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NEWS: Israel's governing coalition is threatened by a dispute over military service. The Lebanese military says it has destroyed three Israeli signals intelligence devices in southern Lebanon. PM Netanyahu vows to increase settlement construction. After years of delay, Israel approves three Palestinian water projects in “Area C.” An Israeli human rights group publicizes a video of an Israeli soldier kicking a Palestinian child. One of Israel's most famous intelligence officers passes away. The PLO says Hamas' refusal to continue voter registration in Gaza is indefensible. Israeli settlers claim to have purchased land, one year after the owner's death, on which a significant “unauthorized” outpost has been built. Israel is set to institute a new “land registry” system involving the occupied territories which will deny Palestinians a right of appeal. The Israeli military holds a drill in an occupied Palestinian village. A new poll finds a majority of both Palestinians and Israelis want a two-state solution, but don't think it will happen in the next five years. The PA faces another cash crisis following the rejection of a $100 million loan request from the IMF. PLO official Hanan Ashrawi condemns the violent suppression of demonstrations by PA security forces. Negotiations over a proposed UN global arms trade treaty are embroiled in a controversy over Palestinian representation. COMMENTARY: Avi Issacharoff says public pressure forced Pres. Abbas to cancel a meeting of Palestinian officials with Deputy PM Mofaz. Amira Hass says Palestinian protests against the meeting were prompted by a sense of humiliation. Linda Gradstein looks at the reasons why the meeting might have been canceled. Leonard Fein says Jewish history means Israel should respect African migrants. Yossi Beilin says Israel and the United States should reach out to Egypt's new Islamist president. Raghad Jaraisy says Palestinians now face real police violence from their own security forces in the occupied territories. Jeremy Ben-Ami says the BDS movement is counter-productive.
NEWS: Palestinians in Syria are being drawn into the growing civil war in that country. The PA has arrested about 200 people since May for illegal weapons possession. Former PM Shamir passes away. Palestinians say a planned meeting with Deputy PM Mofaz has been postponed. Palestinians see the UNESCO designation of the Church of the Nativity as a World Heritage Site in Palestine as an important diplomatic victory. Hamas suspends voter registration in Gaza. Israel's Supreme Court grants the government a four month extension to evacuate a tiny “unauthorized” settlement outpost. PA police reportedly attack demonstrators protesting possible negotiations with Israel and the PA says it's launching an investigation into the incident. Israeli and Egyptian officials reportedly meet in secret. A senior Fatah official is shot by unknown assailants in Jenin. Israel reportedly sought a $100 million IMF loan for the PA. The PA says it may be unable to pay July salaries. The Israeli military says it's going to build a defense university in one of the most sensitive areas of occupied East Jerusalem. The PLO envoy to Germany calls the Holocaust “the greatest crime in human history.” The BBC looks at Palestinian athletes and the upcoming Olympic Games. COMMENTARY: ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali poses 11 questions to one-state advocates. Amira Hass asks if the PA is afraid of a third intifada. Assaf David says remembering past wars can help bring Arabs and Israelis together. Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff say both the PA and Israel are alarmed at an emerging rapprochement between Hamas and Jordan. Israel Ziv says Middle East peace will come from strong economic relations. Rock star Roger Waters urges Presbyterians to become activists against Israel's occupation. Emily Hauser says Palestinian children killed in the conflict cannot be forgotten.
