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Gaza fighting continues amid ceasefire efforts. (AP/Ha’aretz)

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 734. (Ma’an/PNN)

Israeli troops arrest 150 Palestinians in southern Gaza. (JTA/Times of Israel)

Israeli occupation forces detain 10 Palestinians in Nablus and Hebron. (Ma’an)

The Al-Qassam Brigades claim to have killed eight Israeli soldiers in an attack in Gaza. (Ma’an)

The Israeli military says five rockets fired from Gaza were intercepted over Tel Aviv. (Ma’an/JTA/Ynet)

The Egyptian army thwarts two attacks against Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Hamas says progress has been made in negotiations to end the Gaza conflict. (AFP)

Sec. Kerry is pressing Turkey and Qatar to secure Hamas’s agreement for a ceasefire. (Ha’aretz)

Jordan proposes a ceasefire resolution at the UNSC. (Jordan Times)

The UN Human Rights Council votes to establish an inquiry into human rights violations in Gaza. (New York Times/Times of Israel/The National)

Israel calls for the rejection of the UN Human Rights Council inquiry.(JTA/Ynet)

Israel is reviving the debate about whether Hamas uses civilian shields. (New York Times)

The FAA lifts its ban on US flights in and out of Israel. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

European carriers suspend more Tel Aviv-bound flights. (AP)

The Obama administration asks Congress to fast-track Israel’s request for an additional $225 million for the Iron Dome anti-missile system. (JTA)

The majority of Israelis back the destruction of all Gazan tunnels. (The Media Line)

Foreign correspondents in Israel complain of intimidation against journalists who are reporting on the fighting in Gaza. (New York Times)

France announces an 11-million-euro aid package to Gaza. (AFP)

Brazil recalls its ambassador in Tel Aviv to protest the “disproportionate use of force by Israel" in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

The Iraqi parliament elects senior Kurdish politician Fouad Masoum as president. (Washington Post/Reuters/The National)

The OPCW says all toxic chemicals removed from Syria have been delivered to destruction facilities outside the country.  (Reuters)

IS attacks parts of a besieged army base in northern Syria. (AP)

IS orders female genital mutilation in Iraq. (Reuters)


Michael Young says from a political perspective, Hamas has gained more from the Gaza war than Israel. (Daily Star)

Roger Cohen says the peoples of the Holy Land are “condemned” to each other. (New York Times)

Gershon Baskin says the only way that Hamas can be defeated is when the Palestinian people will decide to get rid of them. (Jerusalem Post)

Yasmeen Serhan says anti-Semitism has no place in Palestine advocacy. (972)

Khaled Diab says peaceful resistance will deliver the greatest dividend in Palestine. (The National)

Ha’aretz says one of the harsh consequences of “Operation Protective Edge” is the damage this war is causing to relations between Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. (Ha’aretz)l

Nahum Barnea says, after removing the tunnel threat, Israel should take its forces out of Gaza but maintain military freedom of action. (Ynet)

Shlomi Eldar says no organization could be more dangerous to Israel than Hamas. (Al-Monitor)

The Washington Post says the US should push for disarming Hamas in Gaza. (Washington Post)

Stephen Games asks if the BBC can really report from Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Michael Young says the decline of Christianity in Iraq and the Arab world has been a reality for some time, with no sign of stopping. (The National)

The New York Times says minorities in Iraq need to be able to return to their communities and live in peace. (New York Times)

Madeleine Albright and David Miliband say the international community could be on the cusp of a humanitarian breakthrough in Syria. (Foreign Policy)

Jeffrey Goldberg says the Muslim world seems more interested in Arabs who are killed by Jews than in Arabs killed by Arabs. (The Atlantic)

Joyce Karam says Congress is attempting to track Hezbollah’s sophisticated web of funding. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra looks at the impact of regional developments on Lebanon’s political scene.  (Asharq al-Awsat)


The Palestinian death toll in Gaza rises to over 600. (Reuters/AP/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz)

