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The US Administration and the Quartet welcome Israel's decision to ease the blockade of Gaza and Palestinian President Abbas calls for a full lifting of the siege. Prime Minister Netanyahu defends the decision domestically, as ships are set to leave from Lebanon and Iran. Ze'ev Segal examines the mandate of the committee appointed by the Israeli government to investigate the flotilla raid. President Obama is set to meet PM Netanyahu in Washington on July 6 amid reported plans to demolish Palestinian homes and build new settlement units in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Post examines tensions between Hamas and Fatah while Ma’an News Agency report on an upcoming meeting between Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran in Damascus. Khairallah Khairallah examines how the Arabs' illusive search for the ideal hero leaves them vulnerable to external manipulation.
ATFP President Ziad Asali analyzes the Palestine Investment Conference. The CSM asks what drives PM Netanyahu and says Israel's easing of the Gaza blockade shows that progress is possible. Palestinians are divided on the blockade easing. Ha'aretz says it is a victory for the activists, but that the decision was not announced in Hebrew. Experts say it's not a lasting solution. The National calls it a ploy. Peace Now says settlers are still building in spite of the moratorium. Special Envoy Mitchell holds talks with Pres. Abbas, and urges restraint in a meeting with DM Barak. Ha'aretz profiles Israel's inner cabinet. The Palestinian cause finds strong support in Ireland. The World Zionist Congress votes in favor of a two-state solution and a settlement freeze. Rami Khouri says Pres. Obama is facing a test of his credibility. Dominique Moisi says Israeli political reform is essential.
Hussein Ibish says Palestinians are quietly building their state. Israel plans to ease the land blockade of Gaza. Hamas calls it a "trick" and the PLO "insufficient." In July, Presbyterians will vote on a report that condemns Israeli policies in the occupied territories. The UN says last year Israel removed 20% of West Bank checkpoints. US lawmakers harshly criticize Turkey, seek terrorism status for flotilla group. Pres. Abbas says the US and Palestinian positions on peace are virtually identical. Fatah says completely lifting the siege is linked to national reconciliation. Israel prevented a prominent Palestinian journalist from accompanying Abbas on his recent US trip. Ari Shavit says PM Netanyahu and DM Barak need to take urgent steps. Turkey may downgrade relations with Israel. Syrian Pres. Assad says a war is now likely. Larry Derfner says Israel should help PA statebuilding. Official Canadian support for Israel is growing. Arab states are urged to meet aid commitments to the Palestinians. Osman Mirghani says Jews should help Israel develop sounder policies. Michael Jansen calls Israel's flotilla commission a sham.
The UN will distribute aid from the Gaza flotilla. The family of a Palestinian driver killed by Israeli police demands an investigation. Israeli troops kill an alleged drug smuggler on the Gaza border. Amnesty International says Israel's investigation into the flotilla attack is flawed. Hamas and the UN compete for the attention of Gaza children. The new Iranian flotilla is about to set sail for Gaza. Israeli authorities are preparing to charge soldiers in the killings of two Palestinian women during the Gaza war. Egypt reiterates its concern that Israel is trying to “dump Gaza” onto it. Avirama Golan says Israel's airports are a hub of “ethnocentric panic.” A planning committee ratifies controversial new settlement construction in Ramat Shlomo in occupied East Jerusalem. The Palestinian Economy Minister urges settlement businesses to relocate Israel. The Guardian interviews Palestinian filmmaker Elia Sulieman. The JTA says serious disagreements are looming in the US-Israel relationship. Shlomo Avineri says Palestinians may unilaterally declare independence.
Egypt finds itself in a difficult position following Israel's attack on the Gaza flotilla. There is widespread international and Israeli skepticism about Israel's commission of inquiry, and UNSG Ban says an international commission is still required. PM Fayyad condemns an attack on an Israeli police officer. Palestinians release a study on export opportunities in Europe. Israel's security chief says lifting the blockade is risky but a minister says changes are being examined. A Palestinian is killed in a tunnel collapse. Hamas blocks a nonviolent demonstration against Israel's Gaza buffer zone. Israeli minister Dan Meridor says Israel should not build in areas that will become a Palestinian state. Yoel Marcus says the flotilla attack means the blockade is over. Ireland expels an Israeli diplomat over the Dubai assassination. Gadi Taub says Fayyad may be the Palestinian Ben Gurion. UC Irvine suspends its Muslim Student Union for disrupting a speech by Israeli Amb. Michael Oren. Palestinian MK Hanin Zoaby, who was on the flotilla, has reportedly become “the most hated person in Israel”

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