NEWS: UNESCO votes to add Bethlehem holy sites to world heritage list. The evacuation of the “unauthorized” settler outpost of "Ulpana” is completed without incident. Palestinian citizens of Israel express concern about new plans regarding mandatory National Service. Hamas airs videos of confessions of accused Israeli collaborators. Another 25 Palestinian prisoners are going on hunger strike in Israeli jails. Women in Palestinian society with disabilities face double discrimination. Palestinians say the upcoming meeting between Pres. Abbas and Deputy PM Mofaz is not a resumption of negotiations. Israeli police are reportedly told to specifically target any Palestinian citizens of Israel joining “social justice” protests. Israel reportedly suspends plans to relocate Bedouins to a site near a garbage dump. A Palestinian activist in the occupied West Bank says the US is supporting “an apartheid system that is suffocating us.” COMMENTARY: Tania Hary talks about supporting human rights in Gaza. Mira Sucharov says the only way for Israelis to forget about the occupation in the long run is to end it. Jay Bushinsky says that since Israel is effectively annexing the occupied Palestinian territories, ways should be found to integrate the Palestinian population better into Israeli society. Ami Kaufman says it would be foolish to combine Israeli social justice protests with the issue of the occupation. Jessica Montell says PM Netanyahu is playing a shell game with settlements in the occupied West Bank. Donald MacIntyre says Israel must see that mistreatment of Palestinian children in detention will come with a heavy international cost. Dan Ephron says moderate Israeli settlers are afraid to speak out against extremists among them. The Economist says frustration is bubbling up in the occupied West Bank and another intifada is indeed possible. Stuart Eizenstat evaluates the views of his former boss, Pres. Carter, on Israel and the occupation. David Shulman looks at the threatened Palestinian West Bank village of Susya, slated for demolition by Israeli occupation authorities.
NEWS: Hamas says one of its operatives has been assassinated in Damascus and blames Israel. Palestinians are intensifying their efforts to get UNESCO to recognize the Church of the Nativity in occupied Bethlehem as a World Heritage Site in Palestine. Israeli scientists are working on a pre-battlefield treatment for PTSD. Hamas urges Pres. Abbas not to meet with Deputy PM Mofaz next week as planned. Israel allocates $90 million for infrastructure repair in Arab towns inside Israel. Hamas says it intends to broadcast "confessions of collaborators” with Israel. Israeli officials claim they have convinced Russia not to sell missiles to Syria. Two Egyptian men are criminally convicted in a case regarding cheap gas supplies to Israel. An Israeli border patrol officer faces trial for shooting a 10-year-old Palestinian child. Palestinian leaders in Lebanon asked the military to ease its behavior towards certain refugee camps. COMMENTARY: Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel save the murder of a Hamas operative in Syria won't stop the flow of arms to Gaza. Eric Yoffie says the Israeli right cannot comprehend the settlements really are a major obstacle to peace. Giora Eiland says Israel should recognize Gaza as a de facto state. Alon Liel says misleadingly labeling settlement products “made in Israel” demonstrates Israel's self-deception. Diana Moukalled says Israeli television has just provided supporters of Pres. Assad with an undeserved gift. The Jordan Times says more Russian involvement in the Middle East peace process could be very helpful. Ruth Elgash says more Palestinian citizens of Israel are volunteering for National Service. Jonathan Schanzer says Palestinians may be gearing up for another major UN effort. Zafrir Rinat says Israel's policy of uprooting Palestinian olive trees is entirely political. Hamze Awawde says a new generation of young Palestinians is developing their own, independent political identity.
NEWS: Israeli and Palestinian leaders may meet early next week. Gazans increasingly turn to the ancient technique of cupping therapy. Israeli academics oppose upgrading the status of a settler college in the occupied Palestinian territories. Israel slams accusations by Iranian officials that “Jews are behind the global drug trade.” Israel's use of Caterpillar bulldozers in demolitions of Palestinian homes is a factor in getting the company dropped from a socially responsible investment index. Egypt says it will increase the flow of people through the Rafah border crossing. A new poll among Palestinians shows a drop in support for Pres. Abbas. A Hamas commander is convicted by Israel of killing 46 Israelis. FM Lieberman accuses a Palestinian MK of being “a terrorist.” Human rights groups say Israeli security forces threaten the families of detainees. Israel fears the UN might be about to establish a fact-finding mission on its settlement activities. British lawyers report that Israel is subjecting Palestinian children to “a spiral of injustice.” Anti-Israel billboards are taken down in Los Angeles. The National profiles two Palestinian officials key to law enforcement and, according to some, crushing dissent. Israel continues to prevent Palestinian students in Gaza from traveling to the West Bank to complete their education. Israeli officials say they're confident that Egypt will maintain the peace treaty. COMMENTARY: ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali poses a series of questions to one state advocates. Bradley Burston says no form of bigotry is “pro-Israel.” Zalman Shoval says Israel still doesn't have a peace partner in the Palestinian leadership. Ben Caspit says Israel will learn to live with the new Egyptian president.

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