Israel pounds more than 70 targets across Gaza despite international peace efforts. (Reuters/AP)

An Israeli soldier is missing following a deadly battle in Gaza. (AP/Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Two Israeli soldiers are killed in Gaza raising the number of troops killed to 27. (AFP/JTA)

The UN says Palestinian civilians in Gaza have no place to hide from Israel's military offensive andchildren are paying the heaviest price. (Reuters/AFP/The National)

UNSG Ban arrives in Israel and will meet with PM Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas. (Ha’aretz)

Sec. Kerry begins a diplomatic push to secure a cease-fire. (Reuters/Washington Post)

FM Shukri raises the possibility of restarting stalled peace talks. (AP/Ynet)

Hamas reaffirms its conditions to accept a ceasefire. (PNN)

Israeli Chief Negotiator Livni says there is no real option for a ceasefire now. (Jerusalem Post)

A US intelligence officer reportedly claims Hamas has many more tunnels than Israel says. (Jerusalem Post)

An Israeli shoots a Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank. (AFP)

Palestinian citizens of Israel clash with Israeli police. (AFP/JTA/Times of Israel)

Senior Hamas officials are facing criticism inside and outside of Gaza for enjoying a comfortable life while Palestinians in Gaza suffer. (Ynet)

Anti-Arab sentiments in Israel show no signs of abating. (The National)

The State Department will send $47 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza. (AP/JTA)

The US advises Americans to put off travel to Israel and the occupied West Bank. (New York Times/JTA)

Israel’s Gaza offensive is setting off protests all across Europe. (New York Times)

Germany, France and Italy condemn the rise in anti-Semitic protests and violence over the conflict in Gaza. (Washington Post)

Turkey announces a three day period of national mourning in a show of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. (AP)

IS’s reportedly march on Baghdad may no longer be unrealistic bravado. (Reuters)

Yemen’s Al-Qaeda seeks to set up an “emirate” in the east. (Reuters)


David Ignatius says Israel should encourage what the Palestinians say they want. (Washington Post)

Akiva Eldar says “Operation Protective Edge” continues the cycle of violence between Israel and Palestinians. (Al-Monitor)

Michael Oren says Gaza needs to be demilitarized. (Los Angeles Times)

Michael Herzog says Israel's current ground operation does not aim to destroy Hamas. (Foreign Policy)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says fleeing Palestinian civilians became targets in the Shajaiya neighborhood. (Al-Monitor)

Mira Awad says she will try to be a bridge to togetherness in Israel. (Ha’aretz)

J.J. Goldberg says, as the death toll rises in Gaza, so will pressure on Israel. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Abdullah Erakat says Palestinians in Gaza are paying a heavy price for Hamas’ ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. (The Media Line)

Khairallah Khairallah asks who is Hamas fighting for. (Al Arabiya)

Abdallah Schleifer says Pres. Sisi can save Palestinian lives. (Al Arabiya)

Hassan Barari says, given changing Arab politics, Hamas is in no position to turn to Egypt for respite. (Jordan Times)

Steven Cook says Egypt cannot be a mediator between Israel and Palestinians. (Foreign Policy)

Tariq Alhomayed says today everyone is convinced the Middle East can expect nothing from the US. (Asharq al-Awsat)

The Daily Star says IS is eradicating a civilization. (Daily Star)

Faisal Al Yafai says Iraq’s obsession with King Faisal II reflects its hunger for a lost era. (The National)

Saad Salloum asks if Iraqi Blacks will ever win justice. (New York Times)


UNSG Ban and Sec. Kerry are heading to Cairo to push for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.(AP/AFP/Times of Israel/The National)

The Palestinian death toll rises to 500. (Washington Post/PNN/AFP)

Israeli forces kill over 50 Palestinians in Gaza. (Ma’an)

Israeli airstrikes target a hospital in Gaza, killing four. (Daily Star)

Hamas’ armed wing says it has captured an Israeli soldier. (Reuters/Ma’an/PNN/The National)

