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NEWS: Israel admits that it has revoked the residency rights of more than 250,000 Palestinians during the course of the occupation. Israel's Holocaust memorial is vandalized and officials suspect ultra-Orthodox Jewish culprits. Israel begins rounding up African migrants. Occupation authorities demolish an agricultural complex in East Jerusalem. The PA says it will continue to borrow money from banks if necessary. Palestinians are concerned that a new Israel-Vatican accord would indirectly recognize Israel's control of occupied East Jerusalem. A key Israeli MK and AIPAC are reportedly responsible for the drive to get the US to reclassify most Palestinian refugees. Officials say US-Israel military cooperation is “stronger than ever.” The border crossing between Egypt and Gaza is refurbished. The UK pledges $155 million for Palestinian refugees. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics says more than a quarter of all Palestinians in the occupied territories live in poverty. COMMENTARY: Ha'aretz says Israel has been duly warned about the consequences of settlement activity and the prospects of a third intifada. Adam Gonn says Pres. Abbas is looking for ways to break the diplomatic deadlock with Israel. Leila Sansour says Palestinians in Bethlehem are being isolated by a wall and settlements. Ghanem Nuseibeh and Eli Epstein say Israel should provide humanitarian support to the Syrian people. Dov Waxman says Israel should not recognize the "university" in the West Bank settlement of Ariel. Bernard Avishai says Mitt Romney is growing closer to the Israeli far right. APN interviews Yossi Alpher on recent developments in Israel, especially settlement activity. Rabbi John Rosove says there is a one-state reality emerging between Israel and the occupied territories and the United States will have to act quickly after the elections to help or prevent it from becoming permanent. Amir Nizar Zuabi says Shakespeare has much to say about the Palestinian condition.
NEWS: Israeli and Palestinian negotiators meet to explore the possibility of resuming talks. Israel's military says it fears that Syrian chemical weapons might be targeted at Israel. Israeli officials will soon decide whether to recognize the "Ariel University Center of Samaria," a school set up by settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories, as an official Israeli “university.” Suspected pro-settlement extremists vandalize Palestinian-owned cars in occupied East Jerusalem. Israelis, including Pres. Peres, are pushing for the release of convicted spy Pollard. A senior Palestinian official says Palestinian-Israeli security coordination has been declining over the past two years. Hamas leaders say Israel could be isolated by the results of the upcoming Egyptian presidential election. The head of the Palestine Monetary Authority says the PA has reached its maximum level of borrowing from Palestinian banks. Israeli experts warn that settlement expansion could lead to a third intifada. Pres. Abbas says he "would accept” nonmember state status at the UN. Bedouins in Israel are struggling against government plans to relocate tens of thousands of them. Rear Adm. Paul Bushong is will serve as the new U. security coordinator for Israel-Palestinian Authority. COMMENTARY: Oudeh Basharat says military defeat in 1967 was an important wake-up call to the Arab world, but Hanan Ashrawi says it was a disaster for Israelis and Arabs alike. Hannan Hever says Israel needs to recognize it bears a heavy responsibility for the Palestinian Nakba. Dor Glick says the world should help Israel by boycotting settlement products. Yaron Friedman says Jewish Israelis should study Arabic. Donald McIntyre looks at conditions in Gaza, five years after Hamas took over. The National says Palestinian resistance to occupation must be characterized by nonviolence. Uri Avnery remembers Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982 as a “war of lies.” Hussein Ibish says it's incorrect to think Abbas is politically weak and incapable of acting. Amal Daraghmeh Masri says the Palestinian economy is ready for independence. Elliott Abrams says few Middle East actors really want Israeli-Palestinian peace. Dan Ephron says PM Netanyahu now has to political clout to take on the settler movement, but he won't.
