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The New York Times says the confrontation over settlements reveals deeper US-Israel rifts, and calls the administration's attitude "refreshing." Tom Friedman says peace is considered a necessity by the US but a hobby by Israel. Arab leaders consider their options. The Christian Science Monitor says PM Netanyahu faces growing challenges on many fronts. Politico reports on deep divisions within the administration. Israeli settlers have taken over the front of a Palestinian home. A new poll shows Israelis concerned about their international reputation. At the urging of the PA, the Arab League reiterates commitment to the Arab Peace Initiative. Israeli officials are concerned the US may impose a settlement. David Landau says Israel is sliding towards McCarthyism and racism. Gideon Levy says Israel should thank Pres. Obama for acting like a true friend. Alon Pinkas says Obama is pro-Israel. PM Netanyahu denounces attacks against Pres. Obama by his allies in the Israeli media. Israeli posters call for the elimination of the Haram al-Sharif. The PA fires hundreds of Hamas-linked educators. The BBC says the US is considering not vetoing a UN resolution on Jerusalem.
PM Netanyahu finds himself caught between his coalition partners and the United States, but no agreement has been reached. In spite of the ongoing controversy, the US and Israel sign a major arms deal and Israelis say Gen. Petraeus affirms defense links. Julian Kossoff says Jewish American support for Obama in the confrontation is heartening. The LA Times profiles the Palestinian security forces. Christopher Hazou says Israel has glorified terrorists. The Boston Globe Supports Sec. Clinton's "tough love" for Israel. Occupation authorities are preparing to allow Palestinians to use a major West Bank highway. Yossi Verter says Netanyahu needs to shape up before relations with the US get worse, but Akiva Eldar says it's too late. Palestinians say the US has asked Israel to cede control of more West Bank areas to the PA. Arab foreign ministers pledge $500 million to support Palestinians in Jerusalem. Time asks if it is too late to share Jerusalem. Lara Friedman and Daniel Seidemann explain the top six bogus excuses for East Jerusalem settlement expansion.
Israel confirms building of 20 new settler housing units in occupied East Jerusalem could begin "at any time," as the White House continues to seek "clarification." Administration officials have reportedly asked Israel for a series of measures, outlined by Nathan Guttman, but there has yet to be any agreement. PM Netanyahu says progress has been made but he needs approval of his cabinet colleagues. The Arab League may discuss a withdrawal of the Arab Peace Initiative. PLO officials slam Israel's settlement actions. Reuters interviews PIF chief Mohammad Mustafa. Aluf Benn says Netanyahu leaves Washington disgraced, isolated and weaker. A Labor minister says Israel's governing coalition may have to change. A new survey shows Kadim growing in popularity. Seth Freedman says settlements come at a huge price to Israel. George Hishmeh says Pres. Obama has more leverage with Netanyahu because of his health care victory. The National says Netanyahu has miscalculated, and Michael Young says Israel is losing the battle of narratives.
PM Netanyahu concludes a tense visit to Washington with two lengthy and highly confidential meetings with Pres. Obama, but insists settlement building will go forward. The Washington Post says the confrontation has demonstrated the limits of American power. Britain expels an Israeli diplomat over the misuse of UK passports in the Dubai assassination. Robert Wright says the term "anti-Israel" is being abused. Gen. Petraeus has reportedly asked for the West Bank and Gaza to be included in CENTCOM's remit. The PA says there will be no negotiations if Israel is building settlements, and Israel threatens to delay talks for up to a year. Israel is investigating the killing of two Palestinian youths. An Israeli court rules that settlers may fire into the air to disperse unarmed Palestinians. All discussions in Israel's Jerusalem Regional Planning and Building Committee on settlement activity have been frozen. Hussein Ibish says Palestinians benefited from the US-Israel confrontation. Rami Khouri says more than rhetoric is needed from Washington. Mel Frykberg questions the morality of the Israeli military.
The AIPAC convention dominates coverage: PM Netanyahu takes a hard line on Jerusalem settlements, but so does Sec. Clinton and the LA Times says she's right; US and Israeli officials seek to lower tensions; David Horovitz says Israel is blundering towards disaster in its relations with the US. Britain expels an Israeli diplomat over the Dubai assassination. A new anticorruption website is a headache for the PA. Access to clean water, sewage is a growing problem in Gaza. Palestinians say a leader of nonviolent protests has been tortured in an Israeli prison. The PA cabinet vows no return to violence. A settler leader hopes to triple the Israeli population of the occupied territories. American officials will convey Israeli responses to Palestinian negotiators this week. Akiva Eldar says a strong Obama is good for Israel. A new study says most settlers are attracted for economic reasons. Hassan Barari says it's time for Arab action. Ezzedine Choukri Fishere says Europe should make Israel pay an "occupation tax."

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