Israel kills 10 Palestinian militants entering from Gaza. (Reuters/New York Times/JTA)

The Iron Dome intercepts rockets over the Tel Aviv region. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

PM Netanyahu says there is “very strong” international support for Israel’s offensive in Gaza. (AFP/Ha’aretz)

Israeli cabinet ministers say the Israeli military may have to reconquer all or part of Gaza to ensure security. (Jerusalem Post)

The UNSC holds an emergency meeting on Gaza. (AP/The National)

Kerry is overheard expressing what appears to be pointed concern over the deaths of civilians in Gaza. (Reuters/New York Times/AFP)

Yesterday was the deadliest day for both Palestinians and Israelis in Gaza. (New York Times/Washington Post/Ma’an)

Safe havens where Palestinian civilians in Gaza can seek refuge are rare. (New York Times/The National)

In hospitals across Gaza there are scenes of chaos and grief. (New York Times)

Two American citizens are among the Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza. (AP/JTA)

Former Israeli Amb. to the US Oren says Israel would prefer Egyptian to American mediation. (Times of Israel)

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah vows to support the “resistance” in Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

Jordanians stage a pro-Gaza rally near the Israeli embassy. (Reuters/Jordan Times)

The French government condemns what it calls anti-Semitic violence at a rally. (Reuters/Times of Israel)

Palestinian-American teenager Tariq Abu Kheir, who was beaten by Israeli police, talks about his experience. (AP/Times of Israel)

FM Lieberman urges Israelis to boycott the businesses of striking Palestinian citizens of Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Overnight attacks in two Iraqi cities kill 16. (AP)

Iraqi Christians flee Mosul after IS issues them an ultimatum. (AP/Washington Post/The National)

The head of the Iraqi Catholic Church says IS militants are worse than Mongol leader Genghis Khan. (Reuters)

PM Maliki condemns IS’s targeting of Christians. (AP)


Hussein Ibish says neither Israel nor Hamas can win in Gaza, but the biggest loser could be the PA. (Foreign Policy)

Hussein Ibish says the Gaza crisis reveals regional splits. (The National)

Ben Birnbaum and Amir Tibon explain how Kerry’s peace initiative crumbled. (New Republic)

The Daily Star says Israel’s policy of “slaughtering innocent Palestinians” is generating higher levels of anger and outrage around the world. (Daily Star)

Amer Al Sabaileh says the events in Gaza are inextricably linked to the dynamic regional shifts.  (Jordan Times)

H.A. Hellyer asks if Egypt’s ceasefire proposal will gain traction. (Al Arabiya)

Colum Lynch says Palestinians are turning to the UNSC for help. (Foreign Policy)

Jackson Diehl says the crisis in Gaza is not making Pres. Abbas weaker or Hamas stronger. (Washington Post)

Ben Caspit says Israeli Cabinet members are blaming the US for a failed ceasefire. (Al-Monitor)

David Horovitz says Hamas is drawing Israel ever deeper into Gaza. (Times of Israel)

Rami Khouri says Israel’s chronic use of force is failing. (Daily Star)

Gideon Levy asks what Hamas really wants. (Ha’aretz)

Nathan Brown addresses five myths about Hamas. (Washington Post)

Nafeez Ahmed says Netanyahu’s goal is to end Palestinian sovereignty. (Al Arabiya)

The National says Palestinians in Gaza must use media in their “war for freedom.” (The National)

Brian Lurie says Israel’s human rights community must stand up for human rights even under fire. (Ha’aretz)

Taylor Luck says IS finds that politics is much harder than power grabs. (The National)

The Jordan Times says this is no time to remain silent in the face of IS’s atrocious attack on the few thousand Christians still remaining in Iraq. (Jordan Times)

Antoine Safer and Zuhair Al-Harthi debate whether Gulf states could participate in the Iranian nuclear talks. (Asharq al-Awsat)

