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Human Rights Watch calls on Israel to investigate seven alleged incidents of IDF soldiers firing at Palestinian civilians flying white flags during the Gaza war. Two Israeli civilians are shot and wounded in the West Bank. Settlers in the West Bank outpost of Bnei Adam agree to voluntarily evacuate. Conflicting accounts are reported from the Hamas and Israeli leaderships on the progress of talks regarding the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Israel increases restrictions on foreigners entering the country with ties to the West Bank. Analysis of the Palestinian political scene continues in the wake of Fatah’s recently concluded party congress.
Middle East Progress interviews ATFP Advocacy Director Ghaith al-Omari. Fatah concludes its party congress, electing a largely new leadership committee and prompting speculation on a new beginning for the party. The New York Times reports that many Israelis are worried that this tranquil summer may be ‘the calm before the storm.’ Kadima party chairwoman Tzipi Livni voices her opposition to releasing jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti. The Israeli organization Peace Now reports that construction is underway to expand an existing Jewish settlement north of Jerusalem. Israel and the US are reportedly discussing the status of the West Bank settlement of Ariel. Israeli officials reportedly visited Jordan last week to assuage concerns that Israel plans to transfer Palestinians from the West Bank into Jordan.
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad announces that Saudi Arabia will deliver $200 million to the Palestinian Authority. Fatah prepares for what is scheduled to be the final day of their party congress, after electing jailed leader Marwan Barghouti to a top post among the new generation of leadership. A letter to President Obama from 71 US Senators urges him to pressure Arab states to normalize relations with Israel. US Jewish leaders express their support for Boston-based Israeli consul general Nadav Tamir, who has been summoned to Israel following his leaked warnings about deteriorating US-Israel relations.Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak express his optimism regarding peace negotiations, while Mohammed Dahlan reportedly says no negations will take place unless a deadline for peace is announced in advance.
The Fatah conference votes another term for President Mahmoud Abbas as party chief, and embraces the strategic goal of peace based on two states, further distancing itself from rival party Hamas. Israeli jets bomb a tunnel on the Gaza-Egypt border. Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai calls for continued settlement construction in the controversial “E-1 corridor” in occupied East Jerusalem. Palestinian sources report that progress has been made on the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Prime Minister Netanyahu calls the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza “a mistake,” and vows not to remove settlers from the West Bank. Thomas Friedman produces a second article about Palestinian economic development in the West Bank, this time focusing on the new security services.
Fatah postpones elections for its decision making body, but extends the party conference for at least two more days. President Obama's decision to bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former Irish president Mary Robinson draws criticism from some Jewish American groups. Following international criticism, the Israeli military is considering new measures to warn Palestinian civilians of impending aerial attacks. Palestinian officials report that the U.S. will push for the borders of an independent Palestinian state to be the first issue focused on in any renewed permanent status peace negotiations. A recently released poll shows that more Israelis would prefer Kadima party leader Tzipi Livni over Benjamin Netanyahu for Prime Minister. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will meet with President Obama in Washington next month.

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