting attacks against Israel. (AFP/Ynet)

Israeli occupation forces kill three Palestinians in the West Bank. (AP/Xinhua)

The UN Human Rights Council will vote on a settlement boycott resolution. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Jewish “price tag” extremists vandalize 34 cars in occupied East Jerusalem. (AP/AFP/Ha’aretz)

Hamas supporters rally in Gaza. (AP/Ma’an)

Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank are becoming increasingly volatile and dangerous.(Ha’aretz)

The PA will sign a security accord aimed at protecting Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. (Daily Star)

Syrian rebels capture a town near the Turkish border. (AP)

The UN accuses both the Syrian government and rebels of hindering aid access. (Reuters/New York Times)

Sec. Kerry hopes the Crimea crisis will not affect Russian cooperation on Syrian weapons.(Reuters)

One person is killed in clashes in Lebanon between supporters and opponents of Pres. Assad.(Reuters/AP)

Turkey shoots down a Syrian plane. (Washington Post/Xinhua/The National)

Egypt sentences 529 Muslim Brotherhood members to death. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

Pres. Obama may face a tough meeting in Saudi Arabia. (The National)


Hussein Ibish says the GCC impasse is about Egypt’s role in the unfolding new Middle Eastern strategic landscape. (The National)

The Boston Globe says peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians must be saved. (The Boston Globe)

Emily Hauser says the delayed release of Palestinian prisoners’ shows that Israel does not want to end the conflict with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Don Futterman says Palestinians are facing a “prisoners’ dilemma.” (Ha’aretz)

Amos Schocken says those who insist on demanding recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state” are acting to perpetuate the occupation and settlements. (Ha’aretz)

Jonathan Cook asks what will happen if peace talks fail. (The National)

Sharif Nashashibi endorses a binational state for Israelis and Palestinians. (Al Arabiya)

Mira Sucharov explains why she opposes the academic boycott of Israel but supports two states. (Ha’aretz)

Amira Hass writes a letter to the Israeli soldier who killed a fourteen-year-old Palestinian. (Ha’aretz)

Alon Pinkas says the US will not forget DM Ya’alon’s insults. (Ynet)

Bakir Oweida pleas the international community and the Palestinian leadership to “let Gaza breathe.” (Asharq Al Awsat)

The Daily Star says the Arab League summit in Kuwait comes at an all time high level of political tension among members. (Daily Star)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says he doesn’t expect much from this year’s Arab League summit. (Al Arabiya)

The National says the damage incurred by Syria’s architectural heritage is highly disturbing. (The National)

Natasha Hall says the Yarmouk siege has discredited both the Assad regime and the Palestinian leadership. (Daily Star)

H.A. Hellyer says Egypt’s growing tolerance of harassment towards women is alarming. (Al Arabiya)

Majdi Hamdan and Adel Suleiman debate if Egypt’s various presidential candidates could play a role in the next government. (Asharq al Awsat)

Rami Khouri counts the number of ways Arabs are dying. (Daily Star)

Amer Al Sabaileh says Qatar’s changed political position towards the Syrian crisis will not contribute to a political settlement.  (Jordan Times)


Israel plans 2,372 more settler homes in the occupied West Bank. (Reuters/AFP)

The PA says peace talks with Israel have reached an impasse due to settlement activity. (AFP)

Pres. Abbas tells Fatah officials that Palestinians will not give in. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

A major Palestinian report says the PA is on the brink of collapse. (Ha’aretz)

The US reportedly insists on an explicit apology from DM Ya’alon. (Ha’aretz)

The EU and UNICEF launch a project to build a desalination plant in Gaza. (AFP)

Israel announces it has found a huge Gaza smuggling tunnel. (AP/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Two Palestinian children are attacked by settlers in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

The Manufacturers Association of Israel says factories over the green line do not operate in accordance with Israeli industrial standards. (Jerusalem Post)

Syria-linked sectarian clash in Lebanon kills three. (AP/Reuters/Daily Star)

Lebanon’s parliament gave the newly-formed cabinet a vote of confidence. (Reuters/Daily Star)

Syrian troops capture a famed Crusader castle near the border with Lebanon. (AP)

Former Amb. to Syria Ford says Pres. Assad is likely to remain in power for the “medium term.” (New York Times)

The Turkish government announces a ban on Twitter use. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

Ayatollah Khamenei says a stronger Iranian economy can overcome sanctions. (AP)

Ethics Prosecutor Garcia questions FIFA officials for choosing Russia and Qatar as future World Cup hosts. (AP)