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza passes 200 and 1520 injured. (Ma’an/PNN)
Israel says a Palestinian attack caused the first Israeli fatality in the eight-day-old military confrontation. (New York Times/Washington Post/Times of Israel)
Israel urges the evacuation of 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza threatening a ground operation. (Reuters/AP/Washington Post/AFP/JTA/Times of Israel/The National)
Israel intercepts rockets over Tel Aviv. (New York Times/Jerusalem Post/Ynet)
Israel’s vow to strengthen attacks against Hamas in Gaza puts the US in a tough position. (Washington Post)
PM Netanyahu warns that Hamas will “ pay the price” for rejecting the Egyptian ceasefire proposal. (AP/AFP)
Pres. Sisi reportedly talked to Netanyahu before proposing a cease-fire. (Ha’aretz)
Pres. Abbas will reportedly offer PA forces along the Gaza-Egypt crossing as part of a  ceasefire. (Times of Israel)
France says the EU could set up observer missions at border crossings between Gaza and Israel. (AFP)
Hamas and Islamic Jihad have reportedly submitted a list of ten demands to Egypt to establish a 10-year truce with Israel. (Ma’an/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)
Hamas would like to see greater involvement by Turkey and Qatar in mediating a ceasefire with Israel. (Times of Israel)
Israel targets the house of a Hamas leader Zahar. (Reuters/Ha’aretz) 
The US has blocked the transfer of Qatari funds earmarked for the salaries of civil servants hired by Hamas in Gaza. (Times of Israel)
Many Palestinians in Gaza reportedly desire a ceasefire that would change life in Gaza. (New York Times)
UNRWA says Gaza destruction is “immense.” (Ma’an/Reuters)
Israel takes over Al Aqsa TV and airs slogans against Hamas and the al-Qassam Brigades. (Ma’an)
Hamas leaders are getting richer while Gaza plunges into poverty. (Ynet)
A US Senate panel approves a 50 percent funding boost for Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system. (AFP)
Young Israelis fight a hashtag battle. (New York Times)
A Palestinian baker in Gaza keeps making Ramadan treats despite Israeli airstrikes. (The National)
The Iraqi army withdraws from the militant-held city of Tikrit after their new offensive met heavy resistance. (Reuters)
Pres. Assad is sworn in for his third term. (AP/The National)
A Libyan militia tightens its control of the Tripoli airport. (Reuters)
Hussein Ibish asks if Netanyahu “closed the door” on peace with the Palestinians. (Now)
Zack Beauchamp interviews Hussein Ibish. (Vox)
Ibrahim Sharqieh says Israel cannot win this or any future conflicts by bombing Gaza without addressing the root causes. (Los Angeles Times)
Thomas Friedman says the Israeli-Arab conflict has become a miniature of the divide between the “world of order” and the “world of disorder.” (New York Times)
Ron Kampeas says the Gaza conflict is sidelining Abbas but the US is not giving up on him. (JTA)
Avi Issacharoff says Hamas believes time is on its side. (Times of Israel)
The National says any ceasefire between Israel and Gaza is welcome, but is not a solution. (The National)
The Daily Star says a simple ceasefire is no solution for Hamas. (Daily Star)
Ha’aretz urges Netanyahu to strive for a ceasefire. (Ha’aretz)
Katie Glueck says the current Middle East crisis is straining former Sec. Clinton’s legacy. (Politico)
The Jordan Times says the international community must not allow the slaughter of more Palestinians. (Jordan Times)
Yossi Verter says Netanyahu is the “tragic hero” of the Gaza war. (Ha’aretz)
Abdullah Erakat says the Gaza economy has been hit hard by the latest fighting with Israel. (The Media Line)
Diana Moukalled says today Arab media and society have never appeared so confused regarding their stance on what’s going on in Gaza. (Al Arabiya)
Ben Caspit says the rule of Hamas is based on hate toward Israel rather than rebuilding Gaza. (Al-Monitor)
Yossi Mekelberg says the Israeli status quo approach is up in “flames.” (Al Arabiya)
Eman Mohammed says the ones who write the rules of war are the ones who never experience it. (Jewish Daily Forward)
Rami Khouri says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be analyzed as a battle between Zionist power and Palestinian liberation. (Daily Star)
Stephen Blackwell says as the nuclear talks deadline nears, Iran has much to lose. (The National)


