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NEWS: Gaza-based militants say they will adhere to the cease-fire as Israel closes borders in anticipation of holy days. Settlers evicted from a home they seized in occupied Hebron vow revenge against Israeli police. Egypt says there is no evidence of an attack on southern Israel from Sinai. Palestinian activists ask Pres. Abbas to investigate attacks on protesters on Land Day. Christians mark Good Friday in the Holy Land. PM Fayyad may be preparing a reshuffle in his cabinet. Israel says it will retaliate against Hamas after any attack from Gaza, and against Hezbollah after any attack from Lebanon, no matter who the perpetrators might be. Israeli security services say they have managed to reduce attacks by settlers against Palestinians. PM Netanyahu is trying to balance appealing to his right-wing supporters and preserving his law-and-order credibility. COMMENTARY: David Keyes says there is a double-standard on Palestinian censorship. James Kirchick says Israel doesn't engage in “pinkwashing.” Don Futterman says he doesn't support a settlement boycott, but he does think it's essential for Jewish Americans to oppose the occupation. Anshel Pfeffer says Iran has insured the survival of the Assad regime in Syria for the foreseeable future. Nathan Guttman says some Israelis fear that a new UN investigation into Israeli settlement activity could turn into another Goldstone Report. The National says apparent Palestinian concessions on the 1967 borders are a sign of desperation. Gideon Levy says the "extreme left" is everyone pushing for a one-state reality and those who enable them. Majed Kayyali says the PLO must be reconstructed to mend Palestinian national divisions. Ben Caspit says Israelis are wrong to rejoice in having marginalized the Palestinian issue. Frida Ghitis says Israel is making small but significant moves towards peace. Israeli Amb. Oren says Israel is a vibrant democracy. David Harris-Gershon says tribalism should play no role in Jewish-American debates on attitudes towards Israeli policies.
NEWS: A rocket fired from Sinai lands in southern Israel. Despite some settler evictions, Israel is pushing forward strongly with settlement expansion. Israel's mayor in Jerusalem sees vast potential for tourism. Palestinian officials condemn new Israeli settlement plans. Palestinian journalists say conditions are deteriorating for a woman being detained for insulting Pres. Abbas. German author Grass says Israel endangers world peace. Israel asks for another $700 million in US military aid. PM Netanyahu is seeking to recognize three additional “unauthorized” settlement outposts. Reports suggest that Khalid Mishal may be the sole candidate for the president of the Hamas political bureau in upcoming closed-door elections. The ICC chief prosecutor says a Palestinian non-member UN observer state could become a member of the Assembly of Parties. Palestinians say settlers are taking over more water sources in the occupied West Bank. COMMENTARY: Ha'aretz says Netanyahu did the right thing in evicting Hebron settlers who seized a Palestinian home. Natasha Mozgovaya interviews Norman Finkelstein. Jonathan Rosen says Israel must decide what kind of country it wants to be irrespective of Palestinians or anybody else. Douglas Bloomfield says Netanyahu may be undercutting his own arguments on Iran by invoking the Holocaust. Noam Marans says churches should not divest from Israel. Yehudah Mirsky says Netanyahu governs by constant ambiguity. Omri Meniv says Kadima is in its death throes. Robert Wright says a two-state solution is quickly becoming impossible. Tom Segev says Grass' poem is more pathetic than anti-Semitic.
NEWS: PM Netanyahu says he really does want a two-state solution because he does not want the emergence of a binational state. Israeli forces are reportedly evicting settlers from a house they seized in occupied Hebron. Hamas is conducting leadership elections. The International Criminal Court rejects a Palestinian request to investigate Israel's actions in Gaza. Two men are shot dead in Gaza. Palestinians say they will be delivering an important letter to Netanyahu next week, but Netanyahu is reportedly preparing one of his own. Human Rights Watch says the PA has arrested a fourth person for negative comments on Facebook, and rights groups say such actions are undermining free speech. Sec.Clinton says a unilateral Israeli strike on Iran is not in anyone's interest. Netanyahu is moving to recognize three more “unauthorized” settlements. A new deal provides more Israeli fuel to Gaza. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are reportedly due to meet in Jordan today. Social issues and the economy ensure a resurgence of support for Pres. Obama among Jewish Americans. COMMENTARY: Tom Friedman says Palestinian nonviolent protests are a good idea but need to be accompanied with a reasonable peace proposal. John Bolton says Israel is not a threat to the US, but Iran is. Zvi Bar'el says Netanyahu is acting like an Iranian “supreme leader.” Ronen Shoval says any Israeli compromise on Jerusalem would mean the end of Zionism. Nathan Jeffay looks at efforts to make Israel's national anthem inclusive of its Arab citizens. Rami Khouri says the US approach to Iran and Israel is undermining its international credibility. Daniel Levy looks at pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel boycott efforts.