Ahmad Majdoubeh says Middle East peace must remain a priority for the Obama administration. (Jordan Times)

The Jordan Times says the US has little political will to focus on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (Jordan Times)

George Hishmeh says peace talks are in limbo due to the halt of prisoners release. (Jordan Times)

Uri Savir says both Israeli and Palestinian leaderships show a worrying lack of maturity on peace talks. (Jerusalem Post)

Matthew Levitt says a return to armed struggle by any Palestinian group would be a disaster. (Washington Institute)

Daniella Peled says Hamas is starting to lose its grip on Gaza.  (The Spectator)

Ha’aretz says Ya’alon is wrong about his assessment of US power and reliability. (Ha’aretz)

Yoel Marcus says Israel should fire Ya’alon. (Ha’aretz)

Lior Akerman says everyone in Israel secretly agrees with Ya’alon. (Jerusalem Post)

Elior Levy looks at the ongoing confrontation between Abbas and former Fatah official Dahlan. (Ynet)

Aaron David Miller and Josh Nason predict five scenarios in which Pres. Obama might use military force in the Middle East. (Foreign Policy)

Ayla Fateh says Egyptian women dream of a harassment-free future. (Al Arabiya)

The CSM says Russia deserves some credit for voting at the UN to honor Libya’s sovereignty. (Christian Science Monitor)

Samir Salha asks what’s PM Erdogan’s next move. (Asharq Al-Awsat)


The PLO says Israeli occupation forces have killed 56 Palestinians and injured 897 since the resumption of peace talks in July. (Ma’an)

DM Ya’alon apologizes to the US for criticizing Washington. (AP/PNN/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas asks the US to help free jailed Fatah figure Barghouti. (Reuters/AP)

Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Danon says he will resign if more Palestinians are freed. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

A poll indicates that most Palestinians are dissatisfied with the peace process. (Xinhua)

Palestinians are looking for more inputs than just the American role in the peace process. (The Media Line)

Palestinians protest at the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa Mosque over right-wing MK Feiglin’s visit.(Ma’an/Ha’aretz/JTA)

Palestinian security forces arrest over 40 members of Hamas in Nablus. (Ma’an)

Former Sec. Clinton tells Jewish Americans Congress should not impose new sanctions on Iran. (Times of Israel)

Pres. Peres sends New Year’s greeting to Iranians. (AP/Jerusalem Post)

Israel’s airstrikes on Syria may be a message for Hezbollah not to approach the occupied Golan Heights. (Ha’aretz)

The UN-OPCW mission says nearly half of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile has been removed. (Reuters/New York Times)

Syrian troops close a border crossing with Lebanon. (AP)

Qatar is reportedly unlikely to abandon its favored Syrian rebels. (Reuters)

Many Egyptian investors believe a Sisi presidency will bring stability. (Reuters)

suicide attack in a cafe in Baghdad kills 12. (AP)


Ravit Hecht says PM Netanyahu is using the “Jewish state” demand to avoid compromising with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Peter Beinart says Israel must define the “Jewish state” before asking Abbas to recognize it. (Ha’aretz)

Ari Shavit says there can be no peace if Palestinians don’t do their share. (Ha’aretz)

Gideon Levy says the annexation of Crimea is less problematic than the occupation of the Palestinian territories. (Ha’aretz)

Gershon Baskin proposes a framework for peace. (Jerusalem Post)

Brendan Byers asks if Pres. Obama and Sec. Kerry are working with or against each other, especially on Middle East peace. (NOW)

Yossi Mekelberg says the recent laws passed by the Knesset would leave Israel more fragmented and less pluralistic. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says events in Syria have turned in Pres. Assad’s favour. (The National)

Joyce Karam says Lebanon continues to suffer from Syria’s war and Hezbollah’s intervention. (Al Arabiya)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says there are currently two wars in Syria that are barely linked together. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra says the Syrian revolution is the only real revolution in modern Arab history. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Michael Young says Gen. Aoun is once again a plausible candidate for Lebanon’s next president. (Daily Star)

Gordon Brown says Lebanon provides hope for Syrian children in need of an education. (Daily Star)

William McCants asks why Saudi Arabia has declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. (Foreign Affairs)

The National says Qatar must explain its foreign policy. (The National)

The New York Times says Egyptians deserve the world’s help in protecting their cultural heritage. (New York Times)

Zeynep Tufekci says the use of social media for political activism is a work in progress. (New York Times)

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