NEWS: Israel says it's investigating anti-Arab hate graffiti in a “peace village.” Israel's interior minister again vows to expel all African migrants, as an Israeli court rejects a human rights appeal by migrants. The UK and France join the US in condemning new Israeli settlement plans. The UN reiterates that all settlement activity contravenes international law. A former aide to the late Pres. Arafat says his recent corruption conviction in absentia was purely political. A new survey suggests Palestinian citizens of Israel are simultaneously becoming both increasingly pragmatic and alienated. COMMENTARY: Sarah Marusek says the West must recognize the importance of the Palestinian nonviolent protest movement. Gidi Weitz looks at possible indictments facing FM Lieberman. Ha'aretz says the clamor for war with Iran shows many Israelis are addicted to the use of force. Yoel Marcus says Israelis who are celebrating the anniversary of the 1967 war are deeply misguided. Sima Kadmon says PM Netanyahu has shown settlers the limitations of their power. Jay Bushinsky says Israelis need to understand the US interest is in ending the occupation. Hirsh Goodman says the controversy over the tiny Ulpana outpost shows Israeli society has lost a sense of proportion. Amira Hass says the blockade has made it easier for Israelis to demonize and target Palestinians in Gaza. Brad Rothschild says Jewish Americans should shun racist Israeli MKs. Ashraf Khalil says the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty may be revised no matter who wins Egypt's presidential election. Yael Paz-Melamed says Peace Now and its Secretary-General Yariv Oppenheimer are the only ones in Israel still taking a meaningful stance against the settlements. PLO chief of mission to the US Areikat says now is the time for Palestinian statehood, in the interests of all parties, including Israel.
NEWS: Current and former US officials are reportedly assuring Israel that the United States is prepared to use force against Iran if necessary. Israel announces 850 more new settler housing units in the occupied West Bank, and plans to "legalize" 13 outposts it says were not built on privately-owned Palestinian land. The US says the new settlement plans "undermine peace efforts.” Fatah and Hamas officials reportedly agree on the makeup of the new Palestinian government. Palestinian officials say the White House has denied press reports that Pres. Obama expressed doubts about Palestinian intentions regarding peace. Doctors say a hunger striking Palestinian prisoner is near death, as Israel releases another hunger striker. Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Israelis attack an elderly Palestinian in Jerusalem. Palestinian Monetary Authority Chairman Al-Wazir warns about an escalation in the PA financial crisis. Denmark joins South Africa in banning the label “made in Israel” on settlement products. A Palestinian court has sentenced a former aide to the late Pres. Arafat to 15 years in prison on corruption charges. COMMENTARY: Adam Gonn and Dave Bender say PM Netanyahu is stronger than ever after the defeat of a bill on settlement outposts. Ghassan Olayan asks if the world has room for the threatened village of Battir in the occupied West Bank. Ha'aretz says, in spite of his settlement bill victory, Netanyahu is still basically "bowing and scraping" to settlers through a raft of other measures. Muhammad Shtayyeh says Israel and the Palestinians are facing a last-chance moment to prevent "an apartheid future." Donniel Hartman says settlers are trying to train other Israelis to believe that settlement evacuation is impossible. Rachel Shabi looks at growing similarities and alliances between the extreme right in Israel and Europe. Rubik Rosenthal says Israel's wars in Lebanon backfired. Wray Herbert describes a new study looking at rage and opinion related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. David Margolick profiles Netanyahu.
NEWS: Amnesty International says Israel should end “administrative detention” without trial. PM Netanyahu is seeking to relocate an “unauthorized” settlement outpost. The PA says Israeli prison guards attacked and beat Palestinian prisoners. Israel arrests three Gaza fishermen. Palestinians create a new electoral system for the PNC. Two Palestinians are wounded in new Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. The Knesset rejects a bill that would “legalize” “unauthorized” Israeli settlements built on privately-owned Palestinian land. Netanyahu says he will personally head a new ministerial committee on settlement affairs. Pres. Obama reportedly says he's concerned about the PA's interest in peace. Pres. Abbas urges Israelis not to turn their backs on peace. Submarine sales to Israel are controversial in Germany. A judo athlete from occupied East Jerusalem will be the first Palestinian to officially compete in the Olympics. COMMENTARY: ATFP Pres. Ziad J. Asali contemplates the lessons of the Nakba. The New York Times welcomes Netanyahu's decision to abide by the Supreme Court ruling on the Ulpana settlement and says Israel should cease all settlement activity. Miko Peled says his father believed Israel lost a golden opportunity for peace in 1967. Carlo Strenger says Netanyahu's government relies on stereotypes of Arabs. Allison Good says Americans should invest in Palestine.

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