NEWS: Palestinian and Israeli officials have met secretly to explore the possibility of more talks. Pres. Abbas says he may file a complaint against Israeli policies, especially on settlements, with international agencies. PM Netanyahu delays the eviction of settlers from a house they seized in occupied Hebron. Occupation authorities are reportedly planning yet another settlement in occupied East Jerusalem. Hamas complains that the PA detained 79 of its members in March. Three Palestinian children are killed in a fire started by a candle, and Hamas says Israel is to blame because of the fuel crisis. A Palestinian family loses a court battle over ownership of a historic home in occupied East Jerusalem that was declared "absentee property." The International Red Cross is delivering fuel supplies to Gaza hospitals. An Israeli "reality TV" show is the scene of a controversy about the occupation. Israel's military predicts it would suffer less than 300 casualties in a conflict with Iran. Poems by Mahmoud Darwish will be taught in Arab schools in Israel. COMMENTARY: Alana Newhouse reviews Peter Beinart's new book on Zionism. Moshe Arens says the victory of Shaul Mofaz as new Kadima leader means the era of land-for-peace is dead. Yitzhak Laor says Israel is addicted to settlement activity at its own peril. The Jerusalem Post says Palestinians are being hypocritical on press freedoms. Alick Isaacs says religious communities are crucial for peace. The National says hunger-striking prisoners are winning moral victories against Israel. Bernard Avishai recalls the hostile reaction to his 1985 book, "The Tragedy of Zionism." Aviad Kleinberg says it's surprising that FM Lieberman is so clearly against any attack on Iran. Hussein Ibish says Israeli security can only be ensured through the establishment of a Palestinian state.
NEWS: Israel frees and deports to Gaza a hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner. Land Day protests lead to clashes with Israeli forces, and the death of at least one Palestinian protester. Deputy FM Ayalon says Palestinian protests are “political terrorism,” and an extension of the PLO's “diplomatic terrorism.” Palestinian authorities reportedly detain a woman for criticizing Pres. Abbas on Facebook. A Palestinian man dies from wounds sustained during an Israeli raid on his village last week. PA officials deny that the recent detention of 3 journalists had political or security motivations. Arab states pledge to fund the PA if Israel withholds Palestinian tax revenues. Occupation authorities give Hebron settlers 24 hours to vacate a Palestinian house they seized. Israel arrests 13 Palestinians accused of planning attacks against Israelis. PM Fayyad meets with Quartet representative Blair. Palestinian Christians have difficulty accessing Jerusalem on holy days. COMMENTARY: ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali says the West must support universal values in Palestine and the rest of the Middle East. Dennis Ross and David Makovsky say the US and Israel can find a common policy on Iran. Ha'aretz says Israel must cleanse its soccer scene of racism. Akiva Eldar says Jerusalem must be the capital of both Israel and Palestine. Jay Michaelson says J Street and other liberals need to reach out to working-class Israelis. The Forward says neither AIPAC nor J Street speak for Israel. Abdullah Iskandar says Hamas has only one real policy: keeping power in Gaza. Barbara Slavin interviews Peter Beinart. Lara Friedman says Israel may be thriving, but it's status as a “Jewish and democratic” state is in grave peril. Amira Hass says it's outrageous that a Palestinian journalist would be jailed for writing about alleged corruption in the PLO mission in Paris. Nagham Issa looks at how the Syrian uprising is changing attitudes in Palestinian refugee camps. Peter Beinart says even if he wins a second term, Pres. Obama won't pressure Israel.

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