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Israeli soldiers open fire on protesters at the border between Syria and the occupied Golan Heights. Israel’s outgoing intelligence chief Meir Dagan questions the judgment of political leaders. Pres. Abbas says he will attend a French peace conference if talks are based on the 1967 borders, and Israel says it’s considering the issue. Hamas officials close the border crossing with Egypt in protest at ongoing restrictions. Analysts say Egypt’s new government may facilitate a deal on a captured Israeli soldier. Israeli analysts think border incidents leave Israel in a no-win situation. The Israeli military says protesters “caused their own deaths.” The Media Line looks at Palestinian nonviolence and Israeli military responses.
Mustafa Barghouthi says peace requires accepting that Palestinians are equal humans to Israelis. Ha’aretz says PM Netanyahu must accept the French invitation. David Horovitz looks at Israel’s battle to convince European states not to support a Palestinian UN statehood bid. Jacques Neriah says Israel has no idea how to deal with unarmed demonstrators. The Jerusalem Post says if critics of Dagan think he’s wrong, they must say why. Ronen Medzini says Israelis remain deeply concerned about possible diplomatic developments in September. The National says Israel’s isolation is growing. Adel Safty says Pres. Obama has shown his approach is different from former Pres. Bush in substance as well as style. Kieron Monks says discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel is growing. Alain Gresh looks at the Palestinian version of the “Arab Spring.” Tal Becker says Israelis urgently need to create a new discourse and strategy.
Rahm Emanuel says Pres. Obama is committed to Israel. Israeli occupation forces and settlers clash at an unauthorized outpost. The Palestinian doctors union threatens to resign en masse over a strike. France formally issues invitations to a new Middle East peace conference. Palestinian refugees in Syria say they are determined to return. Yoel Marcus Says PM Netanyahu deserves a chance to make peace. Yitzhak Laor says that for its own sake, Israel needs to move beyond Zionism. Ami Gluska says 1956 was crucial in turning David Ben-Gurion into an expansionist hawk. DM Barak says Israel cannot negotiate with Hamas. Palestinian citizens of Israel face home demolitions. The Israeli naval blockade drives Gaza fishermen deeper towards the coast. George Hishmeh says Israel needs to understand the longer the conflict continues the harder it will be to solve. The EU says it’s ready to resume its role at the Egypt-Gaza border if requested. Some accuse Israel of leaving white phosphorus canisters in the West Bank. David Pollack says political leadership is needed to give the API more momentum and public appeal.
Egypt maintains some real restrictions on the Gaza border. Egyptian gas is still not being delivered to Israel. The CSM looks at the importance of Jerusalem to peace. Israeli army arrests several Palestinians in the West Bank. French foreign minister looking for ways to revive the peace process. Hamas already accuses Pres. Abbas of breaking the unity agreement. Palestinians estimate $5 billion is needed for Gaza reconstruction. PM Netanyahu repeats that Jerusalem will never be divided. Donniel Hartman says time is not on the side of peace. Larry Derfner says Israeli security anxieties are overblown. Mohammad Darawish says Israel must do more for its Arab citizens. The US says it will not participate in the upcoming Durban III Conference. Israel considers its options on a Palestinian UN bid. Tariq Alhomayed says Arabs have underestimated Israel’s business dealings with Iran and should not be duped by Tehran’s rhetoric. Randa Takieddine says the French FM should listen carefully to Palestinians, especially PM Fayyad and civil society groups. Daoud Kuttab says Palestinians are going to the UN because they lack other leverage. Ghassan Khatib says polls show consistent support for the Arab Peace Initiative.
Tensions emerge as the Gaza-Egypt border is opened. PM Fayyad says donor aid has not been delivered, and that the PA is running at a $1 billion deficit. An Israeli human rights group says Palestinians face violence from occupation forces in East Jerusalem. Hamas opens a memorial to flotilla activists, and prevents a youth conference in Gaza. Carlo Strenger says Israelis rely on myths. PM Netanyahu says Israel will expand its hold on Jerusalem. Palestinians are subjected to stone-throwing in East Jerusalem. Kenneth Bandler says Palestinians raising refugee rights "takes some gall." Avi Perry says Netanyahu was right to rebuff Obama. Nahum Barnea warns Netanyahu against arrogance. Jill Jacobs says Jews must recognize discrimination against Palestinians in Jerusalem. Bilal Hassen says Arabs and Israelis are approaching a new state of war. Christopher Hill says the peace process must be revived.

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