Egypt offers a ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel. (AP/Ha’aretz)

Israel’s security cabinet accepts the Egyptian ceasefire deal. (New York Times/Washington Post/JTA/Times of Israel/The National)

Hamas spokesperson Abu Zuhri says they were not consulted by Egypt about ceasefire arrangements and only heard of the initiative through media outlets. (Ma’an)

Hamas continues firing rockets from Gaza into Israel. (Reuters/AFP/JTA/Jerusalem Post)

The Israeli military says it has resumed airstrikes on Gaza. (AP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 192 and more than 1300 injured. (PNN)

Kerry condemns Hamas rocket fire in the face of a “goodwill effort” to secure a ceasefire. (Ynet/Reuters)

Pres. Obama praises Egypt’s ceasefire proposal. (AP/Reuters/Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry has decided not to make to an immediate trip to the Middle East to push diplomatic efforts toward a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. (AP)

Pres. Abbas praises the Egyptian initiative. (Ynet)

Pres. Peres and Quartet Envoy Blair praise the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire. (Ynet)

Gaza’s Ministry of Health announces a state of emergency. (IRIN)

Israeli occupation forces clash with Palestinians in the West Bank, injuring seven. (Ma’an)

Hamas publishes a photo of a drone it says it built. (New York Times)

An Israeli official says Israel has found funding for three new Iron Dome rocket interception batteries. (Reuters)

The Gaza conflict is reportedly costing Israel $32 million a day. (Ha’aretz)

PM Erdogan accuses Israel of committing “state terrorism” against the Palestinians. (AFP)

Jordan warns against consequences of war in Gaza amid regional turmoil. (Jordan Times)

The Iraqi parliament elects a new SpeakerSalim al-Jubouri. (AP/New York Times)

The Iraqi army and Shi’ite militias launch an assault to retake Tikrit. (Reuters)

Kerry says there are still big gaps in nuclear talks with Iran. (AP)

The UN says it will withdraw its staff from Libya temporarily because of the deteriorating security. (AP/Reuters)

Pres. Assad will be sworn in for a new seven-year term on Wednesday. (AFP)


Hassan Barari says Israel’s current war in Gaza is not the first and will most likely not be the last. (Jordan Times)

H.A. Hellyer says the people of Gaza are victims to two “wars on terror.” (Al Arabiya)

Bradley Burston calls on PM Netanyahu to end the war in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Amos Harel gives seven takeaways from seven days of “Operation Protective Edge.” (Ha’aretz)

Etgar Keret asks what to do when an Israeli-Palestinian peace is out of reach. (Los Angeles Times)

Salman Aldossary says the Gaza tragedy is a scene that repeats itself. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Nimrod Nir says Israelis must remember to fight terror and not the Palestinians. (New York Times)

The National says insanity is reigning in Israel’s crisis management. (The National)

Sharif Nashashibi says two Gazas exist one as presented in the major media, and the other on the ground and in social media. (The National)

Mark Perry says Israel's military offensive will backfire. (Foreign Policy)

Dan Rabinowitz says a courageous Israeli leader would declare a unilateral ceasefire. (Ha’aretz)

Linda Gradstein says Israel is debating the efficacy of a military ground operation in Gaza. (The Media Line)

The Jordan Times says Jordan has a sent a clear message to the US that it will take no part in training Syrian opposition forces on its territory. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says the US needs to come up with a policy for Syria. (Daily Star)

The CSM says the advance of the Islamic State in Iraq opens an opportunity for Kurds to seek an independent state.(Christian Science Monitor)

Laura Kokotailo says Americans and Kurds should be allied against ISIS. (Bas News)

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